Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 783: Good boy

The income will soon drop sharply, and the new investment will continue to lose money. For Mr. Jackson at this time, his risk is already very large.

Business is a terrible circle. Today, people who you think are friends or even allies may be the enemy who will give you the most critical knife from behind tomorrow. In this circle that always pursues eternal interests, only constant growth is the only correct behavior. This is why even if Southern Commercial Bank and the Imperial Bank of China have become giant monsters, they are still expanding themselves. Territory.

In fact, they are also afraid to keep raising their status and make the walls of the castle thicker to guard against possible risks anytime, anywhere.

The reason why Mr. Jackson is so hesitant to join the game, he can't determine whether the ticket of this game is reasonable, whether it can bring about the ideal return, whether there are some other risks that he doesn't know yet. Waiting for him. But at this moment, in the study, sitting opposite Du Lin, Mr. Jackson suddenly felt relieved. The South Commercial Bank is fighting, the Imperial Bank is fighting, and even Du Lin is fighting, so that he does not hesitate to use this method, which shows that the insurance industry can make money, he decided to go all out and do it!

The two talked for a long time in Mr. Jackson's study. Doolin had already fully understood the plans of Bellito and Taylor. The reason they did not see Doulin at all was that their connections and financial strength were very high. The strength of the company can quickly help them to formulate industry standards and access, so as to achieve the goal of kicking out Du Lin thoroughly. If you change people, you really have no chance. After all, you have to deal with the two major empires, and the entire empire has almost 60% of the wealth in their hands. It is proper to face them. Dead.

But Du Lin is different. Not only is he not afraid, he has the confidence to go through them!

At eight o'clock the next morning, Du Lin was still sleeping. During this time, he ran a lot of places and was tired enough. Taking a good rest for a while could not eliminate the fatigue from his body. Just then, Henry came.

Henry knew that Durin had returned to the west yesterday. He did n’t come to disturb Durin yesterday. He also considered that Durin had circled half of the empire during this time, but after he woke up this morning, he felt it necessary to speak clearly with Durin. Otherwise, neither side is human. So he personally drove to Du Lin's place-it would take about three minutes to walk from the villa where Henry lived to the villa where Du Lin lived, which is the kind of distance where he can see the door of Du Lin's house.

When he drove the car outside the Villa Du Lin, he rang the doorbell. After knowing that Henry had important news, Dove rang the door of Du Lin's room.

"Anything?" Du Lin woke up from his sleep very quickly. He looked around and listened carefully to the sounds outside, sighing with relief. People only saw the infinite scenery of Du Lin, but did not see the side of his sin. He rubbed his eyes, got up from the bed, and put on a pajama and went to the door.

"Mr. Henry said that there is an urgent need to meet you. He is waiting for you in the living room now!" It was Dove who was talking. Then Du Lin opened the door and let Dove pick a suit for him. He washed one by the way. hot shower.

When Du Lin saw Henry, Henry immediately stood up. He went to Du Lin and took his arm to the corner of the living room. His face was full of solemn expressions, which made Du Lin realize that there might be a problem. What's wrong. He and Henry have a number of ongoing projects, such as three immigrant town living sites under construction. If something goes wrong inside, it must be a big problem, and Du Lin's face also becomes serious. He pointed to the door, and the Buddha sitting on the side drove everyone out of the living room, and kept him at the door.

There are always a lot of people in Du Lin ’s villa, the local Guart and those around him. These people usually use this place as a base and live here or nearby. It is convenient for Du Lin anytime, anywhere. What they need to do can also protect Du Lin.

Drive everyone out, and when there are only Du Lin and Henry left in the entire villa, Henry looked around, lowered his voice and whispered, "I really didn't expect that you introduced me That woman, that Katrina is a thief! "

Du Lin: ┻━┻︵╰ (‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻━┻

"You just want to tell me this?" Du Lin patted Henry's shoulder lightly, his tone was kind. He suddenly understood why Henry had been in the West for so many years, why he was unwilling to go home, and why his father and his brother would scold him for blame, all because he was more prominent than others!

