Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 774: I am often misunderstood

Many people think that the industry engaged by people like Jeff is necessarily related to gangs. In fact, this is a very wrong view.

This wrong view often comes from people's first impressions of things. Many people know that those skilled women are often cared for by gangs, and they are very technical on the gang's site. Work, and extract certain expenses such as health management fees or safety guarantee fees, I mistakenly believe that Mr. Jeff may also have a gang background.

In fact, this is not the case. Mr. Jeff is just a very ordinary but successful businessman in business. He makes goods and sells them to people who need them to make enough profit, which has nothing to do with gangs. There may have been gang members looking for Mr. Jeff, but as his tax rate increased step by step, the official Irian government will never allow those scum bugs to harm Mr. Jeff's interests and the City Hall. interest.

This also made Mr. Jeff very panic now. He watched three young men approaching him, and one of them put his hands in his arms and was covered by clothes. He felt an unprecedented panic, and Du Lin would really kill him. he!

He flew in front of Du Lin with a speed and precision that a 200-pound fat man couldn't show, because fear caused him to tremble, and the cheeks on both sides spread a layer of spray because of the trembling. Listen to me, sir, this is a complete misunderstanding. If you prescribe a condition, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse it. This is a misunderstanding ... "

"What are you ... what are you doing?", Kinsale came in with the tray. The tray was full of juice. She didn't like to drink that bitter thing, so he didn't think Little Doolin would like it either, Mr. Jeff. I don't like it either. It was just that she didn't think that she hadn't left for a long time. There were some changes in the living room that she didn't know. Mr. Jeff wailed and knelt down not far from Du Lin. Like, a cry of pain was made.

Du Lin took a sip of the juice, and it tasted a bit sour, and the cyan fruits were much more, but most of the fruits in this class have a little calculation, and the fruits will not become sweet until August. He held the glass and pointed at Jeff. "Mr. Jeff said he swims very well, but I don't believe it, so I give him a chance to prove it to me."

Kinsale sat beside Du Lin with a smile, "Is that right? May I take a tour? You know that there isn't even a decent river in our place."

Du Lin stood up, "Of course there is no problem, I believe Mr. Jeff must be very happy."

Soon Jeff was reluctantly mounted on a yacht, and Doolin was on the other, and the two boats left the port, stopping about twenty nautical miles from the coastline. At this time, the East Coast has entered the standard summer mode. Although the water is still a bit cold at this time, it is within the tolerance of people. The men put a swimming ring directly on Mr. Jeff, then kicked him off the sea, and then made some fish blood into buckets and scattered it into the sea, and the calm surrounding sea became terrible.

In another boat, Kinsale and Dooling sat together, watching Mr. Jeff struggling in the water cheerfully, and Kinsale couldn't bear it.

"What benefit do you want from him?" At this time, Kinsale was not as "stupid" as before, and his speech became clear and straightforward.

This is the normal Kinsale. Doolin knows this sister very well. As the biggest girl of her generation at home, she plays the role of a half mother many times at home, helping Mrs. Kesma to bring her children. Especially when the farm was busy, Mr. Kesma and Mrs. Kesma took Mason Merlin out to work, and everything at home was handed over to Kinsale. She has keen observation and the ability to grasp details, and of course has a very violent side.

After all, so many brothers and sisters can't make everyone happy. Once one of those guys makes a noise, it will soon be transmitted to others, and everyone will make noise. When necessary, Kinsale will use his fist to teach his brothers and sisters what a harmonious family life is. Of course, there are also external wars. In addition to the three stone warriors, the Kema family has a heroine.

If Kinsell grew up in such an environment, if she was a fool, she would have been tortured by her younger brothers and sisters. If she is not crazy, it means that she is not stupid. The reason she was so stupid was a self-protection that was almost instinctual. Leaving the familiar environment and coming to the outside world, although it is said to be full of curiosity everywhere, it is also full of dangers-in the description of Mr. Kesma, the city is a man-eating monster, and Kinsey is convinced of this. Seoul disguised himself as a fool.

