Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 720: Transformation [on]

The durins were discussing the things to do in the next year at Henry's estate. Outside the estate, the agents of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and the agents of the Verrier Police Investigation Bureau sat and talked together. day. So far they have not been able to buy any Guartes who can participate in such high-level meetings. Those people's minds are made of stones. Regardless of the official promise of their benefits, they are unwilling to cooperate.

You know that they even issued a "special amnesty order" that promises to pardon all crimes, and a "criminal permit" that cannot be made public. As long as it can help the Anti-Crime Investigation Bureau find Du Lin's criminal evidence and arrest Du Lin's arrest and put him in prison, then the person who has made outstanding contributions will be allowed to "legitimately" conduct a certain city in a certain city. Crimes that cause harm to citizens. For example, smuggling, opening a casino or operating some illegal entertainment projects.

Even so, no one wants to stand up.

The Department of Analysis believes that this may be related to Du Lin's fear of high pressure. More than one person was peeled alive during the process of Du Lin's founding. They also tried to find relevant ritual punishments through the limited Guarter literature. Among them, peeling is the most terrifying punishment. In the cultural and historical context of the Guarts, any person or organization that has betrayed the interests of the Guarts has the right to skin and expose these people for three days.

Such a cruel lynching runs through the history of the Guartes. Except for a guy without a name, who is known as a "faceless person", has been skinned and survived for three days, thousands of people have been sentenced to skinning. People are never alive again.

In the Anti-Organization Crime Investigation Bureau, as well as the Security Council and the Military Intelligence Department, the deception of religious beliefs supplemented by fear and interests is the way Du Lin maintains this organization.

"Now these people are getting more and more cunning ...", this time a small leader in charge of wanted photos on the scene drank coffee while chatting, "We found that these people's criminal methods are becoming more hidden and the most troublesome. It is their criminal behavior that is rapidly decreasing, which will be one of our biggest obstacles to cracking the Doolin Criminal Group. "

Hometown associations and agents' fighting has been reduced a lot, after all, this criminal group has passed the initial stage of starting. In the beginning, they had to grab more market shares and sales from other offenders through violence. No one would let their own interests be harmed by others, and there would be no second kind except for fighting. Solution. This has led to a large number of big names in the underground world appearing frequently.

For example, "Black Widow" Ms. Sophia, "Executioner" Mr. Budi, "Blood Butcher" Mr. Adams ..., there are dozens of such branch presidents or agents who have their own famous names. However, as the business of the Association of Hometowns and Agents stabilized, Du Lin started advocating "peaceful trade" and began to transform internally. The number of crimes of the Association of Hometowns and agents began to drop sharply. We haven't engaged in any crime for more than a year.

These people even took the initiative to participate in charity evenings, and often donated large sums of charitable funds to win extremely positive comments in the society. In addition, Du Lin always maintained a positive image in public opinion. Many fellow villagers began to participate in social charity activities, such as helping poor families and providing free medical insurance for poor families, which has received support from many poor people.

The most important thing is that Du Lin's smuggling channels have also begun to quietly transform. Now it is not only that Du Lin's private wine is circulating quickly in these channels, but also other wineries' wines are flowing in Du Lin's channels. In addition to this, Du Lin's vegetables are also transferred to the Empire through this channel. It is said that recently, a retail giant intends to discuss the cooperation intention with Du Lin. This retail giant sees Du Lin's cheap shipping costs (sea transportation) and perfect network coverage. I hope to cooperate with Du Lin to build its own shopping mall to Everywhere Doolin's smuggling network can reach.

Once the transformation is completed and there is no strong evidence to dismiss Du Lin, it is likely that this criminal organization will become a business group. They are distributed throughout the empire, engaged in legitimate trade and work. The difficulty of catching them will increase exponentially!

This is also the reason why the superiors have been annoyed almost recently. Doolin is too cunning, too treacherous, and it is not something that is too trampled. Is it not good to be a criminal organization leader?

The agents of the Anti-Crime Investigation Bureau have a deep understanding of this, but the agents of the Verrier Security Investigation Bureau have a little doubt, "Why not take advantage of some evidence in your hand before convicting them All the people arrested. I don't believe that the arrest of a large number of middle-level backbones will do any harm to Du Lin. "His thinking is correct. Any organization that really maintains is the middle-level backbone.

