Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 687: Bad food

? After dinner, it is not suitable to talk about business immediately. Some regular business activities often arrange a break of about one to two hours after a meal to allow each other to fully relax and rest.

The scientific method to explain this behavior is because people have just eaten a meal, and a large amount of blood in the body is concentrated in the stomach and intestines, which promotes digestion and absorption, so blood flow elsewhere will decrease, so that the brain cell oxygen content Declining, thinking sometimes gets into trouble. Only after the end of the initial digestion period did the blood flow return to normal, a large amount of oxygen-rich blood rolled over the brain again, and the brain cells with increased oxygen content were liberated, thinking faster and responding faster.

As for the less scientific statement, people eat a lot of food, which kills their lives, and young wraiths will entangle around the diners, causing them trouble. Only after praying or waiting for these little grudges to disappear naturally, will they not be affected by these unclean things.

But for whatever reason, people need to take a break after eating.

An Pu, who was sitting in the living room, was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. If he got closer, he could hear his snore. During this time he was very tired, and any fragmented time was a good opportunity for him to rest. Taking advantage of Mr. Tux's free time in the bedroom, he also leaned on the sofa for a while. With the clock pointing at nine o'clock, dangdangdang's bells began to echo in the room.

An Pu raised his arm a little bit and wiped the drooling saliva on his mouth. He drooled while sleeping, just like a child. Rubbing his eyes, an irritable expression flashed on his face, he raised his wrist and glanced at the watch, stood on the armrest, and staggered to the bathroom. A brief combing and the stimulation of cold water made him look a lot better when he came out. Mr. Tux had packed himself and sat on the side of the sofa. The two nodded and said hello.

After they returned from the restaurant, Mr. Tuckers called the accountant. The accountant said that he was quickly rescued. It has now been more than 40 minutes. Should it have appeared?

Accounting is a very important person. According to the current requirements of the Empire ’s accounting industry, any company that meets the tax standards must employ relevant personnel who have an accounting qualification certificate and have been registered with the Empire ’s Taxation Office as the company ’s accountant. At the same time, the books made during the employment period are also kept by the accountant. When necessary, the tax bureau can directly find the accountant to perform the reconciliation check and skip the enterprise.

In other words, the accountant must have the account book when the jewelry store was first started. At the time, Du Lin had no more funds than the money on hand, which could support a large jewelry store. . He must have used the stolen gold. As long as the accountant did not make false accounts, he could find that there would be some small problems in the jewelry store's early investment, such as lack of funds to purchase.

Miners in the west are a group of people who never see cash and never ship, especially precious metals. There are too many scammers these days, and any credibility is deceiving before putting the money in their pockets. And this will definitely be reflected in the ledger. Even if Du Lin finds a suitable excuse, he cannot change the fact that there is a certain gap between his dividend and the amount he purchases. As long as this can be locked, and then go to find the gold provider to reconcile again, Du Lin's doubts are locked.

When Alyssa and others confess to Doolin, Doolin will be locked.

Just as Amp was preparing to ask Mr. Tuckers if the accountant was delayed on the road, a group of chefs in the Dinger Hotel not far from them obediently obeyed their bosses to make ten tables and hundreds of plain-dressed The Guartes came into the banquet hall. They continued to thank the president of this place for his generosity, and for his ability to not forget them in the west, and to invite them to eat a hearty meal.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the other side. Ms. Sophia did not show up because she was already in the hotel on the other side.

When the elevator door was opened, the two agents froze, and a very graceful and luxurious lady appeared in the elevator. She was wearing a black evening dress and slightly raised her chin, giving a very noble feeling. Behind her were six other young men in formal attire. The straightforward clothes and good materials indicated that they were the ladies' entourage.

Seeing that the lady who must be very distinguished stepped out of the elevator door, an agent immediately smiled and blocked the lady's position. "I'm very sorry, dear lady, this floor has been wrapped up. It is now a private space. If you have any needs, I can help you forward to the front desk. "The landline phone is in the hallway behind him, and he can contact the front desk anytime, anywhere.

