Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 737: Return

"How did you come up with such a crazy attention?", Bellito, who had already drank two glasses of wine, had just sent his guests away and apologized for it. Rather than the daily emotional contacts of these super-rich people, he is more concerned about the huge business opportunities on Julio's side. He has a feeling that if he seizes this opportunity, he is likely to create a super-giant The tyrant economy has since reached the peak of life and has become a symbol of an era.

Julio laughed and said briefly the conversation between himself and Jason. He always revealed in his words to thank Jason. If it was not Jason, he might not find any effective solution in a short time. To stop this formed hurricane. He didn't have much confidence in his own ideas, but Bellito was so excited to ask every detail in detail, so that Julio realized that there was definitely something to do in it, and he answered even more patiently.

Julio's idea was to let Bellito, or the Southern Commercial Bank stand out as a middleman, and adopt a latent business rule that they have always followed in the South to form a new iron triangle, but the capitalist side of this iron triangle was widely Replaced by citizens who purchased the Three Guarantees policy. In Julio's opinion, the three-guarantee policy that can withdraw tens of millions of funds each year has a great ability to attract money. If he can't cope now, it doesn't mean that the farmer can't cope. He still has nearly ten million funds at any time Draw it out.

If it wasn't for the farmer to use 60 million yuan of funds for the development and construction of the city, but to collect profits as a commercial capital for commercial investment, perhaps he now has more than 100 million yuan in wealth.

This is just a region in the west, the poorest, most backward, and least populated region of the empire.

There are 200 million imperial citizens outside the western region. If one in every ten people participates in Mennong ’s three-guarantee policy and pays three yuan five a month, this is 70 million in cash and 840 million in a year. Thousands of cash! Even if one million people die a year, the funds used for compensation will not exceed 800 million a year, which means that 40 million wealth will be accumulated every year!

What is the population of the entire empire? One million people die every year without losing money, and how can it happen that exactly one million customers who purchase the Three Guarantees policy die each year? As long as there are fewer people dying a year, this is definitely an amazing wealth. It will not be necessary for ten years. An enterprise with a size of more than one billion will rise gradually, surpassing almost all current corporate consortia, catch up with the Imperial Bank of China, and replace the Imperial Bank of China as the first economy of the Empire after a few years.

He thought that the whole person here was shaking with excitement. If he could really do that, he would be willing to take a gamble, even if it was possible and bear certain risks. A person may have countless opportunities in his lifetime, but only two or three times can be found and grasped in the palm of his hand. For successful people, the capture of any opportunity is a miracle that has been with the goddess of fate in the last life, and it is a turning point that must not be missed.

After they talked for hours, Bellito asked for a few tickets at six in the morning. He had to go to the west to take a look and then make a final decision. Time was running out!

Julio, who received extremely favorable feedback from Bellito, was finally able to sleep peacefully, but what he didn't know was that not only Bellito would come to the west, but also the people of the Imperial Bank of China. On the way.

In the final analysis, the problem in the west is the problem of money. When it comes to money, but also the problem of large amounts of money, banks are always the most sensitive to smell! It was because of the "internal thief" that Julio notified him, that he realized that the three guarantees policy that has always been regarded as a joke has an unparalleled advantage, and it is still a huge advantage that has not been discovered by people, so He intends to plunge in.

In response to the request of the Treasury of the Empire, the Imperial Bank of the People ’s Republic of China has taken the initiative to investigate in the west to see if we can find a way to solve the fundamental problems of the current strike and to ensure that the troubled and turbulent west has been maintained for a while. As soon as the situation was calm, a cabinet clerk made a phone call to the governor of the Imperial Bank and told him that it was a request from a high level. Of course, as a guarantee of risk, the registrar conveyed high-level opinions to the Imperial Bank. Once the loss exceeded the limit of the Imperial Bank's dedication to the empire, the cabinet would change part, sell, auction and other private methods to improve the quality of a part of Otis. The assets were sold to the Imperial Bank in exchange for the Imperial Bank to resolve the troubles left by the Three Guarantees Policy in the West.

On the one hand, it can drag the imperial central bank into the water to fill the pit, on the other hand, it further restricts Du Lin in terms of financial resources, and serves two purposes. Specific implementation method Magus has also seen, he felt no problem, he signed his name.

