Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 686: Reservations, please call

Amp didn't receive the result he wanted, and Alyssa looked at him silently, with stubbornness and defense in her eyes.

After looking at each other for a moment, Alyssa shook her head and said in a very firm tone, "This is not a child of anyone else, this is my child, mine, understand?"

An Pu laughed at the corner of his mouth, "I have no other meaning, just to ask casually. Last time we met at the Tener Local Police Station, I remember when you said you didn't see the robber who attacked the bank. What does it look like? "

Alyssa found that memory in her mind, and Du Lin obtained some content of the bank's security system by interacting with her, thereby successfully using some methods that would not have been known to outsiders at the time, breaking the bank almost perfectly. There was no shortage of vaults, and the gold that had just been delivered was worth 30 million. Originally she could testify to the robbers and even say what they looked like, but she flinched when she discovered that Doolin was one of them.

She decided to lie for two reasons. The first reason was that she provided Du Lin with a lot of key information. No matter whether this information was deliberately disclosed by her or was trapped under some special circumstances, she could not change one. In fact, she provided important information for the robbers. Once she has testified against Dulin, Dulin will definitely tell what she has done, and she may face prison in time.

The imperialist Central Bank ’s domineering Alyssa is very clear. They do n’t care if the suspects have actually done things that are detrimental to the interest of the Imperial Bank. As long as they are suspects, then in the eyes of the senior officials of the Imperial Bank, they must Is a criminal. Only by letting these criminals get their due end can more people be warned against the idea of ​​the imperial central bank.

The second reason was because she had another idea at the time, maybe Du Lin had a hard time, and he might have been coerced to participate in such a case. When girls treat the first person who takes away their most precious things, they often have a tolerance and tolerance that a man can never understand. She felt that after experiencing these things, Du Lin would come back to find herself, and then strive for forgiveness, but in fact Du Lin had never thought of her after she disappeared.

If it hadn't happened in Ilien, she might never have seen Du Lin again in this life ... It's not right, she will see Du Lin in the newspaper in the future.

Driven by these two reasons, Alyssa sent a testimony worthless to the progress of the case. She denied seeing Doolin and denied seeing Doolin when the robbery occurred.

Alyssa's heart tightened, she pursed her lips and pressed one hand subconsciously against the raised belly. This small movement narrowed Amp's eyes slightly, he already knew the answer. At that time, Alyssa saw Doolin, who was one of the robbers in the Golden Robbery.

Generally speaking, when a person's lies are revealed, two situations will occur. Thicker skinny will be awkward, but thick skinned liars will try to resolve these awkwardness and give new lies in an attempt to cover up the fact that they are lying. . Another situation is that the liar feels nervous and insecure. Alyssa is a female. When Amp directly pierced her lies, her first action was to put her hand on her stomach. This was not because she felt that her stomach was too big and felt elastic, but she After being found out for her own mistake, she was afraid that Anpu would hurt her child.

She is protecting her child, because she made a mistake and was pierced!

Alyssa didn't know what was wrong with her movements. She pretended to laugh calmly and said, "Mr. Anpu, your imagination is very rich. I didn't see anyone at the time. I was uncomfortable and left early. , Did not pay attention to the question of who is a robber and who is not a robber. "This testimony is the same as what she did at Tener, because the indifference and tyranny in Doolin's eyes scared the little girl. Then she ran back home in tears and sadness, which happened to be the key point in her testimony to prove that she knew nothing.

No one knew if she really saw the robber's face. After all, the robbery happened after Alyssa left, so no one continued to follow this line at that time, and there was another reason, Alyssa's His father was an official in the state government of Theodore.

But now, Amp thinks he has discovered the fact, he suddenly yelled, "You lied, you are hiding the fact that Du Lin is a robber!" The sudden roar made Alyssa choke, she His eyes became a little timid, a little shy, and he dared not look directly at An Pu.

Amp stood up, he took a few steps back and forth, staring fiercely at Alyssa, "You lied, Alyssa, do you know who the robber is, Doolin, right? No matter What considerations do not provide such important clues is now an opportunity for you to recover your crime. As long as you can give testimony in favor of Doolin crime, I can make a guarantee. "

"I guarantee that neither you nor your child will be implicated in this incident. At the same time, after Dulin has been imprisoned, all his property obtained through regular channels will be owned by you and your child."