This is a very clever technique, at least more clever than Dulin's pretend at first. People will indeed be afraid of a mob, but if they have the right opportunity, they will lay the mob down. But people will not have any defense against a fool, anyway, it is a fool, a good-looking fool.

There was no one else at this time, and Kinsale could take off his camouflage and reveal his true colors. "I don't think you want to kill him at all, or a bullet can solve him."

Under the eyes of his ears, Kinsale had long known what Doolin was doing outside, and thus guessed that the Kisma family were abnormal people. No father heard that his son was killing Ying Ye outside and was able to laugh. They said that this was their stupid son. They also sent Hortongar's **** whose father was said to be Dragon to Du Lin.

"I think his company is good, and it can play a complementary role in my subsequent development, so it will be easier for him to feel the fear first, and then talk about cooperation." Du Lin explained a little more, "I can't stare at this every day. I don't have that much time to do such a boring thing, so fear is more useful than respect at this time. As long as he thinks of something that may hurt my interests, he will think of it today. Fear. "

"So ... I made a fortune for you?"

Du Lin looked at Kinsale very alertly, "What do you want to do?"

Kinsale licked his lips. "Should I also share one?"

"Ha ha!"

Mr. Jeff, who showed his superb skills in the sea, desperately stepped on the water. He could not wait to put his body on a lifebuoy and float on the water. Large buckets of fish blood were sprinkled in the surrounding waters with mixed pieces of fish. Don't guess that sharks will soon find food. It was really fatal. For the first time, Mr. Jeff felt the fat on his body was a burden. He vowed to go to the gym to lose weight as long as he could go back alive.

When he was thinking about it suddenly, a fishbone shot by a heavy speargun shot against him and shot into the sea. There were some loose steel cables that were tightened by the way. He glanced back at his soul and suddenly scared him. All are flying out. Some shark fins had appeared not far behind him, and at the same time the speargun just shot also hit a shark. The shark was struggling in pain, and a large swath of blood stained the nearby sea.

Glancing at the other sister, Du Lin, who seemed to be on a vacation on the other boat, Jeff felt that his head was kicked by the donkey, he called out for help, and was willing to agree to any request from Du Linte. He's still young, he doesn't want to die yet, he didn't spend so much money, how could he die here so easily?

It dragged on for a while, and two very dangerous dangers happened. The sailor on the deck decisively used the hot weapon to hit the shark so that Mr. Jeff was not injured. But even then, Mr. Jeff was scared enough.

Du Lin nodded, he was dragged to the deck by the sailors and leaned over.

"My sister told me that you are a good person, so I thought about giving you a chance ...", Du Lin asked Jeff to get a towel first. The wind on the sea is not small, and it is easy to catch a cold. "I use Do you have any opinion about the 5% share in my new company and the 45% share in your company? "

At this time, he said that he had an opinion that he might not think he was too long. UU reading Du Lin asked for 45 percent of his income, even if Jeff was wide and fat, he couldn't accept it for a while. At this point the situation is here, what options can he have besides his uncle's consent? It was only in Jeff's mind that there were other considerations. After a while, he secretly left the empire and went back to the Commonwealth. The environment in the empire was so terrible that honest businessmen like him could not survive.

Seems to see Jeff's unhappiness, Du Lin slightly stroked, "I know you may not be satisfied with my disposal method, but here it is, if you do not have a strong backstage in the empire, anyone can step on it You kick. Mr. Jeff, please don't regard our cross-shareholdings with each other as my economic plunder of you, in fact you should thank me, because I have something you didn't have before, now! "

He also said with certainty, "And I also believe that when you know what my new company is doing, you will find that you are actually taking advantage of me. This is how I am, often misunderstood. But after the misunderstanding is lifted, people will appreciate everything I do, and I believe you are the next! "

After returning to the manor, Du Lin asked his lawyer to draw up two contracts. In the process, Du Lin explained things about cable TV, which immediately made Mr Jeff look golden. If he can send his small films to millions of households through wired transmission, he will save a lot of money, such as the two huge expenses of filling tape and transportation, it seems that he was indeed durin Take advantage, but the profit will actually be higher than before!

So he signed the contract with Du Lin very easily, and became Du Lin Cable's second co-leasing partner.

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