Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 694: Be admitted to hospital

As soon as Mr. Otto left the office, his assistant went to his side and muttered a few words next to his ear. Mr. Otto's face suddenly changed slightly, and then returned to normal. His secretary just told him yesterday morning that a severely burned body was found on the outskirts of Montere, and that the first case was found five kilometers away from the site of the corpse. According to some clues they extracted from the corpse and the involvement of the MI, the owner of the corpse is likely to be the latest promotion of the MI to Anpu.

After Amp was shot and burned to death, all the people he took to Monter disappeared, and the mission records they carried were not found. The field investigation experts of the Military Intelligence Department did not get enough things. Why? There is no clue that he will be victimized in Montere. But the Military Intelligence Agency can be sure of one thing, that is, An Pu is secretly investigating Du Lin.

As for why Anpu was investigating Du Lin, it was too long to say. In short, An Pu was shot dead while investigating Du Lin. All the participants except him were unable to see anyone dead or dead. Only An Pu After the body was burned, it was discovered that this was an attitude from the respondent, a silent declaration of war.

The Military Intelligence Department ... In fact, the Knights of the Rose has explained to Magus and others and obtained consent. From now on, the Military Intelligence Department and the Security Council will cooperate to form a new investigation team to comprehensively monitor and investigate. 2. Obtain evidence of crimes related to Du Lin. The reason why this news can let Otto know is that Otter's identity is actually very special.

He walked to the corridor and watched three luxury cars running out of the window, thinking about a lot of things, until he disappeared at the end of the street and turned over, he didn't look back.

"This matter has nothing to do with us. I took Mennon to the interrogation room first. I don't like the air here. I can go back sooner." Otto said, turning to his office, his assistant began to work. stand up.

When Mennon was taken into the interrogation room, his face was as if he had sold the dying stallion as a healthy horse and sold it to the first leader. At night, when he was lying between two skilled women and kissing the gold coins in his hand, his expression was the same. of. The last moment was full of endless joy, and the next second **** came. Now and at a different time, the first leading student put the barrel into his mouth so that he couldn't speak. Now these people gave him the right to speak but he didn't want to speak.

The ghost knew what had happened. Originally, the farmer had agreed to plead guilty with the cooperation of a lawyer. Federer's testimony was not much against him, so he could easily plead guilty and then fight back when needed. Gaining the sympathy of public opinion can also give these people some trouble. They just signed the bail documents and paid a 50,000 yuan bail to get out of the command post. Fifteen minutes after leaving the command post, the group appeared when he was eating in a restaurant across the road. .

They pressed his head against the freshly cooked steak. The hot steak made an intimate contact with his cheek. Until now, his left half of his face was still in pain. He looks very embarrassed. The hair in front of his forehead is mixed with the sauce, and it has begun to become dry and sticky. Some sauces include some spices and smeared on his neckline. He is now like a guy just in a garbage dump. Tramps who have eaten!

He doesn't want to speak!

Mr. Otto soon came in. He paused at the door. He looked at the horrified keeper in a weird manner, put the pen and paper on his seat, and walked to the keeper. He took out a handkerchief, wiped the sauce and minced beef on Mennon's face, rubbed it, and asked, "There was a lawyer who came first, and he said something you might not imagine, so we think It is necessary to invite you back. "

感觉 After Mr. Otto's simple wiping of the farmer, it feels more comfortable. Except for the half of his face that he suspects has been burned, he can talk anyway.

"I don't know what I did that required you to treat me like this, and as a public figure, an official of the government, I will definitely offend some people in my daily work. If everyone was held by my sinner, Probably there is no so-called evidence to tell me. Is it better for me to directly blame and resign? "Mennon was actually very nervous, but he didn't show his face. He knew that if he could not keep calm at this time, Then he will be miserable next.

For the suspects who have been targeted, their means are cruel!

Otto leaned back on the back of the chair with a smile, "You may not know yet, the former attorney is your personal lawyer."

