Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 785: Rescue Agent Katrina

At this time outside the mountain, an agent wearing various plants and grass leaves was hiding under the cover of the vegetation and was lurking directly above the gate of the Tushen meeting place. Several agents were watching around here. A military observation was equipped on a hill in the distance to record everything that happened here. Since receiving a feedback from Du Lin, the local military intelligence office immediately acted without any meeting to discuss the results, and did not need to weigh the pros and cons. As a violent organ with great power within the empire, it did not need much accuracy. Things can be acted on first.

Below them, a large number of Tujiao worshippers wearing robes are carrying packed wooden boxes onto trucks. Since yesterday, the deities and elders have ordered the transfer. Everything here must be shipped. To leave must be completed within a week. Most believers don't know what happened, why should we abandon this meeting place that has been used for several years, but for religious organizations, top-down orders often do not require the superior to explain to the subordinate, tell Whatever they want to do.

This meeting place is a large-scale project. It took almost five years to build everything here, but it only takes a week to destroy it. All the valuable things were unloaded very rough. Those decorations inlaid in the holes were directly smashed with a hammer. The gold gates like the gold made like art are cut into dozens of pieces directly and packed into them. In different trucks, all the works of art collected by the Tushenism were transported away. Although these items are also very valuable, they are still worse than gold and precious art.

After a truck was full, one of the believers in charge of moving to the side of the cab patted the door. After receiving the signal, the driver immediately launched the truck and slowly left the mountain road. The believer did not immediately return to the crowd. Instead, he walked towards the side of the mountain. He needed to make it easier.

Wearing a robe is actually inconvenient when it is convenient, because if you want to be convenient, you must completely slap up the inconvenient robe, the movement range is too big, not to mention, now this season and climate, many believers only wear underwear inside Somewhat indecent. Moreover, the robes are pure white, and a little dust can be seen but it has little effect, but if some yellow stains are stained, others will know what it is at a glance.

The clergyman lifted the robe up and hung it on his shoulders, found a suitable place to step on it, and narrowed his eyes comfortably. Suddenly, Li Lili's voice relieved the pressure at this moment. After hearing this voice, the whole person was relaxed, even though the body had a feeling of being hollowed out, it felt great!

As soon as a person relaxes, he wants to twist his neck and move the cervical spine. This is a "common disease". When he twisted his neck and looked up, he saw a face and a supportive face!

He froze, and the wild faucet proved the argument that it would be thrown away without the control of an external force. What he wanted to do was too late!

The next second, he couldn't even call for help before he was wrapped around his neck by his two arms, and he lost control of his body after a "squeak". He is actually dead, but he is still alive. The death is from a physiological point of view, the neck is broken. Basically, he can not live long. The latter is that he has not died yet. The remaining consciousness and the brain that is still active make him I saw the man sliding down the cliff, standing close to him, and then got into his robe.

The agent turned around holding him, stretched out his hand, and the robe was worn by the agent. He lost his strength and helped the unfortunate believer lie on the wet ground. The agent took off his camouflage—that is, those blades of grass and covered the body of the dead believer, and then took out a special handkerchief to wipe off the putty on his face, lowered his head and other Like everyone, returned to the ranks of believers.

Unconsciously, three believers have been replaced by agents of the Military Intelligence without being found. Others have not found a suitable opportunity and are still waiting for the opportunity.

They have been observing on the mountain wall for some time. After grasping the exact trajectories and laws of these believers, they got into the crowd and returned to the gate together. They also need to move other valuables out and load them in trucks to other places. Of course, these three agents are unlikely to really consider themselves as believers. At a fork, they separated and began to penetrate deeper. This time their mission was very simple, rescue Katrina, and seize the high-level of the gods.

No matter what the gods did and didn't do, it was just the imprisonment of the MI agents that violated the law, even if it didn't. In order to protect the dignity of the Military Intelligence Department from being trampled, and to ensure the safety of the agents of the Military Intelligence Department, this time the strongholds in the west released all the agents directly. They must retrieve their lost faces from the gods.

With a "ding", a believer stopped in the corridor. He tilted his head and glanced at the spinning coin on the ground not far away. It was a fifty-cent coin. He looked around and didn't. It made him feel strange to find anyone. Where did this coin come from, and why did it fall here? He walked towards the coin, and was curious at the same time he was happy for his good luck. It was worth people's joy to pick up money, and it was still fifty.

The moment he bent over, a fist appeared next to his head, and he also found a shoe that suddenly came out. The next second, the luck-seeking believer actually reached the sight of the blood mold. Black, his neck was strangled.

"Tell me where the prisoner's cell is ...", the voice behind him made the believer very frightened. He also realized that someone had penetrated into it, but with respect for life and responsibility for himself, he He decisively pointed the direction for the people behind him, and then he was disappointed and disappointed with the morality of the people in modern society. Because the man behind him was a wordless man, he lied and deceived himself, and the glory in his eyes accompanied by the hatred of the liar gradually lost his luster after a "squeak".

When the agent found Caterina, Caterina had passed out. He called softly through the window on the iron door of the cell. Caterina did not answer him, which made him very worried. I raised my wrist and glanced at the watch, it was six o'clock.

The sudden footsteps made the agent quickly look in the direction of the sound. Two people in teaching robes appeared at the end of the distant corridor. One of them asked, "What are you doing here?" Everyone in Tujiao has his own responsibilities and areas where he can move, and there are some subtle signs reflected in their robes. As a sensitive place like a cell, it is guarded by a special person.

Suddenly one more person will surely cause others to doubt.

The agent didn't even think about it, and told the big truth directly. He pointed at the iron door of the cell and said in a very anxious voice, "She seems dead!"

The two guards also failed to verify the identity of the believer who had gone to the wrong place, and ran over immediately, taking out the keys while running. The Presbyterian Church had told them before that, try not to let Catalina die, and don't need to completely recover her, just hang her life. At this time, I heard that Katrina was dead. There was a hemp in the head of these two people. If she really died, they would definitely be punished.

It wasn't the people inside the Tushenism did not know how terrible the punishment of the Tushenism was. They opened the cell door and rushed in, ignoring another person outside the door. One of them stretched out **** and pressed it on Catalina's neck ~ ~ After a few seconds, his heart was cold and there was really no pulse. The other person quickly squeezed him away, stretched out his fingers, licked his tongue, and placed it under Katrina's nose. The heavy expression on his face gradually improved. "The person is not dead, but ..."

After the two weak gunshots, the two guys fell down at the same time. The agent looked at Catalina who was already deformed, and she saw anxiety in his eyes. He could see that Catalina's body was very bad. After a moment, he took an adrenaline from the package he carried with him and stuck it on Katrina's finger. For a few seconds, Katrina woke up, and she stared blankly at the two believers who had fallen to the ground. Her brain had become a bit dull.

Adrenaline distributes power to the muscles of several important organs, which allows her to listen and speak, although she cannot move.

"I'm from the MI. How are you, and how can I save you?" The agent searched for the other two's corpses and asked Katrina how to respond. At this time, no one knows her physical condition better than Caterina herself, and she is also very professionally trained to know the specific conditions of her body and how to cope.

Katrina moved her lips and made a sound. "I'm having a fever now and need a large dose of anti-inflammatory drugs. I have been in the water prison for too long, and my joints have become very stiff and I cannot stand up."

The agent stood up during the conversation, holding a bunch of keys in his hand, "Wait a while, I'll look for it." After he had spoken, he turned and left the room. People walked in the direction they just came. Although he didn't say anything, he knew that maybe Caterina would not be able to leave here for outside treatment, and now I can only hope that these people have prepared a standing medicine.

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