Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 693: Drizzle

"Refugees!", Mr. Otto nodded his head with a feeling of admiration, "This word is very accurate. It seems that Mr. Du Lin has studied these things in the West for some time." He felt that from the beginning to the present, Du Lin has promoted the development of the whole thing in an invisible place. His layout of the west has surpassed Otto's imagination. Perhaps everything that happened during this time was part of Du Lin's plan.

He used these things to solve the stubborn old forces in the west, such as the Western Mining Association. At the same time, he also gave the farmer a fatal blow. If he followed the normal process, the cabinet may already be drafting the whole country. Job title. By this time, the only forces that could hold hands throughout the west were the ... capitalists. However, these capitalists who should have stood up when Mennon suffered did not stand up. Does it mean that they have fallen to Du Lin's side?

It is very likely that in the cooperative relationship between Mennon and these capitalists, they could not watch Mennon fall down. Mennon represents their interests in the west and is a very important person. They will encounter a lot of troubles when they are allowed to fall. They come from the working class, from the western miners, including from within them.

But now, they haven't spoken out, as if there had been pre-consultation and collective silence.

Looking at Mr. Otto of Durin again, he recalled that Magus said to him when he was leaving, and told him that he must carefully observe Durin, and analyze the dismantlement without letting Durin feel dangerous. Explaining all his layouts, this young man is the only person that Magus thinks has made him feel dangerous for thirty years. It is not the kind of danger that comes from politics alone, but the danger from all sides.

It's easy to deal with someone who doesn't know what they are pursuing and how they pursue it, and who is full of confusion and indecisive about their life plan. Dress yourself as a messenger of love and peace, stand at the fork and point him in the wrong direction, and tell him that he must be able to reach his destination in the wrong direction. Such a person would be very grateful for the wrong prompt and then headed in the wrong direction. Even if he started to realize that this road might be wrong, he would not hesitate to deny his point of view, because his indecision would make him There is an idea of ​​"going a few more steps", and you get it wrong.

There are many such people, especially in politics. This place is full of the world's best scammers and fraudsters, and after the film emperor film, they can wonderfully transform themselves into the roles they want and the others want them. Roles, such as "superiors who are full of love and recognition for themselves", "colleagues who are full of cooperation and never give up", "subordinates who have the courage to pioneer and be responsible", or stupid, naive, and reckless ... … Anyway, what they want to become will make people see it.

欺骗 A deceptive group of people naturally formed a big scam, eliminating all unqualified competitors, which is also one of the rules of the game.

But Du Lin is an exception. He knows what he wants and where he wants to go. He rarely puts his hope on the weak man such as fate to cover up his weakness. He is one of the few who can see clearly , Even those who dare to punch.

被 After being fired from the accident in Otis, Du Lin never went to the Imperial City to run a relationship, or tried to try to remedy the failed situation. He directly discarded a good hand that he could clearly win, and stood up from the gambling table without hesitation or regret, walked to the next gambling table and sat down. He knew very well that he couldn't win such a game outside the gambling, so he gave up decisively and changed his position to start again.

This kind of person will not get lost in their lifetime, and in this life they will only do one thing. As long as they do it successfully, the whole world will pay attention to it.

Magus has increased the level of danger to Doolin, and has become dark red. Of course, Doolin is not very clear. It's not that he doesn't want to be clear or that he can't understand. It's just that he doesn't want to confuse his current mood and state with something that must be faced in the future.

The eyes of the two of them were very calm, just like two idle friends in a leisurely afternoon waking up from two adjacent deck chairs in the park at the same time. Their eyesight did not have any emotional fluctuations and did not want to reveal Any valuable information.

After a few seconds, Du Lin's eyes matched the smile on his face to give a strong and confident, but implicit signal, "Mr. Otto, you praise. In fact, I have not done any research, it is purely one This impulse. Of course I have to thank me for my good luck, at least it reminds me of this seemingly good note. For the Empire, I will always be loyal! With such a firm light, even Mr. Otto believed in Du Lin's words for a moment.

