Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 735: There is a way

"President Jason, thank you very much for taking the time to come to the City Hall during your busy work. I will delay some time for you next, okay?" Julio's character and style are still very southern. As for Jason, he didn't know that this was how Julio expressed his dissatisfaction with him, or he was really so polite.

As Jason, who would later take root in the West and create his own great business empire, the mayor of Verrier was the one he couldn't afford to offend. In fact, he received a phone call from the city hall at more than nine in the morning, asking him to go to the mayor's office as soon as possible to talk about the strike. He has been here until now, not because he wants to do it, but not if he doesn't.

The strike was initiated by him. He obeyed Mr. Du Lin's request to secretly contact his subordinates with some more prestigious people in the working class, promoted the birth of the strike, and accepted a sum of 100,000 yuan. As the starting capital when he registered a new company, he must do his best for Mr. Du Lin's affairs. Now who does not know that Du Lin is a educated and polite man, many people have speculated that Mr Du Lin may be involved in some serious crime cases, but there is no evidence that Mr Du Lin was really involved in these cases.

It is not terrible to discover the truth, it is terrible that he has become part of the truth, so Jason tried to delay as much as possible to think about how to deal with it.

He didn't call Du Lin, this is his own thought. If he has to ask Du Lin for anything, he will gradually lose his independence. Even if he is still a boss, he will actually become Du Lin. Lin's men. He doesn't like this. He wants to be someone who can decide his own life, not someone who obeys others' orders.

Jason shook Julio's hand with a little guilt on his face, "I must apologize to you, Mayor Julio. Now the workers are very excited, and I have been contacting some of them Or let them try to be restrained and try not to escalate the incident. "

Julio guided Jason to the couch and sat down, agreeing with certainty, "You have done this very well. The non-expanding control of the situation is conducive to us to solve the problem. A strike is not the most appropriate solution to the problem. The only way to solve the problem is to have a more rational appeal. "

Jason just smiled casually about Julio's "touted" Jason, and did not take it seriously. Now Julio has a lot of troubles, but whoever has a little chance to solve these troubles for him, say something nice will not make him feel any trouble, anyway, don't spend money to say good things. But if he really took what he said, it would be really stupid. "As the president of the Western Workers' Union, this is what I should do and must do."

"His Majesty once said that the interests of the working class represent the interests of the mainstream groups of society, and the responsibility and task of the workers' union is to unite the working class, guide the working class, provide all necessary help to the working class, and avoid exposing them to capitalists. And the persecution of ambitionists to ensure the correctness of their attitudes and stances. "This sentence is what Magus did when setting up a new management of the working class when the workers' union was restructured a few times by Du Lin a few years ago. The instructions given are now very appropriate for Jason.

After listening to this, Julio hesitated, and he looked at Jason again. He had a very wonderful idea in his heart. This person must have made a very detailed preparation before coming to see himself. His speculation is not untargeted. The leader of the Magus has expressed his views and opinions on many things, but this kind of things are more symbolic. It's like someone has been praised for doing a good deed. The praise itself does not have much practical significance. Apart from those political figures, no one will keep the content of the praise in mind and always ready to take it out. Overwhelming.

Therefore, he felt that Jason had done his homework, which also caused more reveries. This sudden strike covered a wide range of cities and involved a large number of people. Will there be a role for the workers' union in it?

This strike is different from previous strikes in other places. The strikes in other places were formerly organized by workers' unions. This time the workers' union did not take the lead, and Julio learned from the side about the workers' unions in the west. There is a framework left that cannot keep up with the normal work, so workers' unions are not taken into consideration. But Jason's performance forced him to reconsider what role the workers' union and Jason played.

Jason certainly didn't know that he had made the most preparations and instead exposed him to the biggest flaw. Julio continued calmly, "I'm very sure that the workers' union is doing the right thing right now. This is also what I put you in. I hope that you can cooperate with the Verlier City Hall to eliminate the strike as much as possible before the outbreak. We can negotiate and solve any problems for this. The damage caused by the strike is manifold, not only It hurts the working class itself and many innocent citizens and citizens. It is definitely a heavy blow to the western economy that has just started to improve. We should avoid these situations. "

Jason nodded, but his eyebrows clenched tightly. "Mayor Julio, I know all that you said, but you may also know what the situation is for the workers' union in the west ~ www. ~ According to the rules and regulations of the Workers ’Union, we should have our own office or branch in every city in the west and the place where we have labor relations, to more conveniently serve all working classes. But you see, the whole west Only Fanlier has an agency with only a framework here, and we don't even have an office elsewhere. "

"I am very eager to do something for you, for the working class, for the West, but I can't really do it. The only thing I can do now is to meet the workers' representatives who have reached Verrier and persuade them to give up the strike. But so far it has had little effect. "Jason sighed heavily." When Mayor Menon proposed the three guarantees policy, I thought it would be a huge trouble. If there is no more authoritative organization to come, Ensuring the implementation and implementation of the Three Guarantees Policy is a disaster! "

Suddenly Julio's eyes lighted up, and Jason's words gave him an unexpected hint. Perhaps this would be the most effective way to solve this disaster!

After having a false relationship with Jason for a while, Julio was very "disappointed" and sent Jason away. At the moment the door closed, a smile appeared on his face. He went straight to the table, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

"Help me pick President Bellito ..."

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