Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 779: Play overcast

Du Lin talked a lot with this candidate and had to say that this is the first person to take the initiative to come to the door. He has strong practical business ability and has very unique insights on certain business methods. He is as outstanding as his resume. He graduated from the Higher School of Economics, has many years of work management experience from the grassroots to the top, has a strong personal ability, and has a good opinion of social changes and economic fluctuations.

But unfortunately, he was not what Du Lin wanted.

"Mr. Du Lin, can you tell me where I am not suitable for your company?", When Du Lin clearly expressed his regret that he was temporarily unable to cooperate with this job applicant, he could not help asking such a question, " Am I missing something or am I not in line with your ideas for future planning? It is not humble to say that I think my personal work experience and ability, even if it is not the best, is definitely the first one Approve. Please let me die, Mr. Du Lin. "

Du Lin gave him a cigarette, and stroked his emotions, "These you said are very good, very good, and better than your resume gives me. The things we talked about are really very relevant. Actually, I think if you are hired as the executive director of CATV, this company will become a company with great commercial value in the next five to ten years. "

"Then why don't you want to use me?"

Du Lin smiled, "Because you are not me!"

"You can take this company to lead the peak of a mountain, but I can fly this company to the sky. I need an executor, and I don't need someone who can think and plan for me everywhere. It's not fair to you It ’s not fair to me, what do you say? "

The job applicant left very frustrated, and he didn't understand why Du Lin was so confident when he left. This is a very strange thing, like ... he can't say the feeling, just like Du Lin can already see very Far from the future.

In fact, he didn't guess wrong. Du Lin can really see the future in the future. This is also the secret of Du Lin, and it is also the wealth of Du Lin. No one knows where the future of cable TV is, so what he needs is an executor with a certain self-thinking. Self-thinking is not the most important, but the executor is the most important. He doesn't need a leader who builds tall buildings, he doesn't need a pioneer with a strong independent mind, he needs a performer who can quietly execute his line!

Many people are afraid that their company will hire a mediocre person, but Du Lin is not afraid, because his eyes can penetrate time and space to see the future trend, because the future is in his palm!

This is perhaps his biggest flaw, because he looks too far away, so many people do n’t know what he sees, even if he tells them that those people do n’t know if what he sees is right or wrong, or even So questioned him and shook his trust in him. This also makes it difficult for him to find the right person. Sometimes Du Lin feels that he should probably let others have more initiative ... Well, next time it is so good, appoint these excellent talents in those unimportant positions.

Freina was quickly recalled by Doolin soon, and her studies were basically over. Her two years of study in economics and management might not have made her as pioneering as the job applicant. And an industry elite with strong personal abilities, but letting her be an executor with a certain self-thinking is enough.

Freina's return foreshadows that Kisma Cable will be handed over to her temporarily. When she returns, Du Lin also holds a reception party for him and introduces her current partners to her. He could see that there seemed to be a little emotion between Flenna and Nasha, but he didn't pay much attention. The reason why people are people is because they have love and hate, and restraining others does not mean that things will change for the better. As long as the small conflict between them does not affect the overall plan, Du Lin is too lazy to control it.

He spent almost a month outside and returned to the west at the end of July.

At this time, the western "grabbing" activity has gradually come to an end, and the biggest winner is Du Lin. In his and Mr. Jack's industries, there are more than 400,000 farmers and workers who have participated in the Three Guarantees policy. Together with the crazy purchase contracts of the Association during this period, the total number of contracts he has acquired has reached 1.3 million. The whole western part of the independent contract to participate in the three guarantees policy looks like a little over four million. He got one-third of them and is already the biggest winner.

Southern Commercial Bank's Bellito barely surpassed one million contracts. The Empire Central Bank was the worst one, with less than 800,000, and some of the contracts of about one million were on the sidelines. And some were acquired by other scattered institutions.