His eyes dropped a bit and fell on the tip of Du Lin's nose. This will not make Du Lin feel the strength and attack in his heart, and he can maintain his manner and politeness. At the same time, he does not want to see Du Lin. Those deceptive eyes, "I will talk about this plan with the Magus leader later. Now there is another problem. You should know that the four executive members of the Western Mining Association have fled to the Federation, so ... "As he talked, he paid attention to Du Lin's expression. Du Lin frowned, and he continued," So many problems cannot be solved now, but there is another person who can barely take most of the responsibilities. "

Otto closed his mouth in a timely manner, and Du Lin followed up and said, "You want to say Mr. Mennon, don't you?"

Otto has a doubt in his mind. If Du Lin is promoting these things, he will eventually insert his sharp sword into Mennon's heart, so he needs to explore the tone again, "Yes, it is Mennon Mr. From the problems accounted by Mr. Federer and Mr. Amon, and some issues that some mine owners have taken the initiative to respond to, we can already confirm that Mr. Mennon has secretly colluded with the West Mining Association and the capitalists in the west. They formed It's a chain of interest that is alienated but very close. "

"Now one of them has absconded, and the other has not yet shown destructiveness, so only Mr. Mennon can bear all the responsibilities of the western turmoil. I don't think Mr. Mennon is suitable for the leader of the Kadima Party. Continue to lead the public opinion in the west, he should go where he should go, such as the prison, what do you say? "

Du Lin did not hesitate to say something that Otto had not thought about, "I have a different opinion, Mr. Otto. Now the major problems in the west have been basically resolved, but there are still some details that are waiting to be resolved. No one may have Mr. Mennon's more familiarity and understanding of the West. Not only should we not let Mr. Mennon get caught in criminal charges, but we should try our best to acquit Mr. Mennon. If you or the cabinet are at the door After Mr. Nong solved most of the details, he still felt that Mr. Mennon should let the law fall. At that time, it may not be necessary to initiate a retrial. "

Otto felt a period of bitterness, and he took a breath of cigarettes. Du Lin always showed a high attitude for the empire and for the citizens. At the same time, he felt a kind of indescribable attitude. Durin is even more treacherous and cunning than he imagined. He doesn't give him any words at all, and his role is really like an excellent young man with unlimited loyalty to the empire. But the more this happened, the more it meant that Du Lin had a problem, but he couldn't find where to rip his camouflage dead.

"Well, I will seriously consider your opinion.", Otto extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, and while he stood up, Du Lin also knew that what he had said was finished, and he could go. The two walked to the door together. After Otto shook hands with Dulin, he put his hand on his arm intimately. "Mr. Dulin, I heard that you have many investment projects in the west, don't you?"

In fact, Otto said that the project that he and the capitalists had agreed to ~ ~ included the eleven mines that he had purchased by contract fraud, but Du Lin did not answer him so smoothly.

Du Lin also showed a serious but happy expression. "It is true. Many people know me. I have no outstanding background. I am a child of a farmer. I lived and occupied in my youth. For most of my time and memory, it was a happy memory, so I invested a lot of capital to develop agriculture and animal husbandry in the west. By the way, the first batch of vegetables on my farm will be next month. Picked, if you haven't left yet, I'll send you some to try. "

He said he laughed, "I believe some worthless vegetables should not be up to the standard of duty crimes?"

Otto nodded with a smile. "I'm also looking forward to what these special vegetables taste like."

"Well, thank you very much for your help. You are a very interesting person. If you have the opportunity, I think we should sit down and have a good talk." Otto patted Durin's arm and told him Go out together.

Du Lin also showed a look of honor and honor at any time, slightly owed, "Then I leave, goodbye!"


As soon as Du Lin came out of the headquarters, he tore his neckline, and the person who came to meet him drove three cars. After he got in the car, he commanded immediately, "Arrange someone over there to check, what is this guy Otto? Identity. "

In the chat just now, Du Lin faintly felt that Otto's perspective and reaction to the problem were somewhat unusual. And his tone is stronger than Harry. Harry is the next leader of "King Ding". This Otto has something.

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