Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Another neuropathy

Sitting in the right hand of Magus, the fourth minister in his fifties nodded. He was the minister of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The newly established information office was originally out of his scope. Later, Magus felt that the citizen information The matter should belong to the Ministry of Social Affairs, so this department was moved from under the Ministry of Justice to under the Ministry of Social Affairs. This department has done almost nothing for more than a year. The three employees in the department are living a leisurely life all day, and they do not even have specific work.

The only director of the Information Department has been working on things. It is said that she and the people at the Ministry of Justice are close to each other and continue to submit some reports. The last time she submitted a "Report on the Legal Equal Rights of Migrants." Magus heard about it, but didn't read the report. At present, the largest number of non-national citizens in the empire are from the Federation, and the fact that legislation specifically for the federals has made Magus, including all Ogdin, have an inexplicable opposition.

But looking at this now may also be an opportunity. A strong country can never be separated from excellent talents, which can be seen from the **** next door. When the Confederacy was called the Business League in the past, it began to attract talented people from all over the world. Magus remembered that when he was young, he had mocked them as a cultureless treacherous businessman for a policy of the Business League.

The Chamber of Commerce issued a new policy to the world about 50 years ago, as long as someone can prove that they are smarter in their field than all the people in the Chamber of Commerce, or have the capabilities that the Chamber of Commerce does not have, and have more advanced Knowledge and technology, in short, as long as they are better than the people in the business alliance, they can get 5,000 to 100,000 silver coins, and give high social status and power. The Chamber of Commerce is also willing to provide them with an environment suitable for their continued research, and provide all materials for free.

Many people thought that it was “naive” to do this because the talents did not necessarily leave their country and environment because of money. In the eyes of many big men, noble patriotism is also part of the moral code. Not everyone who is capable has patriotism, but most people do.

But such a seemingly stupid policy made the Merchants Union quickly become a federation, and then, after thirty years while the Empire was still sleeping on the glory of the past, slapped the Empire with a slap. Blind, almost killed.

From the war two decades ago to today, Magus is increasingly aware of the importance of talents. All walks of life need talents to enable the empire's technology to continue to improve and make the country stronger. The federals used to do that, and now they have time to use it.

To be honest, Magus has political wisdom and a long-term vision, but his time is limited. His God gave him wisdom beyond ordinary people, but did not give him more time every day. Others are twenty-four hours a day, and he is also twenty-four hours a day. There will not be thirty-six hours or seventy-two hours. He doesn't have the time and energy to handle everything well, and can only choose the most important things to solve.

If it was not for the slave slaughter, he might not have thought of immigration in three to five years, and it would be impossible for him to extend another consideration—improving the welfare of imperial scientists and attracting more Many talents came to the empire and contributed their strength to the empire's might.

His sudden silence did not seem to notice that the Minister of Social Affairs had answered his question, his fingers kept on the table, duoduo's voice sounded rhythmically, everyone knows that Prime Minister Magus has now fallen into Deep thinking.

After about ten minutes, he looked up to the Minister of Social Affairs, "Let the lady in the Information Office come to my office after 5.30 pm today, and I need her to explain to me about immigration in person. Talking about things, "he said, taking a deep breath to lift his chest up and pointing one hand behind him." Mr. Du Lin said that things are very intuitive. Your office will come up with a valid charter when I go to work tomorrow. I want to see it before nine. "

"Now, let's skip this one and discuss how to deal with the requirements of these diplomatic notes in my hand ..."

Soon the investigation team from the cabinet moved to the west. One of their first questions was where the four members of the Western Mining Association have gone.

These four people are very important. They are involved in almost all the crimes in the west. Grabbing them is equivalent to seizing the most important factor of the turmoil in the west, but the problem is that they are gone. This made many people relieved, from some farms operating small businesses to the governor sitting in the governor's office. They were even praying that these four people would never appear in people's sight. It would be better if ... all returned to the embrace of God.

Hope is always beautiful, and reality is always cruel. The day after the investigation team settled in the west, a lawyer came first.

