Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 784: Water prison

Walking on the steps of the Verrier Theatre, there were many people around, and they all seemed to come to watch the performance. Du Lin asked curiously, "Why don't they go to a more developed place in the south to perform? The west side Shouldn't you make any money? "

Du Lin knows a lot of things, but he does n’t know enough about the inside of the entertainment industry. Whether he is the big man in his dream or himself, he feels that there is nothing in the entertainment industry that needs his attention. The place. Many people use the fame and fortune circle to describe the entertainment circle, and to describe the society inside, people think that the place is bright and beautiful, everything is so beautiful. But for the real big names, the so-called fame and fortune circle, or entertainment circle, is at best a vending machine for adult products.

name? Lee?

That's just a low-level joke. Whether it's social status, wealth, popularity, or influence, an actor can never compare to a real big capitalist, that's a kindergarten!

Compared to Dulin's "ignorance" in this area, Henry obviously needs to know much more. He is more like a child of a rich man in the traditional sense, focusing more on how to eat, drink and play better. From the moment he was born, in addition to worrying about his IQ, he didn't need to worry about any livelihood matters, even if his IQ did not meet the standards, he also has a career in the West today. Many people feel unbalanced, which is unfair, but these people ignore themselves, or each person is the product of unfairness.

Two hundred million brothers and sisters participated in a marathon together. Why can you win alone, and why are those brothers and sisters who are only one step slower than you will sink into the endless abyss and will never see the sun again? This may also be unfair, but it is also the biggest fair. As an indirect hand, 200 million siblings have come to this world. From the moment of birth, it means that an extraordinary life has come to this full of competition. In the world, all we have to do is fight fiercely.

"Because the West makes no less money than anywhere else!" Henry walked and puzzled Doolin as he walked. "In order for the citizens to enjoy more high-quality entertainment content, they eliminated the Quinn Opera Company from renting songs. The cost of the theater, they have no cost except the fare. Then there is the fare, 15 yuan for a ticket, the Verrier Opera House has 800 seats, and one is 1,200 yuan. They will be here Six performances for three consecutive days is 7,200 yuan. "

"If you think a certain actor is doing well, you can give them some flower baskets or other things, or even invite them to dinner to bid. I do n’t know how much this part of the income is, but it will not be too small, there are tens of thousands! It's no different than performing in other places, maybe even because of the gathering of rich people in the west, their income is a little bit higher! "

After so many turbulences in the west, many institutional rules have changed unknowingly. For example, more mine owners are now willing to live in cities, and the destructive power caused by the Freedom Front has continued to this day. . The killing of the three mining areas has caused a great shadow to the mine owners. Compared with a more secure and reliable city, they are no longer willing to stay in the mining area, and now there are no slaves, and the number of mining teams is also Cut a lot, everything is on track, no need for them to do anything to stabilize their authority in the mining area.

Most mine owners choose to live in developed cities, such as Verrier, which is not only the capital of a state, but also one of the most developed cities in the west. In the past few years, Mennon has not brought positive changes to the west. At least he has made great efforts in urban construction, allowing some cities to gradually stand out from the 22 cities and use these cities to stand out. At the core, we have created economic circles.

In Verrier, there are dozens or more miners, and tycoons from all walks of life. This is definitely not a poor city and has a terrible spending power.

The two entered the Grand Theater after checking the ticket, found their place, and sat down. Before the show was about to begin, the entire theater ’s light was turned off, and the huge space was dark for a moment. Du Lin also heard someone because of this. Frightened and exclaimed. Before the official start of the show, the light is generally dimmed. The purpose is to highlight the effect of the stage and the actors on the stage. There are not many lights that are completely turned off like this, but it cannot be said that there is no.

In a cave, there was also a poor fellow in the dark. Her name was Katrina.

