Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 688:

Mr. Tux, who was hit by a gun, drew away the pistol that hit his chin directly in Ampu's surprised eyes. He sorted his clothes and walked calmly to the sofa he had just made. Sit back and Ms. Sophia's entourage made a cup of coffee for him. He took a sip and looked at Anpu with a smile.

An Pu's expression was startled first. He did not expect that Mr. Tux had so much courage to push away the muzzle of an executioner against his chin. Then his expression became suspicious. He looked at Mr Tux naturally. He calmly walked to the sofa, and no one guarded him even as he walked behind Sofia. In the end, Ann showed a thoughtful look, until Sofia's entourage offered Mr. Tux a cup of coffee.

An Pu's expression on his face had become a little hesitant at this time, but he calmed down quickly. He sighed heavily, "You must not be Mr. Tux himself?"

Mr. Tuckers pursed his lips, took a handkerchief and stained the water stains on the corners of his mouth. He showed a very regretful, but somewhat mocking look. Hide and seek, I am indeed not Mr. Tux, I am a back-hand arranged by Mr. Du Lin, and people often call me Operator No. 2. I have confessed my own identity, then Mr. Lapuan, should you also confess What is your identity? "

"We are good friends. Although I'm not sure what your real name is, Lapuan is definitely fake."

Mr. Tux ... No, to be precise, Operator No. 2 is a line buried by Du Lin, a backhand. He moved from Tener to Illian and opened a jewellery shop in partnership with Mr. Tux, who secretly melted the gold bricks he had seized from the Imperial Bank and sold them to all locals. People and outsiders, through this method and channel, he successfully avoided some of the suggestions that Anpu then gave to the Imperial Bank. There were no BRICs in the underground money laundering channels and the sales of stolen channels, and Du was avoided. One of the biggest dangers when Lin got up.

This method of selling stolen goods is very special, making money a little slower, but safer and more profitable. This method does not need to face up to 50% of the stolen goods handling fee in the underground stolen goods channel, nor does it need to consider that someone will run into the jewelry store to check whether these gold products belong to the stolen goods. 30 million Gold can also sell for a high price of nearly 45 million, and Du Lin applauded his brain.

But after running for a while, he discovered a big problem, and that was Mr. Tux. According to the original agreement between Mr. Turin and Mr. Tux, Mr. Tux had little equity and did not have the right to interfere in operations. However, when everyone has a little money, about one million yuan, Mr. Tux thinks that the jewelry shop should be made into a brand, not only to expand the scope of business, but also to set up a craftsman's studio independently for the official Noble service.

In terms of normal business behavior, Mr. Tux, a goldsmith, is very business-minded and uses the brand effect to promote luxury classified brands, but this is contrary to Du Lin's original intention. The batch of gold in his hand was originally out of sight. Once the size of the jewelry store became larger and the number of branches increased, those colleagues would come to trouble and easily undermine his temporarily low-key plan. Then the two quarreled. Mr. Tux might have found something, and he was dumbfounded by the use of Doolin gold, and he was required to pay him a large sum of money to open his own business and restore his family's glory.

So Mr. Tux went to the sea to fish.

At this time Du Lin also realized that he might have left a flaw. Mr. Tux could see that there was a problem with his gold route, so others could naturally see it. So he quickly recruited four non-existent shareholders in his own name and Mr. Tux to confuse his sights. He also sent an accountant to accompany Mr Tux to fish, and then from the Guarts A qualified accountant was found and all the books were modified.

In order to prevent someone from catching the loophole in the future, Du Lin found a person who looks like Mr. Tuckers and gave him a brand new identity and arranged for him to live in the Federation. There is no comparison. The goal is a more effective means for oneself! At that time, Du Lin gave him a goal of ten years. If no one came to catch the loophole within ten years, then Mr. Tux could return. I did not expect that someone actually chased the loophole, and it was two people. It's the real windfall.

In fact, the second time someone chased this line, that is, when Anpu, who claimed to be Lapuan, was tracing this line, Du Lin had sold the Ilian jewelry shop to a foreigner, and all the books were being checked. After the tax has been approved for destruction, it has completely disappeared.

At this point, An Pu finally came to his senses, he first hesitated for a while, and then laughed aloud, "I know, this dumb durin always has a surprise. How did he think of doing this?", No Mr. Tux who needed a fake answer, and Ms. Sophia didn't need to answer. Anpu showed a naughty smile like a child. "He gave me a surprise, but I also have a surprise to give him, can call me To Mr. Durin? "

Mr. Tuckers nodded. "Of course, but not here!", Saying to Sophia, "Mr. Lapuin seems to have invited Miss Alyssa here too. Please take care of the next thing. You, try not to let her know what happened ... "

Soon, Mr. Tux took Anp and a few gunmen to a car and drove to a warehouse located on the outskirts of Montere. There was a public telephone booth outside the warehouse. Mr. Tux advanced to call Du Lin Phone.

Soon after receiving the call, Du Lin changed his clothes and walked out of the villa. He rode a bicycle for about a mile, found a phone booth, and dialed the phone back.

"It's me!" At the moment the phone was connected, Du Lin said something, but he didn't say his name.

On the other end of the phone, An Pu laughed again. He was too familiar with this voice. He not only heard Du Lin up close, but also heard it on the phone, and listened to Du Lin's call. He was familiar with this voice. Can no longer be familiar. But after the laughter, he sighed and said the same sentence, "It's me!"