Henry nodded, then nodded, "Of course, this is important, isn't it? No matter how you know Catalina, I think you should beware of what they might do to you, such as stealing yours Trade secrets, this is terrible! ", Henry Zhenzheng's words have found not only suitable, but also a reasonable excuse," I know you are not afraid of those little tricks, but people always have accidents, right? Sometimes a little mistake , You can ruin your efforts! "

Originally, Doolin was still a little angry. This **** made mysterious and secretive things to be said, which made him think that the imperialists had landed on the moon, but did not expect to just talk about Katrina. But then he was not so angry again, exactly not angry at all, because Henry was not trying to play with him or harm him, but was thinking about him. With Du Lin's brain, he can fully imagine this mentally handicapped child who lacked care and never took him out from the family to take the sun. No one with him talked about him very much. He was afraid that he would lose face, so he did it. So careful.

Okay, I forgive you. Du Lin didn't know if he was angry or something, he kicked the tip of his shoe, "I see, where is she now? How did you know she was a thief?"

"Last time we went to the party together, she was expelled by the Shari because of stealing things, and then I have never seen her again. I think she may feel that her identity has been exposed, so she left." There is still a little regret, "It's a pity that the good-looking skin bag does not have a good soul."

Du Lin froze for a moment, his expression freezes for a moment, and then he pulled Henry on the sofa calmly. "Don't talk about the unpleasant content, are you having fun at this party?"

Speaking of Henry ’s favorite things, he suddenly became interested, “Of course, of course! It ’s a pity you did n’t go. They do n’t know where to find a woman warrior. I ca n’t even imagine a woman, even if she accepts it. After professional training, I was able to pass the customs! The presence of God is really exciting, especially the scene where she stood up from the pool of blood at the end is so shocking! "In fact, Henry did not say that he spent 300,000 Used to rescue that woman at a critical time.

From front to back, this group of boring riches nearly smashed in more than one million to provide various types of weapons and equipment, as well as an adrenaline and a simple medical kit.

With a sigh of relief, Henry said, "The party next month will be ruined. They will be suspended for a month without any reason, but I feel that it may have something to do with Katrina. She tried to steal from the gods. , Such an impact is too bad, it shouldn't be! "

"Did they not ask you about your relationship with Catalina?", Du Lin couldn't help interrupting his words, and the nonsense he said couldn't hold the point at all and caused a headache.

"Of course they asked, after all I brought Katrina."

"how do you say?"

Henry grinned, "I said she took the initiative to seduce me, and then I took her in."

Dooling looked at Henry silently. What is a good brother?

This is it!

Later, Du Lin called and told Magus the news. He didn't add or delete any content. What did Henry say ~ ~ he would tell it. After thinking about it for a while, Magus gave Durin another number, told him to talk about Katrina, and told the person who answered the phone. Du Lin guessed that it should be a phone number of the Security Council or the Military Intelligence Office in the west. He then called the phone and repeated it.

The other party didn't say anything, and hung up the phone without even revealing a voice. The mystery of God is very consistent with the nature of their work.

After he hung up the phone, Du Lin didn't care about it anymore. It had nothing to do with himself anyway. He had planned to continue to sleep, but Henry took him to the show.

"The Quinn Opera Company has a show this afternoon. I have already bought the tickets. Let's go together!"

This was what Henry said, and Doolin pointed to himself, "Do we both mean you and me?"

"Yes!" Henry answered affirmatively, and then he gave Dulin a word about why he had to go to the opera company.

The Quinn Opera Company was born more than 200 years ago, and has performed for the royal family and nobles. Until the economic problems of the royal family in recent years, unable to continue to support the Quinn Opera Company, this opera company began to earn money from the Empire. trip.

Although it has been in the new era for more than 20 years, many things ca n’t be thrown away, just like the middle class in the society has been working hard to move towards the "nobility". Their children will go to the noble school and they will wear the noble They used to wear jewels that were previously sold only to aristocrats. They even appreciated the proposal that clearly differentiated the social hierarchy in order to distinguish between the middle class and the low- and proletariat.

Of course, this opera group that used to perform only for the royal family and aristocracy must become their new favorite.

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