"But if you still hold on to a fluke mentality and firmly deny the fact that Doolin has committed a crime, when I get enough evidence from other places to plead guilty, Alyssa, you may spend a long time in prison .According to empire law, the case involves more than one million dollars, which is enough for the offender to stay in prison for 20 to 50 years. If you do not want your child to lose your father and mother as soon as you are born, you will become a classmate mocking criminal Child, you better be able to give testimony that will help advance the case! "

"I'm not kidding you, Alyssa, the opportunity is here. If you can't grasp it, maybe you will regret it forever!"

An Pu closed his mouth, looked at Alyssa, who was silent and lowered her head, and turned towards the door. "I will send someone a piece of food. I hope you think about it before we meet next time. , Then make a decision. The mistake between you adults, do n’t let a clean and naive child take it, it ’s not fair to him! ”

Having said that, he pushed out the door and instructed the guards outside to look into Alyssa and not let her be surprised.

At the same time, the phone rang in the Villa Du Lin, Dove entered the living room and made a phone gesture, Du Lin smiled and pleaded guilty to the guests present, quickly stood up and walked to the study. He answered the phone in the study. The call came from Ilian. He asked Dove to close the door of the study before lifting the phone.

"I'm Doolin."

"Hello, Operator No. 2 is at your service. Would you like to order now?"

At this time, Du Lin remembered the call from Line 2 himself to him some time ago, and the person who had been pursuing him invited Mr. Tux to return to the empire, and went into the inside story of his early operation of the jewelry store in Irian again. Du Lin is also very clear that this person's idea is the same as that of An Pu, and he wants to find his loophole from Tener's golden robbery. Now Mr. Tux and Line 2 have returned to the empire, which is indeed It's time to close the net.

After a little thought, he said, "I will personally discuss with Ms. Sophia. You will contact her later to confirm the menu for the evening, and let her provide the chefs to be used tonight. I also have some customers here, preferably Can bring the dishes to me. If the guests can't go to the banquet, just dump the things and turn off the lights. "

"Okay sir, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin called Ms. Sophia's private residence again. It's five o'clock now. Sophia doesn't like to be lively, she will definitely be at home. The call was quickly answered. Du Lin guessed right. Ms. Sophia was eating at home. The lady received a call from Du Lin and was very happy.

"Is there anything I need to do? You haven't called me for a long time. It seems that this old lady doesn't like young people like you. This is how you are and how my daughter is, which is really sad. "Ms. Sophia's tone is very relaxed, this is just joking.

Du Lin smiled and dealt with two sentences before talking about the business. "I need you to help me do one thing. Find ten good cooks from your side or meeting. Someone will contact you later. There will be people offering menus to use in the evening. "

Sofia eagerly asked, "Need more people? I can draw no less than 50 veterans anytime, anywhere."

Du Lin talked for a moment, everyone in Sofia's development of Montel's power surprised everyone ~ ~ If it wasn't for Du Lin asking her to leave a part of the market for others, don't let others live It's blocked, I'm afraid all the bars in Monterey are selling Du Lin's private wine. Sofia was originally just a very ordinary woman. After her husband died, she was able to support her children alone, and she also used the extra money to help the poor Guartes. If she had anything to do with her, she could do her best to help others. Word of mouth Good is like a virgin.

But with the help of Durin, she transformed into a queen under the night of Montere. There were more than 300 gang members and enemies who died directly or indirectly in her hands. Even many Montere's celebrities Kind to her, this is a **** queen.

"You don't need that many people, it's just a normal dinner, if there is some attention ..."

"Rest assured, I will deal with it and guarantee that nothing will go wrong!"

"I'm really relieved when you say that ... everyone gets together in the middle of the year. You can arrange the time in the west."

After saying something irrelevant, Du Lin hung up the phone. He wrapped his mouth around, stood up and changed his expression, and continued to cultivate feelings with the "celebrities".

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