The two ends of the phone fell into dead silence in an instant. About two minutes later, Du Lin asked, "I just heard my brother say that you are going to give me a surprise. Honestly, this is not a surprise at all, it is just a fright. But I Congratulations, Mr. Amp, congratulations on being able to return to the world from hell. How about? Is the stale air extraordinarily sweet? And you seem to have the strength to continue to trouble me. I can ask, this is why?"

Napu was very interested in chatting. He immediately answered, "Of course, you haven't died. How can I be willing to suffer alone in hell, so I'm back. As for why I should chase you? Because the answer is simple, you Make justice dust, you make justice unbalanced, Doolin, you are the biggest tumor of the empire, if it can't let you fall, the ghost knows what you can do! "

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Du Lin pursed his lips, "I'm very satisfied, but Mr. Anpu, I need to remind you that you lost another game without my knowledge. Is this what you call a way to find fairness and justice?"

He didn't care about Du Lin's ridicule. He changed his posture and leaned in the phone booth, looking rosy and excited. "Do you remember the last time I said to you? Justice will definitely come, it's just a matter of time. If I can't do it, I believe someone can do it. "

"This sentence is so sad that it reminds me of when I went to your grave to offer you flowers." Du Lin took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette. After a brief silence, he spoke again. "Mr. Anpu, I I highly admire your personal ability. You are the second member I invited except Kevin, who has no Guarte descent, but can really enter my core position. The last time you rejected me, I am now again Invite you, I need your ability to work for me, can you? "

Doolin is really optimistic about Anpu, Anpu and Kevin are two people, and they specialize in different fields. Kevin is the kind of person who gives him a word and tells him that you are innocent and he can win a lawsuit for you. Even if he uses dirty means, it will never be a psychological burden on him. It can be said that Kevin is a man who is brazen and black-skinned. Kevin is invincible in the legal field, but outside the law, he may not be able to play.

Anpu is not the same. He is very focused on details, has keen observation and high patience. He can start to find something different from some subtle points. His analytical ability is strong, although his execution ability is a bit poor. But it is undeniable that this is definitely a good hand to make plans to check for gaps. With him, some plans of Dulin can be more perfect. The most important thing is that Amp is not partial. He can be competent in any job, not necessarily only in legal and police work.

For about three minutes, no one spoke. Du Lin smoked a faint smoke and was waiting for An Pu's answer. As long as Anpu can agree, he can make Anpu trust himself and work with a somewhat stubborn and very **** guy like Anpu. As long as he helps him find the direction of truth, he can exert 100% of his motivation. Du Lin believes that he can become a life mentor on Amp's new path in life, and he is also an expert in this regard.

Three minutes later, An Pu's voice calmed down, "I am very grateful that you still appreciate me today, but I need to tell you one thing, Mr. Du Lin."

"I'm the police, you're a thief, we are always on both sides of the coin, and this is our ending."

Du Lin wiped out his cigarette **** and dropped it on the ground. He smiled, whether or not An Pu could see, "It's a shame, Mr. An Pu, I'm very sorry. I respect your choice, this is your right. Honestly I am very Happy because we said something more because we are what we were before. "

"It's getting late, Mr. Amp, if I have the chance, I hope we can sit down and have a good chat, say hello to my friends, tell them to wait, and I'll see them soon."


Anpu glanced at the hung phone, shook his head, returned the handset to the landline, and looked out of the phone booth.

Mr. Tux turned his back on him, and the five gunmen had pulled out their pistols, and time seemed to be very slow at this moment. Anpu took out a cigarette, took out a lighter, and Mars, the flint rolling, ignited the kerosene rope core, and the flames twisted like a charming girl and danced beside his palm. He lifted his head slightly, which caused the creases on his forehead to be layered on top of each other. He saw the muzzle continuously spraying steam, and bullets whistled slowly towards him.

He didn't have any desire to stop and avoid. He took a deep breath, and the smoke circulated in the lungs. The kind of smell that bored him and attracted him narrowed his eyes. The first bullet penetrated Polly, a large area of ​​cracks appeared in the glass of the telephone booth, and he played soot. The soot rolling down a foot or so from the chest was concentrated by a bullet, which turned into a dust. He took another deep breath, and the bullet hit his chest fiercely, letting his chest sink in, forcing him to spit out the smoke he had just sucked in.

At this moment, the power is like the water in a broken bucket, which drains quickly, the cigarette butts slowly swirling down in the air, and the sound of the surrounding guns forms a sloppy movement, just like his character.

When the gunfire stopped, he had fallen into the phone booth, and life was about to leave him. He was spitting blood in his mouth, but his eyes were on the cigarette beside him. He touched the cigarette lightly with his fingers and tried to pick it up, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it. There is no more energy in my body ~ ~ It becomes difficult to breathe, maybe ... no, this time is really dead.

A shadow blocked the light, and he saw a pair of familiar leather boots, which were Mr. Tux's boots.

"Tucks" has come over, he bent down and picked up the cigarettes on the ground, put them into An Pu's mouth, An Pu squeezed out a smile, his mouth moved, although there was no sound, "Tuk "Mister knows, he is saying thank you.

Looking at An Pu's eyes slowly and uncontrollably closed, Mr. Tux shook his head. He hated and even hated Anpu, because Anpu wanted to investigate the Messiah, but he sympathized and even appreciated Anpu, a person with his own pursuit and a very persistent.

At last, glanced at An Pu, who had stopped breathing, Mr. Tux got into the car and disappeared into the night.

May there be no dispute in your kingdom!


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