Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 689: Du Lin says

Federer's press conference played a key role, especially when a real victim Amon appeared at the conference. Amon recounted that his experience left the entire world in a state of anger, which is already AD. In the ninth century, the entire world has almost entered a civilized society. Such a shameful thing can actually occur, which has really shaken all sectors of society. Even the shares of the industrial sector on Xie Lisi Street have suffered the first major decline in three years. The Imperial Industrial Index fell more than 7%.

Many people refer to the current industrial sector as "blood flowers". It is the blood of these slaves that has poured brightly-built bright flowers. Under these fascinating achievements, they have almost filled the bodies of slaves from all over the world. .

Listed companies in the industrial sector keep coming out to declare their innocence, but all sectors of society have begun to pay attention to this matter. Innocent or innocent is not important. What is the important public opinion!

However, one person was also sought after, and that was Du Lin.

As the first unbearable slave in the modern civilization, Mr. Durin was the first miner in the west to give slaves free of charge. His behavior and his noble morality were like the last tarpaulin of the empire, like the whole society. The last point is decent. In this barbaric society, at least one person warms everyone like the Holy Light. This is a miracle and something that people need.

So Mr. Du Lin once again became the darling of public opinion. Many people wanted to interview Mr. Du Lin and ask him how he felt when he saw these slaves living in despair and what kind of psychological struggle he made. Such a great move, even the church ran out to issue a "Holy Light Knight Knight Medal" to Dulin in recognition of Dulin's outstanding contribution on the road to saving humanity.

"Everyone is equal, I have said this more than once!", Du Lin talked face to face with the camera, and Nasha was sitting on his left side. This time the news is too big, so as a visualization The chairman of the media, the chairman of Empire Star Media, Nasha and the film crew came to the west to interview Du Lin as the main content of the next issue of Empire Star tape. After all, people are paying attention to this one, no matter whether those customers really know what is going on inside, they all want to see Du Lin appear on the screen and listen to him say something, so as not to let them gradually in the mainstream society. Outdated.

Nasha saw her more confidently than Durin last time, no matter if she was a woman or a man, in fact it was all an "emotional" creature.

No matter how good a man is, as long as he lacks self-confidence, he will give others a sense of decadence, as if **** on the side of the road seems to waste time. People are always talking about the inner beauty and the beautiful soul, but in this fast-paced modern society, everyone is overwhelmed by the heavy burden. Who has time to pay attention to whether a person's inner is really so nice. They often judge a person by appearance, then take this evaluation as the most reasonable, and respect it to those around them.

All internal beauty is reduced to non-mainstream in such a face-seeking society. This may also be an instinct of being an animal. The simple and intuitive appearance is always more important than the inner one. When females choose mating objects, Never consider whether the ugly male is inherently beautiful, they only need a male who looks mighty and can ride.

The company's ever-increasing sales volume and its share in all classes of society made Nasha feel alive. The young girl was a few years older than Dulin, and she looked like a successful celebrity in a neutral dress. She is more dazzling than ever, and her confident smile is always the perfect makeup. She pouts at Du Lin, smiles and nods from time to time, as if every sentence that Du Lin said is correct.

This is of course. The words that Du Lin said must be correct, including Du Lin himself.

He raised his wrist and made a small sliding motion with his fingers, facing the camera without any stage fright. "From my childhood, my father told me to respect life. This is not a etiquette, but a kind of Survival attitude. When we respect others, we are respecting ourselves. Nothing in this world can be more precious than life, and no one has the right to trample on the dignity and life of others. I don't want to see those suffering people continue to be Desperate in despair, so I broke the rules that have always existed in the west, and I stood up. "

"I'm not afraid of any challenges and treatments different from others, because I have been asking myself and torturing my conscience ...", Du Lin straightened up, sitting with his left hand on his chest, he looked straight The camera has a sacred and serious expression, "If I do this, will I not be able to eat or sleep? Will I be tortured in the years to come?"

