Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 721: Transformation 【中】

Du Lin has always called for the association to expand the "face" and not to increase the "thickness."

What is a "face"? To put it simply, how many points are there, the points are connected into a line, and the lines are connected into a surface. One hundred and eleven cities in the empire had their own agents, and soon these cities did not have fellowships but there were also fellowships in cities with agents. The coverage rate is the area. It is necessary to expand this area as much as possible, so that more cities have hometown associations. Through this medium, more people can learn about Du Lin, understand what Du Lin is doing, let They felt that the existence of Du Lin had changed their lives.

So what is "thickness"?

Thickness is actually the number of people, and the number of members of each fellowship is basically kept at the scale of several hundred people, and the maximum will not exceed one thousand people. Not only are so many people willing to participate in the fellowship, in fact there are more people who want to be members of the fellowship outside. This is not to say that the benefits and benefits provided by Du Lin and the Township Association can only be enjoyed by becoming members of the Township Association, and members who are not the Township Association can actually enjoy the benefits and treatment provided by Du Lin.

Many people asked Du Lin why he did not allow more Guart brothers and sisters to join the fellowship. Du Lin did not give an accurate explanation, but he told everyone that this is a threshold and the current situation must be maintained. It is absolutely impossible to get out of control. This mouth cannot be opened, at least for the next ten years. Once this mouth is opened, everything that Du Lin manages today will become a bubble.

The Empire constantly promotes the concept of blurring racial differences. It constantly claims that the provinces are elegant, the Guartes, and the northern barbarians are all members of the empire. They advocate the slogan of being a family. The senior empire hopes that in this way, those minority non-mainstream races can honestly accept their current lives, give them a nominal hope, and want to stabilize these races. They said these grandiose words without real implementation. In all the best industries in each city, the people with the highest income are still Ogdin, and those who live in slums will always be provincial. Ya and Guart.

It seems easy to unite these people, it just needs to be easy for them to join. The question is, if these people in power, as a minority of second-class citizens, join a cohesive group, how will the senior empire react?


Maybe there is, more is a feeling of trouble, because they must start cleaning up these "disobedient" minorities. Can an organization that can gather millions or tens of millions of people be an ordinary organization? Impossible, this is the obvious truth. In addition, the leader respected by this group of people is still an ambitionist like Du Lin, maybe the cabinet will soon launch a large-scale cleanup, and **** pack before the crisis erupts. Crowded.

On the other hand, would it be good for Du Lin if so many people were included in the fellowship?

No, in fact, there are no benefits, and there are very bad effects. Because human beings are social creatures, human beings prefer spiritual social groups more than physical ones. When the number of members in the fellowship is too high, they will feel a very safe feeling. When the sense of security is spreading and expanding uncontrollably, there will be a terrible germination.

Now that we have such a powerful force, why not do something to change the world?

Sometimes you don't want to do it, but when the people who advocate you want you to do it, and they think they have great strength, you will be controlled by the group consciousness and not surpassed.

Du Lin said that he would not do anything by force. War is not the best way to change the status quo. In addition to adding more irresolvable hatred to each other, war cannot bring any substantial benefits to both sides. . It will only make people hate each other more and more, and then continue to reincarnate until one party is completely destroyed, from physical to mental destruction.

The situation is now very good. The total number of members in all chapters is only 30,000 to 50,000. Even the Anti-Criminal Investigation Bureau only considers this to be the largest "criminal organization" in the Empire, and it is just an organization.

This is very good, which shows that the Oggdins have not yet made the determination of the Guartes to fight against social turmoil and even retreat to their fellow villagers. They are now only treating these things as a "trick" of Du Lin.

Now that a solid foundation has been laid for the future, what needs to be done now is a little bit of change, and the transformation of Huadie is completed without any interest.

Faced with many hot eyes, Du Lin became more and more calm. He took a few steps back and forth, pointing to the outside of the room. "Outside, people with the Organized Crime Investigation Bureau are monitoring us in a bright and honest manner, and there are regional guards. The people in the Bureau of Investigation are investigating us, and even the military is beginning to join the plan against us. They want to seize our handles, they want to find our evidence, once again destroy all the pride we have, and take us Return to its original form. "

"This is a special period. It is the darkest period before dawn. We have passed through the dark curtain that cannot release any light. We must stick to it, hold on to the hope, and wait for the dawn. And this is the next step. I want to tell you everything that you need to understand carefully. The association, including the agents, must complete a huge transformation so that we can be more integrated into this society! "

"If you want to disintegrate the enemy, first integrate yourself with the enemy."

"The first step is to converge criminal behavior. Now our business has been doing very well. I have also learned from all aspects that the fighting in various places has become calm, and others have begun to accept us as an inevitable existence in society. It is also an important one. This is the best award for sacrificing, fighting, and fighting in the past few years! But fear cannot allow us to fully integrate into it. We must conform to the three perspectives of this society and the pulse of the times in order for us to become they!"

"Next, I hope that all forms of behavior are constrained by those outside the country as" criminals. "If we encounter a problem, we must actively resolve it through the law. If we encounter a dispute, we must be calm and reasonable. "We can't continue to hold guns and swords and let others bow their heads because of fear. We must convince them to take their mouths and let them actively bow their heads."

"I know that some of you may want to ask me what to do if some people really have no way to resolve the dispute through normal channels. It is easy to make him disappear!"

"Kill him in a reasonable way. Before killing him, ask our lawyers how we can reasonably kill a person and get the sympathy of a judge. As long as he is not sentenced to death, even an indefinite sentence is acceptable because We have a way to get people out. Do n’t do nothing, arrange gunmen to make people disappear. This is the most stupid way. Starting today, I need each of you to remember. Try not to hurt others, and if you must hurt others, find a legal way. "

"Don't give them more opportunities to collect our evidence. I believe you should know more about this than me. If there is something that can't be handled, I will give you a number later and a special person will tell you how Solve all the trouble, money, or bullets! "

"Second thing, starting from June, our agents will not only sell our own products, but also the products of other companies. In other words, all our trade channels will no longer be just for We serve ourselves and will serve more social groups. This is a very good opportunity. We will be from smuggling merchants ... Although I do n’t recognize this, we will change from smuggling merchants to channel merchants. Sound channels, and market share control, sell more goods and earn more money. "

"In the past two years, you should be able to feel that, especially the agents, our own product share has been declining in the market. On the contrary, the product share of those licensors has continued to increase. It looks like we are losing money because We ca n’t sell our own things, and we sell everything from others, but in reality, not only have our profits not fallen, but we are creating new heights every quarter. ”

"A lot of channel fees have become one of our main sources of revenue. We do n’t need to make a single product, we only need to bear a part of the transportation costs to make the same profits as in the past, so the transition seems necessary and it is urgent. The times and society are changing every day. If we want to grow vigorously, we must keep up with the pace of this era. "

"And this ~ ~ is also the third step, or the third thing I want to say."

"I plan to set up a cargo distribution company, including ordinary land and sea transportation, which can reduce our transportation cost by another level. This is also a very important task, and this task will be left to the branch presidents to complete. I will allocate funds from the fellowship fund to provide you with the necessary infrastructure and material assistance. I need you to do a little bit, no matter which of our co-leasing partners, when their products come off the assembly line, our The trucks started loading the goods, transporting them to any city in the empire within a week and starting selling through our channels. "

"The fourth thing is that all the funds that all agents need to hand in today will be suspended. I need you to build a comprehensive market in your city. You can tell me if you do n’t have enough money, but you must build it. Good. Good location, good design, uniform clothing, unified logo. I want to see such a business center in all cities at this time next year! "

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