Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 781: Eat rice

"Will you be faster?", The driving Buddha looked at Du Lin, who closed his eyes in the rearview mirror, and stepped on the power pedal to keep the speed of the car steadily increasing, surpassing one another in the traffic flow. A car.

Du Lin opened his eyes and glanced at the scenery outside the car window, and shook his head. "They didn't invite me, but I would appear to lack confidence when I came to the door. Since they want to avoid me, then I also avoid them. The game is still ongoing, and who is the final winner may not be sure! "

After the following cars, Du Lin knew that the group was united, but he was excluded. His absence from the West some time ago is one reason. On the other hand, he has the most contracts in his hand and is also an important factor. No industry self-regulatory organization has ever been the one who has the most money and who speaks the loudest. It depends on who has more resources in his hands. Now Du Lin has the most resources. Once they invited Du Lin, they Loses initiative.

One is Bellito, a shareholder of Southern Commercial Bank, and the other is the Imperial Bank of China. They have also been temporarily replaced. These two parties have always been strong in the capital market. Let them sit behind Du Lin while sitting in a row. They are not necessarily used to this kind of sitting. So simply kick Du Lin out of the game, and then set a threshold to prevent him from coming in. Naturally, those things in his hands are useless, and they must be dealt with cheaply in the end.

Rather than contending with Du Lin, let him lose directly, their ideas are good, but they may not be successful.

What is to be done now is not to go to the door, it would be meaningless to do that. In addition to making people look at jokes, other people will also think that this is a manifestation of Du Lin's delicacy. He panicked, he was scared, so he wanted to be tough and then get tough to compromise. So Du Lin won't give these people a chance to see what they think is right. Compared with the toughness now, he hopes to watch this group of people set up the stage, put on opera clothes and put on makeup, and will be on stage soon. When they were performing, they were notified that their performance was illegal. Du Lin wanted to see the face on their face at that moment, would it be as wonderful as he imagined!

After returning to the villa, Du Lin took a bath and changed his clothes. The dry climate in the west made him feel a grainy feeling in his nasal cavity and trachea when he breathed. In this respect, the west was far less pleasant than the east coast. More humid air humidity is actually very good for people's lives, at least people will not be infected with various diseases due to dry air damage to the respiratory mucosa.

Of course, what made Dulin more satisfied was that Kinsale did not follow him back, and he put Kinsale into the acting school. Now the performance school and the property on the side of Irian are all hosted and managed by Jose. Although Jose made some small mistakes, Du Lin trusted him. He trusted everyone who blocked guns and bullets for himself.

It was already over four o'clock after waking up after a sleep. After denying Dove's inquiry about dining at home, Du Lin left with someone. The fact that he didn't interfere with the **** meetings during the day did not mean that he didn't want to know the details inside, let alone that he wouldn't do a little damage to make those people suffer.

At 6:15 pm, most people start to eat dinner. Meal is a power given to people by God, and no one is no exception.

Sitting at the table, Mr. Jackson shook his napkin away under the collar, and as a free speculator and capitalist he was very satisfied with his past record. The first group of speculators who speculated on the western mining industry made a rapid transformation and started the tobacco industry after earning the first money. At that time, others were not optimistic about the tobacco industry. The dumping of cheap cigarettes from the Federation into the empire destroyed many tobacco companies . Coupled with the fact that more people are willing to grow their own tobacco or spend money on finished cigarettes, the tobacco industry is lamenting.

But he thinks the tobacco industry is promising for three reasons. The first is that the transfer of tariff rights is getting closer and closer. In any case, the empire will take the tariff rights back from the federal hands. By then, the federal cigarettes will gradually withdraw. Empire Market, leaving a large vacuum zone. Secondly, the number of smokers will only increase, and will not decrease. The market is constantly expanding, and so far it has not seen the bottom. Such a large market means a guarantee of profits and is engaged in the tobacco industry. Never lose money. Third, the empire has a tax rebate subsidy for the plantation industry, including a certain amount of tax rebate preferential policies, including tobacco cultivation. He took this opportunity to circle a large area of ​​land.

It seems as if you can't make any money in the early stage, but as long as you continue, it will inevitably usher in a glorious era.

