Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 792: administrator

"Good morning, distinguished guests, journalists and enthusiastic people from all walks of life! I am very fortunate to be able to stand here and preside over the establishment of the Insurance Industry Self-Regulatory Commission. This is an exciting time and will certainly be history. A moment to remember. "When the presidency was spoken from the moderator ’s mouth, it was full of a passionate feeling, this moderator has a high status in the presidency circle, presided over many official and semi-official conferences, Has a high reputation.

This time the Imperial Bank of China spent 10,000 yuan in heavy funds to invite him to host such a meeting, and we can see the importance the central bank attaches to this inaugural meeting. You should know that the mainstream front-line moderators now usually only charge one or two thousand to host a conference.

Sometimes people always say not to measure a person and a thing with money that is full of decaying copper smell, but most of the time, in this society, to measure whether a person or a thing has value Standards are just linked to money. This is like a hundred women who can find technology and a thousand women who have technology. No matter in which aspect, figure or technology, there is bound to be a huge gap.

Too many people like to flaunt themselves with morality and virtuousness, because they often do not have vulgar ability, and these morality and virtuousness do not perform as well as those vulgar people in the interests that can shake their will. Of course this is not Means morality and integrity are worthless.

The infectious and emotional language made the venue "warm", and everyone gradually began to focus on this conference room. The host's heated emotion was extremely appealing, and the participants soon entered the state. in.

Then came the first spokesperson, Taylor came to the stage.

"The insurance business is a new thing that has never appeared for the entire empire and the financial system of the entire world. Each of our industry practitioners is a pioneer in this field. What we are facing is a Misty, no pioneers can guide us, we can only rely on ourselves! "Taylor as the first spokesman is very high-profile, originally this position was for the central bank chairman, but the big man refused to A speech was given on such occasions, and the final task fell on Taylor.

Some people will have conflicts of interest. Some people are optimistic about the prospects of the insurance industry, and some people will definitely think that this is a dangerous industry. In fact, sometimes the cause of opposition is not that people find some discordant factors. It is to find a reason to oppose to express his position. These seniors may not really feel that the insurance industry is at risk. This is just an excuse for their opposition. If they have no excuses to oppose, wouldn't it be too low-level?

Not expressing itself means being conservative. Taylor can only pretend that he hasn't seen the battle between the high-level leaders. He went to the podium to speak, and he couldn't blend things between those people.

While reciting the speech prepared for the chairman yesterday, Taylor's eyes have been scanning the entire conference hall, standing on the podium and staring down at these people, giving him a different feeling. He eloquently blurted out the words one by one. The feeling of flowing and flowing made him a little bit dazed, like drinking a glass of very high-end red wine, with a hint of drunkenness, but his head was sober and full of beauty. Contradiction.

The last word of the entire speech was immediately accepted the next second after it was spit out, like the moment when the famous tenor pushed the sound to the limit, there was no trace of dragging, clearly the voice had ended the journey of dissemination, But still gives the illusion of a voice lingering in the ear. Taylor closed his eyes, and a warm applause sounded. When he opened his eyes again, he was the focus of the entire conference hall.

He nodded complimentfully and slightly embarrassed, with a smile full of confidence, calmly gave up the position to the host, walked down from the side of the host, and sat back to the first on the left side near the middle Positions.

"That's right, do you write the manuscript?" Bellito sat next to him and asked softly.

Tyler nodded his head, "It didn't finish until three o'clock last night." This sentence was full of all kinds of complicated emotions, more positive. He is indeed proud that he has not only become a shareholder of the insurance company, the first executive president, but also a third-tier partner of the Imperial Bank of China, and has a great possibility to enter the board of governors of the Imperial Bank and become a true shareholder.

In fact, when he wrote this manuscript, he realized that once the insurance company became bigger and stronger, it would not take long for the company to turn into a horrible gold swallowing monster with the ability of the insurance company's business and profitability. On that day, let alone the current debt of 150 million, even 1.5 billion can be easily repaid and there is still a large surplus. As long as the insurance company's market value exceeds one billion yuan, the Imperial Bank's governing board will replace the shares of his insurance company with the central bank's shares through replacement.