He raised his arm and shook his index finger, "No, I think I did it right, because I saved some people who shouldn't be treated this way. If I don't, I will feel my heart torment. God often tells me We should n’t hurt others for selfish purposes, we must learn to be tolerant and kind. I think I did it, and I did not violate my conscience, and doing these things would make me feel happy. I think this is the revelation given by God. , Tell me I'm not wrong! "

The photographer is a believer in the church, so is his assistant. At this moment, he looked up at the assistant around him and asked in a low voice, "Did God say this? Chapters and verses, why don't I remember Did God say that? "

His assistant pondered for a while, then opened the miniature version of the holy book that he carried with him. After searching for a long time and found no similar words, he stuttered, "It may be that we usually do not read carefully enough, wait for the recording to end Then we can ask the pastor. "In fact, even if they go, it is useless, because the pastor has not read these words from any of the holy documents. This is what Du Lin said.

Nasha took a breath, and she has been watching Du Lin. She really learned a lot from Du Lin. Many things are things she can't learn in books or even in daily life, such as Say shameless.

This is not that Nasha is cursing Du Lin in his heart. For any successful person, shame is a necessary condition for them. In addition to shame, Du Lin also has an exaggerated infection. When shame and infection are at the same time, When it is reflected in a person, what he said, even if you feel very exaggerated, you will start to wonder unconsciously, maybe what he said is true?

"Mr. Du Lin, now the whole society is paying attention to these tragic incidents in the west. What do you think we should do next in order to restore the situation that has damaged us in some respects and degraded our empire?" Nasha glanced at the Taiben in her hand. These questions were formulated before the recording. Originally, Dulin needed to cooperate in this Taiben, but Dulin told Nasha that as long as she did not ask too sharp and extreme questions, Yes, he can handle the rest.

This may be another talent of Du Lin, he has a mouth that can speak.

Du Lin pursed his lips and tilted his head seriously after listening to Nasha's question. Then he slightly raised his hands and pinched the sword collar of the dress to pull out. "Miss Nasha's question is very good, even if you don't ask I, I will also say. Now there are three things we need to solve first. The first is to investigate how many mining areas illegally implement slavery in the entire west, and how many slaves still live in the dark mines. "We need to know how many people are hovering between life and death. This is what we should do, and it is our responsibility. We cannot avoid it because it is a scandal."

"The second thing is to immediately prepare for medical protection. Many slaves are suffering from serious illnesses and are still mining hard. Their bodies may collapse anytime and anywhere. Secondly, I suggest that the cabinet has sent another investigation team as soon as possible. I settled in the west and began to coordinate the investigation of these slaves and mine owners. I think that some mine owners may start to slaughter their slaves in order to avoid some legal issues. What we have to do is to rescue the slaves, not to force them to push them. Carry out an inhumane massacre. Any mine or capitalist who does this, I suggest sending them to the execution desk! "

"Third thing, we need to face up to everything that has happened. For those who have experienced many tortures, give them status equivalent to the citizens of the empire, and give them the possibility and guarantee of survival in the empire ~ ~ they We have contributed to the empire for many years without knowing it. We have no power and no reason to send them back to their country when the great efforts of the empire's economic construction have taken off. "

"Give them legal status, give them the right to live in the Empire, and treat them with a fair and just attitude. This is the first problem we have to solve ..."

Emperor Capital, Magus moved his wrist a little, and someone immediately pressed the pause button. The young face in the TV screen showed an imposing momentum and a sense of oppression. Magus looked away from Du Lin. His "face" was retracted, and he stepped on his foot lightly, and the chair rotated 180 degrees. He looked at the gentlemen at the table and smiled, "Mr. Du Lin showed us well The things that need to be done at this stage are listed, and now many countries have submitted very formal diplomatic notes to discuss solutions to this matter. "

"Mr. Durin's statement gave me a revelation. I remember that the person from the Information Office submitted a report on immigration last time, didn't it?"


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