Cosma Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 738: Only me under the tree

? After talking with Mr. Jack for a while, Du Lin quickly turned the topic to the current situation in the west. This wasn't a strange topic at first, but when Mr. Jack called the phone on the grounds that the king and the queen were returning gifts, and then said a lot of meaningless things, he brought the topic to the situation in the west. It was a pig who knew what Mr. Jack made this call, and what he wanted to say.

"I read the newspaper. The recent strike of the working class in the western region has caused a lot of noise and has affected many industries in the western region. Du Lin, you are now in the western region. Have you heard of any official plans to solve this issue? Trouble? There are many industries in the family over there, always reassuring. "Mr. Jack said nothing wrong, there are indeed many industries in the poker organization in the west, in addition to mines there are some light industry types The factory, and recently Dulin, invested in two large ranches in the west.

The poker organization is the world's largest underground money launderer, so they need a lot of money laundering channels to ensure that the organization can successfully launder hundreds of millions or more funds every year. The scale of some small money laundering money chains with regional restrictions is very small, and the means of money laundering are very backward, even if there is a big business, they cannot afford it. For example, a small boss who knew money while laundering while in Tener was able to launder money in the amount of two or three hundred thousand dollars a month, and he couldn't help it.

Nowadays, money laundering methods are more primitive, such as laundering money. A washing machine has been around for a long time, but not every family can afford a washing machine. In addition, many people think that buying a washing machine is not a good deal and many other reasons. Many communities have special laundry shops to provide residents with convenient laundry. service. From the fifteen minute tank with the most basic cleaning solution to the twenty-five minute tank with various high-end rinse agents, many housewives are willing to use this cheap way to wash clothes.

I have to wash it once every three or five days. A month is only about one dollar, which is more cost-effective than buying a washing machine for tens of dollars. Of course, more poor families still choose to wash by hand to save living expenses, but the laundry business is always hot-money laundering through this method that cannot be calculated has always been the habit of gangs and small money launderers. In addition, they use "premium investment" to launder money.

For example, investing in a bakery, using the best building materials and decoration, others may need 1,000 yuan to decorate a shop, but they may require 30,000 to 50,000 yuan to decorate. After the decoration, put a few days to put the label on the sale, and then sell it to the other party at the price of 10,000 or 20,000 or 30,000. Although the investment failed and the loss was a lot, but how much is there?

The higher level is to cooperate with some brokerage houses on Xie Lisi Street to launder money by auctioning antiques, buying and selling stocks, and tampering with ledger accounts by false investment. These organizations are larger in scale and higher in level.

The highest level is an organization like a poker, which has a very thick family base. There are various means of money laundering. If it is not specifically focused on a certain point, and there is a very tough back-office not afraid of conflict, almost all mines in the west It is a waste mine, but their monthly income is very good. A lot of waste ore was pushed out of the mine, and the account of high-quality ore was reported. It didn't require any troublesome means, and it was washed for a sum of money.

For example, their ranch originally had only one thousand cattle, but when they reported it, they reported 10,000 cattle. Every year, they "produce" a lot of non-existent or even non-existent cattle. After the tax is reported, the money will be Washed thoroughly.

However, recently, the money laundering banks in the country and abroad have all paid attention to the casinos in Otis. They often smuggled into the city of Otis with a lot of cash, handed the cash to the casino management, and then paid a commission. About 15% to 25%, you can go home and wait for the payment. The casino will turn the cash deducted into a remittance slip into their designated bank account. In this way, they successfully achieved an empire dream in Otis.

If the customer is special and willing to pay the maximum commission, Otis casinos don't mind advertising them-for example, a newspaper with a flushing gambling stick on the front page to prove him He did win a lot of money through legal gambling and by the way advertised his own casino. Mr. Jack was also laundering money through the casino, and Du Lin opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

After all, Mr. Jack and they have a very deep cooperative relationship with the Imperial Bank of China. Even the Ministry of Finance has a certain connection with Mr. Jack. Perhaps it seems to outsiders that this is an incredible thing. Organizing such a large-scale money laundering Bankers, in the eyes of senior officials in various countries, their illegal activities of laundering money are no longer important, and their status is not a money laundering banker, but an international currency smuggling channel.

