Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 773: Fat year

In Ilian, there is a legend called Durin.

In the first half of the year that Doolin decided to settle in Irian, nothing shocking happened, and Mr. Doolin, the 350,000, became a legendary existence. He didn't know anything, not even what he looked like. But the next thing, every thing made people realize that Mr. 350,000 is different, and pushed the reputation of Du Lin to the top with the death of Juan!

Everyone believes that Juan's death and Dulin can't be separated, but the magic is that Dulin really has nothing at all. Coupled with the continuous sale of his private wine, it promoted the huge wave of private wine smuggling on the East Coast and became the emperor underground on the East Coast. Although this title is not very pleasant, it is often used for bad people who are full of evil. However, I don't know why. People don't have any dislike for Du Lin, and even shout "Mr. Du Lin" respectfully.

He has never done any bad things to ordinary people. On the contrary, Du Lin has actively participated in various charitable activities, and has made outstanding contributions to helping Ilian in helping some poor people and improving infrastructure. He was also selected as Yili. Honorary citizens of Ann! This is a rare award, and only those who have made enough contributions to Irian can get this award.

People can't say they hate him, they like him more. In the city where they live, there is an underground emperor on the East Coast who is very affable and kind.

Even if he left Irian, his mythology did not go out because of it, but with the word of mouth, more people knew that there was such a person in Ilian.

Jeff came to Irian for only eight or nine months. As a company operating a less suitable business, he came here to inquire about all the people who could not offend here. Such as the imperial hotel industry tycoon Alexander, or Ilian's largest steel contractor Garfield, these people's miraculous rise, there is a person's shadow, and that is Doolin.

Jeff was relieved when Du Lin was no longer living in Ilian. He was afraid that Du Lin didn't like his business and let himself go. According to gossip, Du Lin didn't like women, and he was confused with those around him Unfortunately, Jeff was more careful about his business.

When Kinsale spoke of the manor by the sea, Jeff subconsciously took the contract out again, and took a closer look at the place where the signature was written, which said Kinsale Ksma. At this moment in his head it was as if a bomb had been installed and exploded. The brain plasma is about to spray out of the nostrils.

He took a spit and asked carefully, "Kimsel ... Madam, do you know Dulin?", Kinsel nodded, and Jeff felt the contract in his hand was a bit heavy, and if Dulin knew He actually wanted to make Kinsale appear in a banluo movie, would he kill him? It should be, after all, he did such an unforgivable thing, so what should he do now? Did you ask for mercy, or pretended not to have happened?

After thinking about it, Jeff decided to meet Du Lin and fight for his forgiveness.

Although Kinsale didn't know why Jeff wanted to see Dulin, he still took Jeff to find Dulin, but at this time Dulin and Nasha should have talked about each other, and left separately. Just when Kinsale wasn't sure where Doolin went, a Guarth teenager hidden in the crowd ran over. "Mr. Doolin has gone back."

Kinsale asked in surprise, "Do you know me?"

The young boy smiled awkwardly, and turned quickly to merge into the crowd. Jeff, standing behind, wiped the sweat on his head, and drove Kinsel into the 350,000 estate. .

When Jeff saw that Doolin hadn't had time to say his purpose, Doolin accidentally called out his name, "Sit down, Mr. Jeff ..." Then he looked at Kinsale, "For us Get some drinks, preferably juice or coffee, not wine. "

"Just let me do something ...", Kinsale complained and left, and Du Lin only smiled.

Without Kinsale at the scene, Du Lin could say something more directly. "Mr. Jeff, I admire your guts. Not everyone dares to lie to my sister to shoot those things. Your courage. It ’s very big. I rarely admire someone for years, but you are definitely an exception. ”When Dominique Kinsell left, Doolin was able to keep up. Irian was not as safe as people thought. There are a lot of ugly things hidden under peaceful sleep.

