Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 719: ceremony

Du Lin thanked Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma at this moment, because they gave birth to him very tall. The height of 1.81 meters is enough for him to kiss most people's foreheads. He doesn't want to stand on a stool to welcome all the guests.

Buddy took the little Buddy into the hall of the manor, and immediately walked towards Du Lin. After the two hugged, Buddy kissed Du Lin's index finger, which was a symbol of power. Du Lin also politely kissed Budi's forehead, which is a wonderful blessing from parents to members. What was unexpected was that Bourdi did not resist as before this time. He also proactively kissed Dulin's forefinger and nicknamed the Messiah. After Dulin returned, he patted Bourdi's arm and looked at the old Budi. Praise it.

"I heard people call you Paddy Buddy recently, which is good. We not only need to let others know that we are not afraid of any challenge, dare to fight back against anyone, but also let them understand that we have the same values ​​as them And morality. In addition to letting them know that they are scared, it is also good to let them see the grace we have given. "At first, Buddy suffered a lifelong disability because of an arm injury. The doctor said that it was normal, but regardless What about his arm's inability to do some very detailed movements.

It may be because of this resentment that Buddy killed the Quartet after he returned. All the enemies who were unwilling to surrender them were destroyed. This also made some people react indirectly to Dulin. Buddy's killing was a little bit heavier. Later, Du Lin called Budi and said something, and things got better. According to Du Lin, whether it is good or bad, there must be a certain sense of social responsibility. We must integrate into the society and not let the society isolate itself.

Participating in charitable activities, donating for charity, and paying for improving the living environment of the poor will not damage their reputation, but will bring them closer to the mainstream of the society. Money is not the most important wealth. Rich people can live, and people without money can live, but how to live and be respected is a science. After the influence of Du Lin, Budi began to give up the hatred in his heart, reached a cease-fire agreement with those lingering gangs, and actively participated in charitable activities after allocating market share.

He kept in mind Du Lin's request to be kind to the poor, whether they were Guarts or not, to be kind to them. You can give the Guarts ten dollars, but you can also give the poor people of other races one dollar. Although there is a gap, the respect of the harvest will not be diminished by the gap.

Under this change, people began to throw the name of the executioner Budi into the sea, and replaced it with a more affectionate name-Daddy Budi.

People's mentality often changes, some are good, some are bad, but obviously the changes born in Budi are good.

He laughed and was a bit embarrassed. If it wasn't for Du Lin's phone call, he might never realize the life like now. Someone walking on the street would nod his greetings and even rushed over to say hello. And thank him for his help.

Revenge is the happiest thing in life, and so is good.

Fear can't last long. Many people may not be aware of this problem. Many Guarts are still in the excitement of finally freeing from the sea of ​​suffering. A small part wants to put the pain they have suffered on others, through revenge or The other way. But this is actually a wrong behavior. People who hate and fear can't be exchanged for positive things. They can only isolate themselves, and only integrate into this society while maintaining a certain delicacy, is the best choice.

Then Du Lin looked at Little Buddy. This young man who saw him a little bit unconvinced last time is now completely convinced. In fact, Du Lin was able to understand the change of mind of Little Buddy. His respected father had to bow his head to this young man who was a year or two older than him. As the little Boudy who had always regarded his father as his own pride, it was tantamount to the collapse of the worldview, and indirectly transformed this collapse into a kind of Not convinced, want to prove through the challenge that his father was actually wrong.

But unfortunately, he couldn't prove this. Instead, he gradually realized the gap between Du Lin and himself. This can't be described by words. In addition to being convinced, only the attitude is left.

"Help your father well, be a person who is useful to us, and a person who is valuable to all Guarts, and I will give you a chance to prove your worth!", To young people, Du Lin always speaks very well, Although he is also young.

Little Buddy nodded gratefully. With Du Lin's words, this means that if he is not too stupid, at least one of the branch presidents or agents can't run away, and the worst can take over his father's class. .

There are always some things in the human society that are inevitable. How can there be so many truly fair and just? Even the law, which claims to be fair and just, is not written by a group of people with authority? So some unimportant commitments will not bring about substantial changes, but will make the father and son more serious in their work.

No, this is not work, it is the great cause of national rejuvenation!