She was locked in a water cell, which is a terrible place. In the past many years, when many warriors heard the word water cell, they could not suppress the fear from the heart. They even chose to commit suicide and were unwilling to be held in the water cell. in. Unlike other places where prisons are held, prisoners soak in the water almost all the time. Prisoners will be placed in a large cage, and then the cage will be sunk into the water. Only a small space will be exposed to allow their heads to float on the water. Face breathing.

There is no chance to rest in such a place, because once a person enters a state of rest, he will sink and then be awake. They must grasp the top of the cage at all times to ensure that they can breathe air. In doing so, they will never be able to rest. At the same time, if the body is soaked in the water for too long, a series of special conditions will occur, such as puffiness and skin Fester will start to occur, and then the sudden death rate will start to rise, or it will float completely within a few days, and then slowly become stinky.

Katrina has been locked up for three days, and her body has also experienced such a situation. She has taken off all her clothes and soaked her body in water. Maybe many people think this should be a seductive scene, but it is actually very scary. Her body had begun to swell, and those clothes that would not swell with the body would suddenly become sharp weapons. If she did not take it off, her body would be torn into pieces, accelerating her death. In addition, dark purple scars have appeared in some places. The skin and muscle tissue will begin to rot and deteriorate for a maximum of two or three days, and then she will become a floating corpse within three or five days.

She did not consider that the people of the Tujiaism only put her here without interrogating her. She was also very scared at this time. No one could face death calmly, not even a saint.

She tied her long hair to the iron on the top of the cage to prevent herself from sinking, and she had a chance to rest. Every day someone would drop some vegetables, leaves and fruits from the sunroof, and sometimes there would be meat, but the meat They sank. Now, she thinks she may not be able to survive. She wonders why these people drowned her without asking anything.

Catalina's question is also something that the Elders in the Divinity Church are hesitating. They have figured out Catalina's identity and arrested her. But the problem now is not to be tried, what to do after the trial, yes Kill or keep her in prison or let her go. These issues have been interfering with the trial because no one knows how to decide.

Killing her will anger the MI. Those people will definitely come and bite them crazy. Even if they have completed the transformation, they will continue to stare at them and then kill them. If she is not killed, raising her is also a trouble. This kind of intelligence personnel trained by agents has a strong personal ability. To be honest, there is no one in the Divinity Church who feels that she will be able to hold Katrina firmly in a certain place. She was in a cell, so she was temporarily put into a water cell.

The most important question is that they have nothing to ask and do not know what to do with this woman. This is the crux of the problem, so that they temporarily pretend not to know about it.

Katerina growled loudly at dinner when she had the red light on her life, and she kept repeating the fact that she was going to die ~ ~ The person in charge of the meal quickly returned the news To the Presbyterian Church. Several elders on duty discussed it and decided to transfer Katrina to an ordinary cell. To say that it is an ordinary cell, in fact, a smaller room is cut out on the inner wall of the cave, and an iron door is added to the cell.

After Catalina called for help for half an hour, the cage was slowly lifted. This relieved Caterina. She untied her hair tied to the iron cage and was gradually lifted from the water. Under normal circumstances, a person will feel cold after leaving the water after staying in the water for a while, but she does not feel a little bit. The puffy body has cut off the feedback of the epidermis to external information, which is not a good sign.

Soon a group of people in church robes came to her, and after a few glances, a believer who was supposed to be a woman crouched down. She took out some grease and applied it to Katrina's skin. "The next few days You may be in pain, but that ’s a good thing. If you still ca n’t feel the pain, we ca n’t save you. ”Caterina understood her meaning, the necrotic organization would not transmit the signal, and she would also I can only pray that the goddess of luck can please herself.

Soon Catalina was sent to the cell, and they lost a loose robe to her. No one in the face of this "stunner" could raise interest, especially watching her pink on her thighs. The dripping of the liquid makes people even have no appetite.

The situation here is really bad, much worse than Caterina imagined. After coming out of the water prison, she started to have a fever, and she became unconscious. Now she can only expect Henry ’s **** and Doolin ’s Asshole, able to promptly remind MIA of what he might encounter.

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