The "players" who enter the market may not be clear about the rules of the game and the benefits that the winners can get, but seeing that the two major banks and Du Lin are madly acquiring those contracts, they naturally participate in the acquisition war with speculative ideas. . If they can get the benefits, they will eat the benefits into their stomachs. If they don't see a profit point, they will sell it to other "players". It is said that the new head of the central bank is actively contacting these "third parties", hoping to get more contracts from them.

Just before getting off the train, Du Lin heard about something interesting before he had time to go back to rest. The new central bankers persuaded Bellito and other third parties to plan to hold an early industry conference and set up an organization similar to an industry association to set up industry standards while self-disciplined. What's more interesting is that they didn't inform Du Lin, and even chose to drive when Du Lin hadn't returned.

If it wasn't for Durinby's return to the west two days ahead of schedule, he might have missed this "industry conference."

At this time, in the conference room on the seventh floor of the Fanlier Hotel, a group of people were sitting together to discuss how to develop industry standards and access systems. This meeting was initiated by the new owner of the central bank because of the preliminary work of Phyllis Mistakes, and he thought he couldn't continue to fight for the imperial central bank in the west. After considering for a long time, he decided to take the initiative to leave the west. He will face huge losses, including loss of directorship, inability to interfere with the work of the central bank for the next three years, and the fact that he must sell 0.3% of his shares to other shareholders as punishment.

Although the punishment is heavy, it also relieves Philis, at least compared to the horrible collapse. The punishment is now painless. Apart from a little less shares, there is actually nothing. Many directors, like him now, are anonymous, except that they will appear during meetings, and they will not be visible at other times. He can now figure it out. He is not a qualified banker, not even a banker. He is not going to fight for that tone. The quickest retreat is the most correct choice. Let his successor go to have a headache.

Phyllis's decisive retreat has caused a great deal of passiveness to the new director Taylor. Phyllis' foolishness has left the central bank at a disadvantage in this war, which obviously has more advantages. The only way he can reverse the current situation is to first integrate the industry, then buy the contracts of those speculators, and finally kick Du Lin, the biggest winner in the war. Compared to Philis, who knows nothing, obviously Taylor's method is more sophisticated and mature.

Once the industry integration is completed, industry standards have been formulated. As Du Lin, who is absent and not in the industry, the first thing to face is the huge threshold to enter the industry. They only need to bite the bullet and refuse Du Lin to enter the industry. Those contracts purchased by Lin are waste. He has no second way to go except to sell to members in the industry. Taylor has already discussed this matter with Bellito privately, and the integration in the industry is over. After that, they will apply to the Imperial City for a franchise application ~ ~ In simple terms, they will give part of the benefits to the official, and then the official and their industry collectively formulate an access system that is protected by law. This has been reflected in the banking industry. Now even if a wealthy man was holding 10 billion funds in his hand, he had to get permission to open a bank. This access permit was only effective after it was signed by the Banking Commission and the Ministry of Finance, and the rich man was able to open the bank.

If any party does not agree with this rich man to open a bank, then he cannot open a bank. If he does that, he will not only be prosecuted, but also face huge fines.

Taylor has accused Philis more than once of stupidity and ignorance. If he could choose to retreat earlier, he would have more time for Taylor and more room for operation. At the same time, Taylor proposed a new internal bill to the Board of Governors of the Imperial Bank. Those incapable directors should just put them on the line. Don't arrange any work for them.

At this time, a group of people in the conference room are discussing the formulation of industry standards and access systems for the insurance business. As the largest South Commercial Bank and the Imperial Bank without the presence of Du Lin, the standards set by them are definitely more beneficial to themselves. For example, they are now arguing over the funding standards. Taylor believes that as a service involving insurance business involving large cash flows, it must be ensured that a large amount of money can be mobilized anytime, anywhere. He set that number at 50 million, a number that despairs many speculators.

The purpose of this is to filter out speculators who do not have the ability and qualifications, forcing them to take out their own contracts, or for the two major banks to swallow them. A clear purpose and qualified means of capital are always effective means for capitalists to strengthen themselves.

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