In addition to meeting with you and connecting with each other, the purpose of holding this party is to perform a ceremony. During the crazy expansion of the fellowship, Du Lin couldn't possibly meet with every branch president, and there was a deep exchange between each branch president and him. He hadn't seen more than twenty branch presidents and more than forty agents, but he did arrange them. Use the opportunity of the party this time to do everything you need to do.

Many people think that ritual is a stupid thing. Can rituals make these people happier?

Yes, no.

The sense of ritual is still necessary for the fellowship, because at the beginning of the establishment of the fellowship, all personnel changes are based on the ritual. For those who join the family later, the ritual is what they are at the current stage. The most important "procedure" that is missing. With this procedure and without this procedure, there will definitely be different results, at least a huge leap in recognition. In fact, this is also a kind of sorrow, not suffering from unease, but unevenness. It may take a long paragraph or even thousands of words to explain clearly in this world.

Everyone else has experienced this ritual, but some people have n’t. This will make the people below them feel an idea that ca n’t be articulated. The people above me are afraid that they may not sit properly, or why everyone else has participated in the ritual, just him Never participated?

So this is also a necessary thing.

Except for a few individuals who could not come because of certain things and called Du Lin, others appeared in this manor. I don't know if Henry, the mentally retarded child, now regrets it. His manor has become a place for townspeople gatherings. Presumably, Henry, including his father and his smart brother, will be monitored by some empire departments in the next period.

Regardless of Henry, everyone sat in the largest restaurant when the last agent arrived at the manor. There are many restaurants in the manor. There are small restaurants specially prepared for two or three people. The decoration shows the warm side of the family. There are also large restaurants for hundreds of people. They are solemn and solemn, and there are some special atmospheres.

Du Lin was standing in the middle of the dining table, and he was holding a white long towel in his hand. A delicate handle was common on the long towel, and there were many precious stones on the hilt, but this was definitely not just an ornament. Du Lin looked calmly at everyone sitting in the hall. He said in a deep voice, "Thousands of years ago, the ancestor led many warriors to conquer the whole world, but the descendants of the queen of the millennium can only live in the slums and exchange food with dignity, because We were betrayed by a handful of people, we lost our home, and we are here! "

"But this is definitely not the end of the story, but the beginning of a new story! Facing such a bumpy encounter with my brothers and sisters, I upheld the will of the kings and gods, and vowed to lead all Guarts back to life. Stand up, look for the dignity that we lost, look for the power that will stand us up in this heaven! "

"I will not allow anyone to hurt us, hurt our brothers and sisters, nor allow anyone to treat us as unwanted garbage. For this purpose, we may have to fight at the cost of life, but I will never regret it. This is the responsibility that the ancestors and the gods placed on my shoulders, and it is the life I have fought for! "

"Today, we are gathered here, sitting in a luxurious manor, tasting delicious food, but who knows what we have paid for this ?!"

"The battle will never end, whether today, tomorrow, or the future!"

"I, Dulin, will fight for the benefit of the Guarts ~ ~!"

The atmosphere in the room was very depressing for a time, just like the eve of the storm. Everyone remembered the not-so-distant past, the weight of life they could not bear, and the food that they needed to give up their dignity and kneel on the ground to pray for. And the power to survive. However, everything was different on that day, because the appearance of a young man changed the world!

He was very young, as young as the King once was, and he said just like he did. He changed everyone's lives and changed the situation of the Guartes. Those who respect him and love him call him the Messiah, and regard him as the messenger of the princes and gods. His name is Durin, and he is standing here and in front of everyone. Everyone is grateful for everything he does, and is willing to respect him, love him, and be loyal to him!

Du Lin took a deep breath and smiled on his face. "I am very grateful to everyone for their help. The strength of a person is small. The prince also needs the help of heroes, and you are my heroes!"

"Without your help, I wouldn't be able to do what I do today. I can't make the majority of the Guart people's lives better. You are my family and indivisible brothers and sisters!"

"Today, I am also very honored to announce that our family has more new members to join, and will certainly create even more remarkable achievements in the near future."

Du Lin picked up the sword that Dufo was holding and put it in his palm, and gently pulled it. The short sword was drawn from his palm, and the scarlet blood dripped slowly on the ground.

In front of him, Alfonso's body cut open his palms with a trembling, holding him tightly together, and kissing his index finger, his forehead.

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