Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 722: Transformation [below]

"Messiah, how do cities that we haven't been involved in solve a series of problems?" It was Alfonso who raised this question. After Du Lin said something, he asked his own question, "As you know I am an agent in the Somalia area. I was informed more than two months ago that I was very lucky to have been selected to join you and all the great careers of the Guarts. During these two months, I worked with More than a dozen other gangs of different sizes in Somalia gave rise to clashes. In the end, we won and gained enough market share. "& 1t; /

"If the new brothers in the new region are selected, how can they compete for these market shares and shut up all opponents?" & 1t; /

This question is very representative. It is well known that from the beginning Du Lin's policy was to force all Guarts to stand up, use a knife and a gun to awaken their bloodyness through combat, and awaken the descendants of the king. Wu Yong. Although Du Lin's plan is not so right, it is undeniably very effective. Between hope and despair, people are more inclined to fight for a better future with their own hands. Anyway, there is nothing to lose, so why not fight it? & 1t; /

This includes Alfonso's status as a result of fighting again and again. But if Du Lin demanded that he should not try to commit crimes or kill, then how can he let his fellow citizens in a new area gain the respect of others? "What? With your mouth? & 1t; /

Du Lin raised his hand to press Alfonso to sit down. "Alfonso's question is very good. As I said just now, we actually have more ways to complete this step. Fighting is not the only option. . "& 1t; /

"Ladies and gentlemen, please note that from now on ..., no, we are not gangs from the beginning, we are just a civil society in society. After the most difficult period of entrepreneurship, now we Already have enough strength, and can already solve the problems we may have to face through normal methods. For example ... ", Du Lin held out a finger and continued with a smile," as a successful Businessmen, we can ask the regional police station to clean up these sinful gang members for a more stable social order and a more free business competition environment. To this end, the association will be willing to donate some materials to the responsible local police station, and even It's money. "& 1t; /

"For another example, we can make suggestions to the City Hall, in order to ensure that our investment can help local economic construction, crack down on illegal acts, and ensure the safety of the investment environment." & 1t; /

"There is another possibility. Do you say that there will be other criminal gangs drifting to the local area, and the local gangs fought because of the blacks and blacks, and fled after winning the victory?" & 1t; /

"There are many ways to solve Mr. Alfonso's problem. As I said just now, if there is something that cannot be solved, or if I don't know how to proceed, I will give you a number when you leave, you You can ask that more professional group of people. "The number in Du Lin's mouth and this group of more professional people are the team of lawyers who helped him in the lawsuit, but also the old owner of Kevin. & 1t; /

There is nothing this group of lawyers can't do and dare not do to make money. As long as they are given enough money, they can even go to court to sue themselves and throw themselves into prison. Some people say that Kevin is the devil's spokesperson. As long as he is given money, he is willing to take any case, and make every effort to help employers achieve legal victory. In fact, it's not just Kevin. All successful lawyers are the spokesperson for the devil. They have long had no personality at all. They focus on how to make more money. & 1t; /

Attorneys who are seeking pursue fame, but in the final analysis, they can earn more money if they have fame. Du Lin has hired an entire law firm to serve him, which is the big business he said before. Hometown associations and their own agency systems need to be reformed and transformed, and naturally they will encounter a lot of trouble. In the past, they used bullets to solve these problems, but now Du Lin wants them to use legal means to solve these problems. & 1t; /

Of course, there will be some troubles that cannot be solved by the law. At that time, a group of mobile criminal groups will appear. The number of this group is unknown, and their membership is unknown, but they all have one characteristic-they will do some good things, more like a grand robber. & 1t; /

This mobile criminal gang will take Savvy as the little guy is eighteen years old this year, and he should take on some more important things. It is impossible for Dooling to put down the weapon in his hands because of the need for transformation and reform. The stupid idiot who lost his weapon in a suit like Woodman Woods has proved that this road cannot work. Under the premise of not having absolute power, the weapons thrown into self-protection are put into the framework of the ruler to play games with this group of people. Except for the dead body, there will be no second end. & 1t; /