Any country will enter its own large amount of overseas funds to be vigilant, and even actively monitor the flow of this money. However, if the money flowed in through the underground money bank without knowing it, the money was secretly left after the bad things were done, and the supervisory authorities would never find it.

So sometimes right and wrong are not so easy to distinguish.

Du Lin retracted his thoughts and said casually, "Now the authorities have no way to solve this storm, and they are still making their final efforts, but I personally think that this is meaningless and futile."

Mr. Jack chuckled a few times, "I heard that the core issue of this strike is that the Three Guarantees Policy cannot be maintained, is it?", Du Lin gave a definite answer, and Mr. Jack spoke sharply and asked: " If, if I say, suppose there is a very powerful force that has taken the Sanbao policy from the government, the government has stepped out as a third-party supervisor, and the beneficiaries and new contractors talk about the next Sanbao business, The strike will not continue. "

After Mr. Jack had finished speaking, Du Lin was a little embarrassed. He understood Mr. Jack and he planned to do the same. The purpose of the Xima Insurance Company (Empire) he established was to contract over 4 million insurance policies! From Du Lin ’s point of view, this is definitely not a burden, but a solid foundation, because starting from next month, these 4 million insurance policies will continue to pay, and it will be necessary to make up for April and May due to the west Turbulence did not pay, this will be a sum of more than 20 million funds, but also a one-time cash!

The reason why cabinets including Magus, state governments, and city halls are in conflict with the three guarantees policy is that they have not responded, or that is a cognitive error. Their first consideration is that an insured person only needs to pay 30 yuan per year to enjoy a one-time accident premium of up to 8,000 yuan, or a bursary of not less than 3,500 yuan, and possibly thousands of yuan. Tens of thousands of medical security benefits.

Converting with a very ordinary ratio, as long as one insured has a problem and needs to deal with insurance, it means that the fees paid by two or three hundred insured will be used for one insured. If this number is enlarged a little, as long as 10,000 of the more than 3 million insured persons need to use this insurance fund for various reasons, then extremely serious losses will occur! In addition, there may be many people who cheat on insurance for only three or five months. The insurance money may seem terrific, but it is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will trigger new unrest.

In particular, Mr. Roel made a very bad head. He successfully deceived more than two million yuan from the farmers. In addition, Sanbao is not a commercial contract but an official policy, so no one is optimistic about this thing. .

This is also his willingness to let Jason instigate a strike of the working class, and use a general strike to attract people who may stay in the Three Guarantees policy to the general strike, without giving them any chance to prepare for this. Big trouble, then Du Lin shot the cake in his mouth again, almost perfect plan, why was there a problem?

Mr. Dulin's silence made Mr. Jack realize that this was indeed a solution, and his laughter was heard in the earpiece. "A director of the central bank has rushed to the west, and they have a confidentiality agreement with the cabinet. The imperial central bank will act as A separate party will take the follow-up maintenance of the Three Guarantees policy from the state government, and the state government will transform into a regulatory role. Honestly, I feel there is a little bit involved here, and maybe we can mix in.

This is the purpose of Mr. Jack. He could not tell Du Lin, but he also told Du Lin ~ ~ First, the kingdom and queen who never communicated with any media sent a copy to Du Lin. In return, Du Lin weighed heavily in the eyes of the two big brothers. The second is that Du Lin is now in the west. This guy is a day-to-day instability factor. If the action of the central bank will interfere with Du Lin ’s interests, without the greetings, Du Lin even knows that he is involved. He will relentlessly act and pretend to be an uninformed innocent.

Furthermore, Mr. Jack believed in Dulin's vision. He decided to discuss with Dulin. It would be the best result to reach an agreement. Even if it didn't work, he said hello?

Du Lin pursed his lips and sighed, "I need more detailed inside information, tell me all the inside information!"

"my pleasure!"

Later, Du Lin initiated a conference call with Didu's law firm and he needed some legal assistance.


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