At this moment, Mennon's scalp began to feel numb, just like an electric shock. His expression was tight and expressionless, and he seemed to be a little scornful, "You don't need to scare me with such words, you can just say your purpose."

The assistant on the side began to explain the content of the lawyer's surrender, which made the farmer feel shocked and a little puzzled. In addition to the things that did not hurt or itch, his lawyer actually explained that it could cause him It only hurt him to instruct the lawyer to find a way to make the four executive members disappear. From the current point of view, the lawyer has done a good job. He actually sent these people out of the empire, but the question is whether this guy is crazy. Why did he suddenly surrender himself after doing well?

"This is a frame, and brought him in. I want to ask him why he framed me." Menon was still resisting. "Where is he? Let him come?"

"You mean your lawyer?" Otto shook his head. "He can't come for a while because he has a mental illness. Now he has been sent to a lunatic asylum in another city for care. Can you see him in a short time? Come to him. I advise you to say what you have done whether he is there or not, at least to protect your decentness, Mr. Mennon. "

"Of course I have another way here to prove that this is all an obituary falsely produced by the mentally ill lawyer, but requires your small cooperation. If our first cooperation can satisfy me, your lawyer will There is no possibility of healing in his life, he will live in that madhouse for a lifetime until he dies. "

但是 "But if you are unwilling to cooperate, then I must regret to tell you that he may soon be cured, after all, the treatment level of Anika's Asylum is very high in the empire."

Omeno's lawyer was sent to the asylum by Otto. In Otto's words, that was to satisfy the lawyer's requirements. First, the lunatic asylum has enough guards and is even equipped with firearms. The treatments at Anika's Asylum are among the best in the entire empire and even the entire world. The "fear therapy" they admire can have a strong effect on aggressive mental patients. Even if a man-eating demon lived in Anika's lunatic asylum, when he came out, he would become a kitten with teeth and paws pulled out. Those doctors would let the devil know what fear is.

Since it is necessary to deal with these aggressive patients, there will naturally be fully armed guards. The entire lunatic asylum is equipped with a team of 36 highly armed elite guards, and more than 200 "doctors" with rich combat experience. It would be impossible for anyone to go deep into Anlika's assassination to kill a patient wearing a restraint and being fixed on an ever-turning bed.

Secondly, as the lawyer said, he has a diagnosis report of mental illness. In order to protect him while relieving his condition, Otto indicated very humanely that he should be sent to Annika. See, working with Otto is so cozy, he has thought of things that others haven't even thought of, and he has arranged them very well.

At this time, the farmer was unable to guess whether the lawyer who was fixed on the bed that had been turned horizontally at 360 degrees and was sick was really sick. He began to consider Otto's words. Obviously, the other party asked him to cooperate, or cooperate to get something out. Only Otto and his assistants were in the entire interrogation room. UU Reading even shut down the rest recording equipment.

He swallowed a spit, and in the room he could still hear the grunt of his spit. He asked a little awkwardly, "What do I need to do to prove that I am innocent?"

Otto was very satisfied with Mennon's interest. He nodded to the table with a pen, unplugged the lid, and exposed the pen tip. "Tell me, where is the top of Scarlet Dawn now, their characteristics, and the name and surname they use now. How did you get in touch before? "

Almost subconsciously, the farmer was going to say the name Du Lin, but he calmed down quickly, it was easy to say Du Lin's name, and it was easy for him to die. His life is precious to him, and only once. But the leading student is said to have several children, and he may not be very distressed when he dies. Du Lin is the most responsible attitude to himself only when he and the leader are killed together.

If any one of them ran away, it would become a nightmare for the rest of his life, but without saying so, he easily decided to sell those betrayers who ran counter to his own.

"Shapk, you already know his name. He should still live in the west now, the specific address is ..."

One person in the room has been saying and one person has been writing. This scene lasted about twenty minutes before stopping.

"Why don't you have the name of your leader?" Otto was a little unhappy. Those people included himself. The one he wanted to catch was the leader of Scarlet Dawn, but Mennon didn't explain.

Ye Mennong smiled awkwardly, "Because I don't know where that **** is now!" ...

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