The distinguished lady smiled. The moment the agent lowered his head, two pistols extended from behind the lady, pointing at the two agents. The two were a little overwhelmed by the sudden change. The distinguished lady continued to walk forward, pressing her hand gently on the agent's shoulder, and smiling at him sideways, "Child, come to the wrong place. It's not me, it's you guys! "Said, her hand was pushed slightly, the agent was pushed aside, maybe he took the initiative to let go.

The two agents were disarmed and tied up, and they were clothed to prevent them from shouting, and an attendant flattened the trash can between the elevator doors. When the closed elevator door caught the trash can, it separated again.

The hotel has a total of ten elevators. Four public elevators can only reach the tenth floor. Guests staying on the eleventh to sixteenth floors need to transfer to a separate elevator on the tenth floor to reach their own floor. With this trash can running across the elevator doors, no matter what happened here, no one would come up and interfere with everything that happened here.

According to the content of his communication with Line 2, Sofia came to the third floor of Suite 14 on the 14th floor. A little older behind him, it seemed that a young man in his thirties knocked on the door and asked Ms. Sofia to take the initiative. Standing in place is like a lady.

"She must be here. I'll open the door for her." There was a man's voice in the room, and after a few footsteps, the door opened. The person who opened the door looked at Ms. Sophia, and Ms. Sophia smiled. Laughed and went straight in.

The moment Amp stood up, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. An accountant cannot have this temperament? Even if there is, why should you be an accountant? When he just reached out his hand, a gun appeared behind the lady. The muzzle pointed at Anpu. Anpu kept his hand stretched in suspicion. The expression on his face gradually changed.

"Who are you? We don't know you." While he looked at these people, he glanced at Tux, who was standing at the door with a gun. "This behavior is very rude to you, you I got the wrong guy."

Sophia went to the other side of the coffee table with a smile and smiled, and she shook her head slightly. At this moment, she gave An Pu a dazzling feeling, as if a very noble lady was sitting opposite her.

"I didn't find the wrong person, Mr. Lapuin." Sophia's voice was a little hoarse, but it did not make people feel very grainy, but because this husky gave people a mellow and charming feeling, "My name is Sofia. You must be curious why I am here. Actually I was cooking for my family at night, but I got a call and he called to see you by name, so I had to take off my apron temporarily. , Come here to help him fulfill his wish. "

"Ah, yes, his name is Du Lin, you can call him Mr. Du Lin!"

As soon as he heard the name Du Lin, An Pu had a headache. Du Lin actually wanted to see him. The ghost knew how he was exposed, maybe ... not exposed? Otherwise, Du Lin will certainly not come to invite himself like this, he may give this woman an order to kill himself directly. So he looked at Tux, "Friend, you have been followed, and they have followed the wrong person."

Tux didn't speak, and looked very silent. Anpu turned his gaze back ~ ~ looking straight at Sofia, "Ms. Sofia, what if I don't cooperate?"

Sophia laughed softly, and the laughter was very good, just like gently scratching her apex with a feather. When she was young, she must have been a fan of people!

"If you don't cooperate, Mr. Du Lin can only show up at your funeral with great regret, maybe even the funeral can't catch up! But it doesn't matter, we will find your family, they may have something to want Tell Mr. Du Lin, for example, who you are, what you want to do, and who you work for. "The person brought by Sofia made a cup of coffee for her. She turned around and said thank you, and then held the coffee a few times. He took a sip, "I've seen many young people like you, who always feel regret when their unbearable ending comes. Are you the same?"

An Pu's face became a little worse, he extruded a smile, "I have not sinned Mr. Doolin. I don't know where you guys got the news. I just came here to meet my friends. This Did you offend Madam you and Mr. Du Lin? "

Sofia laughed again. She smiled, shook her head, and looked at Mr. Tux by the door. "Look, our young friend is unwilling to admit anything, don't you want to say anything?"

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