Every year in the peak tourist season, there are some tourists missing in Ilian. These tourists are often non-locals from abroad or even foreign countries. The missing tourists have a significant feature, or they are all good-looking beauty, or Handsome young male. These people were followed by some local or foreign human snake groups, and then found ways to plunder and imprison, and finally sent to other places for population trade to sell to those rich and special hobbies as a messy existence.

The huge profits of the population trade have prompted this business to always be cleaned up. Du Lin is very at ease with Kinsale. At least he thinks that if he fights seriously, few people are her opponents except the two old ones at home. It is said that Kinsale is the only child who has inherited the mother's genes and is full of violent blood.

But just in case, Doolin still let Kinsale protect her in secret. Sometimes having force does not mean victory. There are always ways to make personal force trivial. When the people arranged by Doolin came back and said that Kinsale entered Jeff's studio, Doolin began to understand this guy.

I do n’t know. I do n’t know.

The fat man with a cheeky face that looks at least 200 pounds has been dubbed the title of "Father of Empire Action Films". Last year, San Fernando Fine Art Production Co. sold more than 14 million rolls a year. tape. According to seventy-nine and ninety-nine points of each tape ... Calculated at eight dollars, the annual sales have suddenly reached 100 million! Of course, tape can still be said to be costly. This company's gross profit is only about 15%. This is also an astonishing number. Except for the compensation paid to employees and actors, he can at least get seven or eight. million.

So the name of the father of this empire action film is really worthy of the name.

After knowing this, Du Lin was thinking about how to make Jeff work for himself. In the world in his dream, the entire world has a trillion-dollar market for action movies every year. This does not include some that are not included in the statistics but Websites and businesses with amazing income. At the same time, the empire and the related industries around the world have begun to surface, which makes Doulin believe that soon the San Fernando boutique production company will become a giant.

More importantly, there is no conflict between Du Lin's cable TV business and Jeff's tape business. People will watch their favorite programs through cable TV while still buying Jeff's tape secretly or justly. Du Lin remembers someone saying a word that a normal family will inevitably need some small things that can regulate the relationship between husband and wife. According to the current size of the empire population, at least 60 million families need these things to adjust.

If one tenth of the households choose to buy and buy three sets of tape a year, this is the 18 million market. But there is also a problem here, that is, the consumer relationship and repeated consumption in the adult industry are the most terrible in all industries. People who have bought a piece of tape will definitely buy the second, third, or even 71st. They are used to enjoying the happiness that tape brings to themselves and their partners in private, or only to themselves.

A company with an annual output value of hundreds of millions or more is rising ~ ~ Du Lin has to do something, and his cable TV station also needs an adult channel.

It ’s far better for someone to buy something with your money. See, is n’t Jeff here now?

Du Lin looked at the golden fat man with a gleam in his eyes and smiled. For the first time, Jeff felt a little cute.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Du Lin, I really don't know that Ms. Kinsale is your sister. If I knew it, I wouldn't do it at all. I was unintentional, and I didn't have any malicious ideas. How can I get you? What about forgiveness? ”, Jeff directly acknowledged that Juan ’s kind of celebrity, who is more famous and has more status than him, may die if he dies, and the official conclusion is that he committed suicide. I hope that one day I somehow appear on the roof of a building, and then jump somehow, leaving people with unlimited imagination.

"Mr. Jeff, the Kesma family is a very traditional family. If it ’s just ordinary offense, I can forgive you. But you know what you do, then you can naturally understand me as a girl's brother, watching She was almost pushed into the anger of the fire pit. How do you think you can calm my anger? "

Jeff took a spit and asked tentatively, "I'm willing to pay Ms. Kinsale for the loss of morale. You can make an offer."

Du Lin shook his head. "You're looking down on me. This is a humiliation to me. Do you think I am short of money? Or do you think my sister is a blasphemy who can use money? You humiliated her, Then I came to humiliate me and my surname, and thought about giving a sum of money to solve this problem? "Du Lin sneered, struck a finger, and someone walked in from the door immediately, Du Lin pointed out Jeff said, "Give a million to his family's account and throw him into the sea to feed sharks!"

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