For an organization, an influence, or even an enterprise, changes in the high-level will not cause any crisis to the enterprise. Changes in equity are common, and no company is bankrupt because of a board with one shareholder or one shareholder. Already. The organizational power is also the same. It is normal for a more authoritative group to change at the top level. It is often normalized. It is only a sentence for the leader to add a high-level person. The following will naturally take the initiative to adapt.

This is true at the top and so is the bottom.

The grassroots are the most important link for the country, but the lowest-level members are not the most important link for any organizational power, because as long as they are attractive enough, they can obtain a steady stream of supporters at the bottom. In this ever-changing society, it is common for some people to join these forces for money, power, or something else.

Only middle-level cadres cannot be changed frequently, but this is not important to Du Lin's fellow villagers.

"Even if we arrested a hundred middle-level cadres, one hundred and one middle-level cadres will return tomorrow. Branch presidents, agents, and team captains are just a symbol for the system of the fellowship, and they are not complete powers. The giver is Du Lin, people believe in Du Lin, so no matter how much he catches, it will not help. Now I can only hope that Du Lin made a mistake in decision-making and give us a chance to defeat him ... "

Outsiders are discussing the recent development of Doolin, and at the estate, Doolin is also discussing the development within the next year.

"So far our forces have covered 50% of the cities of the Empire. This is very good, but it is not enough. We still need to accelerate the penetration of neighboring cities and strive to expand the coverage to 70% or even 10%. More than eight! ", Du Lin's hand was covered with a long white towel, and a faint redness permeated from the long towel. He was standing in the middle of the restaurant, and everyone's attention was focused on him.

There are more than 200 cities in the Empire, excluding some villages and settlements. The current agent system has covered 101 cities. It can be said that in every two cities in the Empire, there is an agent. . But Du Lin is not satisfied with the current situation. He hopes to make greater progress and increase the coverage rate by at least 20 points. Once the agent stabilizes, a fraternity will appear immediately, which means that the city's Guarts have entered the fraternity network.

Twenty-two years ago, the Gualts accounted for about 15% of the total population of the Empire in the demographic report of the Empire. At the end of last year, the total official population statistics of the Empire was 217 million. With a population of 1 million, according to the official saying, the total population of the Guartes should be about 30 million. But in fact, the total number of guarts is much lower than this number, because in the federal patriotic war, that is, the Civil War, a large number of guarts were forcibly recruited into the army and participated in that tragic war.

At that time, there was a brief statistic. A total of more than four million guarts joined the army, but this number may be a reduced number ~ ~ In the early Civil War, the federal offensive was in full swing and the empire was ten. The resistance organized by the sub-group did not have any effect. In each of the occupied cities, the rate of war damage of the Guarth youth and the provincial Ya youth was as high as 80% or even 90%. Some people think that in this war, there should be about six million guartes killed, and more than seven million provincial Yali soldiers died in this war.

After consuming a large number of young Guarts, the Guarth community is facing an embarrassing situation, that is, the lack of marriageable young male population, the increase of widows, and the increase in population has begun to decrease, affecting Guar Total population of special people.

Now, according to Doulin's statistics on Guarts in cities with sorority associations or agents, the total population of Guarth in the entire empire should be less than 20 million, and more than 15 million, occupying the entire population. Between 7 and 10 percent of the total population.

After entering the new era, the official forces of the empire became very smart. In the old society, the empire has always maintained a serious attitude to strictly divide the population of the empire into the Ogdin, the Provincial Ya, the Guarth, and the minorities. But after the new era came, the empire no longer distinguished any race, and adopted the words "imperial citizen" uniformly. This is a very clever move, at least to stabilize the resistance in the non-mainstream races that have lost a lot of people in the battle.

The Cabinet also realized that it was a very wrong behavior for the empire to link the social class to the race. They have realized that this is a minefield and have actively modified it.

It is to prevent these races of defeated countries from being used by a small group of people with ulterior motives, which will lead to greater riots and even civil war!

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