As the empire's two large economies rushed to the west together, Du Lin didn't know that it had been seen as a benefit in a pocket, and he was going to be snatched away. If he knew, he would kill someone. This is a profitability of tens of millions of dollars a year. Even if Magus knew it, he would be dazzled. After all, the empire did not have much surplus food!

At this time, Doolin was talking to Mr. Jack on the phone. During the Chinese New Year, Doolin gave Mr. Jack and the king and queen a little gift. It was not a valuable thing, it was some souvenirs. For Du Lin, this is just a trivial thing that can't be ordinary any more. Every year, when he arrives a year ago, he personally draws up a list, and then writes who should give a little gift. Gifts don't have to be expensive, mainly because of this mind, which is sometimes more precious than something.

During the Chinese New Year this year, Du Lin gave something to everyone, including the king and queen. Du Lin also gave gifts to them before, but they all declined. This is not to be dismissed by Du Lin. It is organized in every country in the world. It is the largest money launderer in the underground world. Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars or more of funds are bleached through various channels of the poker and become legal income. In some people's accounts, this makes many individuals and organizations want to dig out poker.

In addition to being able to obtain very generous benefits, the most important thing is to be able to grasp a series of useful materials, which is the so-called money laundering ledger. With this ledger, many people may be restless. Although poker has announced more than once that there is no "criminal confession" left behind by silly beeps like money laundering books, not many people believe that what they are saying is true. This thing is a strategic-level weapon, no matter who holds it is a big killer, how can it not be retained.

In the past two years, as Doulin's layout in the Federation has become more and more perfect, and the visible super rebates are coming, the king and queen decided to "smile and accept" Doulin's gifts this year, as well as gifts.

Mr. Jack talked to Dulin and said about the gift.

"It can be delivered to you in up to a week. When something arrives, tell me what it is. I am very curious. You should know that this is the first time the king has given gifts to others. It is very memorable. If one day If you are short of money, you can mortgage that thing to me, although this seems impossible! ", Mr. Jack joked a joke, Doolin's fast earnings can scare people, as long as he does not mess up, this There is no shortage of money in my life.

At present, the distillery on the other side of Illian basically maintains a minimum output, but the shipping channels on the east coast not only have not shrunk, but have further expanded and improved. Even the navy on the west coast has recently joined the shipping channels of Doolin. Or in smuggling channels. Du Lin has suddenly become the empire's largest maritime smuggler. Just by mastering this channel, every month is enough to bring Du Lin millions of profits.

In addition, the booming development of Otis also ushered in a terrible second major development. After Donald was transferred, the cabinet directly appointed a "acting mayor" to take office in Otis. He and Dulin both had the same nature at the beginning, both were those who contributed a lot of political contributions to the New Party and obtained super-appointment appointments. But this guy is very cunning, he is a businessman himself, so he knows what money can make ~ ~ what money can't make. Donald's experience is not far away. He cooperated well with Ernst and became the "Hidden Mayor". He used his identity to set up several shops to run business and was happy.

The city of Otis provides more than one million income to Doolin every week, and more than five million in a month. These incomes mainly come from two sources, part of which is the concession fee. The "Old Town" of Otis has Seventy percent of the land is Du Lin's private land. All businesses on this land have to pay Du Lin a fee. Another fee came from Du Lin's token settlement company. In order to tightly control these greedy businessmen in Otis, breaking the bridge across the river and destroying the "Dulin's Law" of Otis, so Du Lin was holding their door. .

These incomes are enough to ensure that Doolin's current expenditure does not leave him with no money, not to mention that he still has a cash of about 40 million in his hands and a large plan to harvest the economic achievements of the Federal Twenty. At that time, even if Du Lin is the richest man in the empire, I am afraid it is not a problem, if the plan can be successfully concluded at the end.

Under such circumstances, the cooperation relationship between them was deepened, and they were very stable and reliable. Eventually, the two top executives of the poker team accepted the gift from Du Lin and gave him a gift. This surprised Mr. Jack so much that he felt itchy. Collect the first gift of the kingdom as a collectible.

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