"What did you do to come first? Don't know if we are busy?" The regional police station was busy recently and was about to explode. The Security Council and the Western Military Region handed over some investigation work to the local police station. Especially the Verlier Local Police Station. The members of the Security Council believe that the four executive members may not have left the west. They may be hiding in Verrier before they leave, and they can run out only after the situation has eased slightly.

This is mainly because the traffic in the west is very simple. When the press conference between Federer and Amon was not over, the people from the Security Council and the Western Military Region blocked all external channels in the city of Verrier and dispatched them. The patrol cars were strictly guarded in places where they could leave the city, and no trace of the executive members was found at all. So both sides think that these four people must be hiding somewhere by virtue of their long-term interest in operating locally.

The Security Council is unfamiliar with the west, and the people in the military region are unfamiliar with Verrier. In the end, these things fell on the local local police and investigation bureaus. They have arranged manpower to carry out investigations throughout the city. It's been a week, but nothing useful has been obtained. This made some people angry, but also relieved some people.

Those who are relieved for a while will definitely not do anything, but those who get angry will set the fire on others' heads, such as regional police stations, such as local investigation bureaus. So there were fewer than ten police officers on duty throughout the police station, and the others were urged by the director to search for the trace of the executive committee members.

There was a fire in everyone's heart. At this time, there was a person who looked like a dog and carried a briefcase. It definitely made people think that this guy was in trouble, and the receptionist's tone would not be good.

The lawyer smiled and took off his hat, glasses, gloves, and put it on the counter with the briefcase. He didn't look nervous at all. "I know where the executive committee is ..."

Soon the members of the Security Council, the military district, including the director of the police station and the director of the investigation station, appeared in the interrogation room of the Verrier Regional Police Department, which made the interrogation room a bit crowded. Various uniforms and casual clothes made this group People look like a hodgepodge, but there is only one person across from them.

"You said you know where the Executive Committee is?" The members of the Security Council first asked, in fact, their work was almost over, and they had found the person who had created the attack-Roel. Their mission has been completed. However, in order to compete for more credit, they did not leave, the reason is to cooperate with other departments and agencies to conduct investigations and arrests. At this time, one more hot pot is definitely better than one less hot pot, although there will be more people when distributing credit.

The lawyer nodded. "Before I tell you, I have a request."

"You say!", The new investigative team leader spoke directly, closing Colonel Mann, who was about to speak.

The lawyer smiled and took out two documents from his briefcase and put them on the table. One was in front of himself, and the other was pushed to the other side of the table. He explained with the documents, "I want to be a tainted witness because I want to surrender and I have a certain crime in the report ... don't Excited, I did n’t kill anyone, I just helped some people make some phone calls and relay some words. I need you to give me a special pardon order, but also to ensure that my life is not threatened. "

"If you agree, then I will tell you what you want to know. If you do not agree, here is a psychiatric diagnosis conclusion of my suffering from severe delusional disorder, and a report on the treatment of the three psychiatric hospitals in the Imperial Capital ...", lawyer Laughing back against the back of the chair ~ ~ Gentlemen, it's time to choose! "

Colonel Mann waited for a moment to see that no one spoke. He immediately went to the other side of the table, patted the table heavily, and raised his eyebrows. "As a citizen of the Empire, you must cooperate with our investigation. Talk, if you don't want to say it if you know the inside story, maybe you will soon regret it! "

The lawyer looked up and glanced at Colonel Mann. He asked slowly, "Oh? How would I regret it?"

His attitude, his tone, the unpleasant smile on his face, and the inexplicable setbacks that Colonel Mann suffered during this time, were constantly stimulating Colonel Mann's nerves. He immediately pulled out the pistol in the holster, rushed to the lawyer's head, and his expression became choked. "What do you say?"

The lawyer was still in a hurry. He shrugged. "Come, kill me, kill me in the presence of these gentlemen, fast, I can't wait!", Saying he licked Just a lip.


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