Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 734: Solution

The chairman who should have a clear name but has not yet decided to go it alone. He considered it for a long time before making such a decision.

To help others, it is better to be the boss yourself. In this turbulent era, there are opportunities everywhere, and the Empire dream advocated by the Empire all day seems to be in the hands of everyone. Every collision of inspiration seems to herald the success of the future. More and more crazy people have begun to try to place the first brick yard of their own business empire on the ground. Without trying, maybe it will regrettable.

Since the workers' union can be bigger, why can't it be bigger? And he now has the information and resources of more than half of the workers in the entire western region. Even if he is facing the workers' union, he may not lose. The biggest advantage of the workers' union is that they have the specific information of most workers in their hands, and at the same time have a closer relationship with the employers. These are not problems. Even if he only has Du Lin, the largest employer, as a partner, he already has the advantage of losing even if he loses.

In this case, go it alone. Du Lin is supportive of President Jason's idea. The integration and use of resources is simple to say, but it is actually very troublesome to do. The trouble is that the heavy work cannot be completed in a short time, and Du Lin must completely stand on the opposite side of the workers' union for this purpose. There is no reason for Du Lin to stab the Workers Union, and the Workers Union also smiled and said to Du Lin that he was doing well. The dagger was not addictive. It did n’t matter. I had a machete forty meters here.

Du Lin is not afraid of the workers' union, and has already beaten the other side several times, but it does not hurt anyone's interests for no reason, and it is not Du Lin's style.

If President Jason is willing to join his camp, Doolin is also welcome. He was unwilling to join, and there was nothing to be angry or upset about.

No matter which option is pros and cons, and deep inside Du Lin, he still prefers President Jason to do it alone.

The working class is a very special class. They are very skinny and resistant to patience. They can withstand the exploitation of capitalists as long as they can survive. But at the same time, the working class is a very sensitive and fragile special group. Anything that can shake their sensitive nerves will instantly make this calm lake set off a huge wave.

For example, at the time of the parade outside the city hall, Julio could not come up with a method that can be recognized by the citizens of the west. He also asked to investigate how the farmer promoted the three guarantees policy in the state legislature during his term, and A request was made to the Cabinet to review and evaluate the three guarantees policy and initiate a duty crime investigation. This is not a big problem in the official and capital camps. This is a very common way to shirk responsibility.

The trouble left by the predecessor does not need to be carried on his own. In order to prevent some people from forcing the blame on their shoulders, they simply tear their faces and lift the table. Anyway, Mennon was dead, the Kadima was dead, and he faced the old, weak, and sick Hulio on the other side of the table without hesitation.

The overturned table will hurt people. The first thing to hurt is the working class in the west. Once the state legislature and the cabinet have announced that the three guarantees policy is adopted by illegal means, this means that it has been implemented in the west for several years. The three guarantees policy will come to an end. Those citizens who participate in the three guarantees policy will forever lose the benefits and guarantees they originally had, including the insurance premiums they paid.

The already very turbulent public opinion was boiling at this moment. From this news, it was only three days after the news was unknown, and there were signs of major events in the entire western region. The three state governments are paying close attention and discussing how to solve it, and Julio has also got a headache-the strike is coming.

This is President Jason's last move before leaving the workers' union completely and starting to go it alone. He contacted a large number of working classes and called on the working classes in the west to unite and fight legal persecution and "persecution" from official authorities. "Exploitation", the strike is clearly a relatively sane way to express your claim completely.

If the strike cannot be resolved, the west may usher in a long period of confrontation, which has nothing to do with money and the three guarantees policy, but the issue of official credibility-in fact, it has to do with interests.

What made Julio feel the claws was that this strike did not only occur in Verrier, but will occur in 22 cities across the west. All working class or other classes involved in the Three Guarantees policy. Will respond to the strike. This means that industrial production throughout the western region will be shut down, and more than 3 million workers will lay down their jobs, meaning that countless banknotes in the hands of capitalists will evaporate into water vapor and disappear when blown by the wind.

The issue of money or capitalists was set aside for the time being. Some mayors of the city also called Julio. What they meant was what was said. What's more, resolve the storm as soon as possible and control the scale of time to an acceptable level. Within the scope, don't let others suffer harm that shouldn't be suffered because of his wanton behavior. If only one or two people called Julio, they could not care about their emotions, but now the mayors of all cities have contacted him directly or indirectly, which made him feel unprecedented trouble.

One accidentally, he will be treated as the official "public enemy" of the entire western region ~ ~ Three years later, let alone talk about running for governor. Whether he can stay in the western region is a question. But at this moment, the lid has been opened by him, and the table has been turned over by him. Want to resolve these current problems?

It's a bit difficult ...

Julio took a cool breath and touched his head. He didn't expect the situation to deteriorate so quickly. Based on his experience in politics in these years, he felt that someone was doing himself.

If no one is helping to make things worse, this matter will not be able to sweep the whole west so quickly, or even a strike such as this will happen. Workers' unions must play a disgraceful role in this matter. Without the connection of the workers' union, many people may not know that this happened, let alone strike.

Julio waited for hours in the office, and Jason was late in the afternoon.

Seeing the opinion given by Jason from the decision-making group, the workers' union can organize a strike, naturally it can also temporarily “stop” the strike for a period of time.

After a period of buffering, the results of the investigation came out, and by that time, nothing could be resolved.

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