In the future, crime and commerce will be completely separated, and fellow associations and agents will be fully responsible for commercial issues and thoroughly cleanse them. At the same time, a small group with Savvy will be responsible for combat matters. They will receive more professional training, better equipment, and more accurate intelligence to support them in cleaning up all incurable diseases that cannot be resolved through legal channels. & 1t; /

Many gangs didn't know how to wash them out immediately after they achieved certain achievements, and finally they could only fail. But those who know when and what to do now have become big businessmen and big capitalists. They are the most correct role models, indicating the most correct path! & 1t; /

At the end of this meeting, Du Lin once again warned everyone, "I know that suddenly changing everything you are familiar with will make some people unable to adapt for a short time, and even produce the idea that I made the wrong decision. I can understand that even tolerating such people, you can not obey my decision, my change, then return to me what belongs to me, you go your way, I continue my change, we are still a family. "& 1t; /

"But if someone is against my decision while undermining my plan, or even trying to subvert everything, I won't be a bit soft-handed. Someone has set an example with the life of the whole family, and I hope he is the One and the last. "& 1t; /

"Please remember that we are family and we are brothers and sisters. There is nothing that communication cannot solve. Even if you think I am doing something wrong and want to leave alone, please tell me in time. I will You provide the start-up funds to provide you with the necessary assistance. The Guartes should be a whole, even if we have different views, it is just that we have chosen a different way, which does not mean that we should be the enemy! " & 1t; /

"I'm a very good person. Each of you is my most important family. Don't let me do things that make me sad!" & 1t; /

After the meeting, Du Lin asked people to send them the contact information of the lawyers' group, which is also a change that the associations and agents must now make. The tighter the official forces stare, the less they can easily make mistakes. They have worked hard for several years and hoped that they were within reach. What is needed at this time is not to jump up and down, but to slowly wait for their own growth until they can reach out. Just touch it. & 1t; /

Originally, this annual meeting was an idea that Sophia had unintentionally proposed. Originally, Dulin and these branch presidents and agents were all connected in a single line. But when Sophia proposed this idea, Dulin immediately realized that it was a good idea. opportunity. First, we can get everyone together and get to know each other. At the same time, Du Lin is a good opportunity to show the strength of each organization member, but also a good opportunity to deter them. Secondly, use this party to make some idiots like Carlos and others stop doing things. & 1t; /

This is not an ordinary party. People like Carlos and Cleland are able to inquire about the inside of this party. This is a party of more than 200 criminal organization leaders, and more importantly The thing is, these criminal organizations have a common go-to—Dulin. & 1t; /

If they don't want to have a car accident or be sent to the hospital, or even a funeral parlour, from a flower pot that was blown down by the strong wind, it is better not to do anything that is detrimental to Du Lin's interests. & 1t; /

The deterrence of being able to see directly is far greater than the deterrence of language. Even if others say to them that Turin is the head of a criminal organization, may they think that it is not a gang leader? What ’s so great, no matter how powerful the gang can be, there is a powerful consortium? But when they saw this scene with their own eyes, whether they saw it through photos or really, they would realize that Du Lin is not an ordinary gang leader. To describe Du Lin with such words is simply an insult! & 1t; /

Du Lin has taken a rest after night, but many people have no way to rest. These people are eager to know why Du Lin chose such a time to hold such a conference in the west. Is this a sign that there will be a big move in the next town? Agents from the Criminal Investigation Bureau and the Police Investigation Bureau in 101 cities across the country have begun their activities, and they have begun to closely monitor the movements of their associations and agents in response to the most likely sudden action. & 1t; /

Early the next morning ~ ~ Dulin was awakened by the phone ringing. When he answered the phone, Henry complained in the earpiece. "Hell, shit, Marek. What swear words can I use to describe my feelings now? You didn't tell me at all that you invited a group of gang leaders to meet in my manor, my manor, my manor! "& 1t; /

"Do you know how I spent the last two days?" & 1t; /

"I sat in the Investigation Bureau for the first day, and the next day I was scolded by the old man. God is on the top. I was actually restricted from leaving. Do you dare to imagine?" & 1t; /

"Ah ?!" & 1t; /

In the desperate scream of Henry, Doolin hung up the phone. & 1t; /

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