He was keen to seize the opportunity to buy a bankrupt tobacco company, and then started running his own cowboy brand cigarettes. At that time, many people said that he failed to invest. He didn't care. Now he turned around and looked back. Those who were once able to laugh at him from a higher position than him have now fallen to the bottom of the valley and disappeared. Stepped up the higher peaks and became the man who "caught the pulse of the times" in people's mouths.

Now the tobacco market is getting better and better, and his income is getting higher and higher. He has a lot of money in his hands and doesn't know where to put it. He opened two garment factories in the south. very. Some time ago, I heard that the two major banks acquired contracts in the west, and he followed up with a wave of excitement.

Rich people may also have a lot of troubles, but one thing is very good, that is, someone will actively tell him how to make money the fastest. With the help of his personal team, he signed up for an insurance company to accept these policies, with the conditions being a three-month premium waiver and ten boxes of cigarettes. Very good strategy, many cowboys gave him his contract to deal with, leaving him with more than 100,000 contracts.

"You don't seem very happy, is it because of what happened during the day?" His wife asked, Mr. Jackson had no smile on his face since he came back, and kept his face stretched, which is not the same as before, So she asked with great concern, "If you don't know who to talk to, why not try to tell me?"

Jackson squeezed a smile, but soon sighed, and picked up the knife and fork and put it back again. "The two major banks fought against each other, but we became 'burials.' I have some concerns!" What he was worried about was whether there were other ideas or pitfalls behind Belito's loan of 50 million as a security deposit. None of these bankers is a good thing. If ordinary capitalists are abominable, they make money by squeezing workers' labor and raising the price of goods.

Then the banker is evil, because the ultimate goal of the banker is to make everyone who borrows from the bank not to make money in the end, so that they can earn a fortune from other people's bodies.

The difference is that capitalists are just squeezing workers, but bankers want others to die.

If the 50 million loan cannot be repaid in the next year and still have the same amount of money-another 50 million loan, the company they formed together will face huge troubles. Part of the trouble comes from the fact that they may be blocked by the two major banks, making them difficult. Finally, in the third year, they were expelled from the insurance because they could not pay the high interest, did not pay the principal, or did not have the sufficient deposit. industry.

In this case, each of them will have to pay a large sum of money. The money invested will not be counted, and they will also face huge losses, which will definitely hurt their foundation and vitality.

But if he refuses to cooperate and directly transfer these things to others ..., he is a little reconciled, and through the continuous meetings during this time, he has learned that these policies are good things. Each policy can provide him with a premium of about thirty yuan a year, and he has hundreds of thousands of copies, which is millions of income. But if he wants to transfer these policies, it may only be worth tens of thousands of yuan, and it ca n’t be more.

So he was very contradictory, should he persist? ~ or choose to withdraw from the industry in time.

"I am now facing a difficult choice. One step forward may go to the top of the mountain or I may fall into the abyss. One step back may ensure my safety now, but it will also lose an important opportunity in my life. .I'm not sure what I should choose. I'm hesitant and tortured! ", Jackson rubbed his temples, and he had no appetite for a hearty dinner in front of him.

His wife moved the chair to his side and held his hand. "Dear, you never considered the possibility that you might fail twenty years ago. Ten years ago you just told me if you lost It ’s just a new start. Now, you hesitate for the choice in front of you. I hope to see a real you, do n’t worry about us, it ’s not terrible to lose, and we wo n’t become nothing, follow your heart, Choose the answer you most want! "

He shook his wife's hand back, pouting his eyes with a moving expression in his eyes, and what he was about to say, the door of the room suddenly snapped open. His housekeeper was ugly pressed against the wall, and a shadow appeared outside the gate.

Jackson's heart fluttered, and he took a deep breath and drew it into his chest, making himself look a bit burly, in fact he was out of breath. His clenched wife's hand shuddered a little, and both were frightened.

With the sound of the celebrity stepping out of the shadows, the hair on his back was shiny, and each of the hairs stopped just right. He was wearing a pure white dress and was walking to the table with a smile. He came down and greeted him very politely, and then said, "Your housekeeper said that you are not at home. I don't believe it, would you mind adding a pair of tableware?"

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