The purpose of doing this is to give him more motivation when the insurance company starts its formal business, because at this time he is no longer simply making money for others, but also making money for himself. When the insurance company continues to expand into a new Big Mac, no matter whether the central bank council wants to eliminate his increasing influence in the insurance company or really give him the opportunity to enter the central bank council, he must be him Replace the shares of the insurance company with the more secure and reliable central bank shares!

Because of the existence of the council and the existence of those directors, even if the council wants to kick him out in the end, it is entirely possible to use the shareholder agreement and the council vote to repurchase the shares in his hands. This is in the insurance company. Bian can't do it, because his influence is the greatest there.

Although this will make people feel that the central bank is too strong and wary of anyone, but after all, it is the imperial central bank and the largest economy in the empire!

When he entered the council, he represented fame, status, power, and wealth. He was willing to give everything he could.

Bellito smiled. "I think you're in good spirits. It's not like you just stayed up late."

They arrived here at 7 o'clock in the morning. With the formation of the road and other preparations, Taylor should be up by 5:30 at the latest. After only two or three hours of rest, he could not look tired and radiant. Its appearance, calm demeanor, and flying self-confidence are completely a rising star in the future.

Many people at the scene also realized this. Once the conference is over, Taylor's interpersonal circle will inevitably expand again.

"Sleeping for two hours is enough. The doctor said that one hour of deep sleep can be regarded as a minimum of two hours of sleep. I slept for about five hours, which is enough." Taylor explained that he was not sure Lito asked why, so he came up with his best statement.

Bellito smiled and didn't speak, and the conference continued down the process. In fact, many small industry organizations will not make the founding conference so exaggerated, and most of them will sit down and go through the simplest process, and then eat and drink and finish it. However, the two major banks believe that the insurance industry self-regulatory council must do a lot to make everyone aware of this matter and know that the insurance industry is now controlled by the two major banks. It is not impossible to enter the industry, but they need to Nodded with two big lines.

This method of inserting flags and **** dogs is very low-level, but it is very useful. At least it will save a lot of trouble in the future. For example, some people or organizations will start to provide insurance business without saying hello. Some people or organizations are not as good as the central bank, but they are not necessarily afraid of the central bank.

The bigger the momentum, the more everyone can understand the determination of the two major businesses, this is their cake, no one can touch.

Next is the list of institutional members ~ ~ Strictly speaking, there are currently only nine employees in the insurance industry, seven retail customers and two chairman. In order to make this self-regulatory committee look more formal, two major banks Provided a list of middle and senior executives ready to be transferred to insurance companies, all of which were used.

"Next, I will announce the organization and membership list of the Insurance Industry Self-Regulatory Commission." The host's expression became serious and his tone was not so passionate, and he became more moderate and peaceful. "One, insurance Chairman of the Industry Self-Discipline Committee, Mr. Taylor! ", Saying he stopped and looked at Taylor. Taylor also applauded, stood up and turned to look at all the people who participated in the meeting.

"Mr. Bellito, Executive Chairman of the Insurance Industry Self-Regulatory Commission."

"Insurance Commission ..."

"Insurance Commission ..."

"The confidential file manager of the Insurance Industry Self-Regulatory Commission, Mr. Jackson!"

Under the gaze of many people, Mr. Jackson squeezed a smile, stood up and nodded his greetings. He sat down fast, almost nodding his head and sitting down. Those people in the front have a nice title and more or less real power. When he got to him, he became a stepping administrator. Even if the word “confidential file” was added in front, he was An administrator.

The result of this is because he did not express his position, he did not show his loyalty to either Bellito or Taylor, and there has always been no good result. In the eyes of Bellito and Taylor, he thought To maintain independence, Mr. Jackson is the most prominent wall grass.

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