Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 793: Call the police

As early as a few days ago, Taylor and Bellito had contacted Jackson privately. They offered Jackson a price that they considered to be "sincere" and wanted to compete for Jackson in their own camp. The prices offered by both were very high, Taylor was very tough, and Bellito was easy to talk about. No matter what they did, they were actually a humiliation to Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson interrupted the conversation with both sides by thinking about it as a moderation speech contact.

Since Mr. Jackson is so uninterested and can't see the current situation, when Taylor proposed to let Mr. Jackson be the administrator, Bellito agreed directly, which made both people realize that Mr. Jackson remained neutral. The attitude is not biased towards any of them.

It is precisely this neutral attitude that makes them even more bored. In the mall, even allies can stab themselves behind for the benefit, let alone the neutrals, without any psychological burden. So many times when a controversial issue develops into a need to stand in line, the unlucky ones are often the wall-scrapers. Either unplugged or trampled down, it is impossible to sit on both sides of the wall, inside and outside, and look at something that could become a potential crisis and place it close to yourself.

So they gave Mr. Jackson an administrator job, a confidential file administrator, a very important job!

Mr. Jackson's face was hotter than those of other retail fellows who had nice posts and powers in his hands, as if they were slapped. He gritted his teeth and turned pale after sitting back, Mr. Taylor sitting in the middle of the first row glanced back, then a knowing smile.

This smile made Mr. Jackson almost explode. He braced himself, forcing him to wait, waiting for the change that Du Lin said.

Just then, something unusual was happening in the lobby on the first floor of Kailemen.

"Sorry, sir, you are not welcome here!", The lobby manager and hotel guards stopped a group of people and some disputes occurred. The hotel's security guards are contacting other guards to support them because they are facing a lot of pedestrians. There are more than ten people.

These people are not others, it is Du Lin and his party. When Du Lin applied for interbank signing rights, the head of the Imperial Bank knew that Du Lin had arrived in the capital, and after the first check with Du Lin's signature was cashed, Du Lin's trace was completely confirmed. In the eyes of senior officials at the central bank, Doolin was annoying. He filled the plan with no accidents and was full of variables. Finally, he created a western insurance company. If it weren't for the second time that someone like Taylor who had a strong working ability went to the west to settle these things, there might be a lot of trouble.

So they don't like Doolin at all, and in the records of the central bank, Doolin's bank account was frozen once in the Tener region because of two suspected gang transactions and smuggling accounts. Later, these accounts were unfrozen. Of course, there was not much money in them, only a few hundred thousand. All of them were confiscated and transferred to the special account of the Ministry of National Defense for confiscation of criminal funds. Such poor customers have always been the target of the central bank's attention-

This has something to do with the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Defense. Monitoring the funds of criminal records has always been a cooperative project between the government and the central bank.

Now, for exactly this reason, they say hello to Kailemen and do not let Du Lin come in to interfere with the meeting of the Self-Regulatory Commission. The hotel also has no objection to this. The Kailemen itself has an extraordinary political status and significance. The founder of the hotel is an official guest of the Empire and the Federation. It has something to do with the policies of the two countries. Officials will also invite him to attend hearings or attend parliament and provide necessary reference opinions.

It is quite appropriate to forbid a criminal with a criminal record in such a distinctive hotel to enter, and this also involves the requirements of the central bank, and the hotel immediately agreed.

Kevin, holding a cane, stepped in front of Du Lin. He smiled first, then showed his identity, "Why stop us from entering?"

The lobby manager glanced at Kevin, who was inconvenient in legs and feet. He did not know the lawsuit and rogue lawyer. Of course, Kevin is no longer a rogue lawyer. He is the prosecutor of the Imperial Prosecutor's Office. He has official status and is a criminal. The nemesis ... probably.

"I'm very sorry, because this gentleman has been involved in criminal acts and has archives. Kayman's rules and regulations allow us to refuse guests who may affect our reputation to enter the store for accommodation and consumption. Please also understand. We can arrange The car transfers you to its best hotel, and arranges rooms for you free of charge and pays no more than a thousand yuan. ", The lobby manager was very polite and gave compensation measures, but he also felt that doing this was somewhat Not very good, but this is a request that was pressed down, after all, he can't do it.

Kevin shook his head. "No, I don't think this is the main cause of the problem now, because my client ... my friend is a Guarth, and you have disgusting prejudice and discrimination against the Guarths. You ’re discriminating against his race, so you do n’t want to let him in, is that so? ”, Waiting for the lobby manager to say something, Adams standing behind stood up. He is now Durin ’s lawyer, not Kevin.

The cooperation between Du Lin and him made him feel proud of this period of time, earning a small amount of money, those presidents, agencies, every time the office calls, it means 500 yuan of income into the account. From the beginning of the ventilation between Du Lin and him, there are already hundreds of phone calls and more than 70 lawsuits involved today. He has not done anything, and more than 3 million agency fees have been entered into his account in batches. in. It also made him more aware of the benefits of holding Dulin's thigh tight.

"I'm Adams. You don't need to know me, but what I need to tell you is that we are now officially suing you for racial discrimination against my client by Kay Lemon and that you have harmed his legal rights ...", As soon as Adams reached out, the lawyer's letter that the attendant behind him had begun writing had already been written, and it was delivered to Adams.

Adams took a look at the lawyer's letter, took out the signature pen in his arms, signed his name, and inserted it into the manager's jacket pocket. "Tell your boss, we are ready to have a lawsuit!"

This conflict has been going on for a while. Originally, there were many reporters from Kailemen today. At this time, some reporters retreated from the conference site to rest on the first floor, and immediately came around. When they found out that one of today's protagonists was Du Lin, they immediately became excited.

In the past two years, the newspaper industry has accumulated a lot of experience. One of them is that any news report related to Du Lin will make newspapers easier to sell.

The joining of the reporter made the lobby manager even more panic. He glanced at the captain of the guard around him with a bit of blame, and explained with a strong smile. "This is a foreign-related hotel, gentlemen, we must ensure the safety of all guests' lives and property , We have the right to refuse guests who we consider dangerous to enter the hotel, it has nothing to do with it! "

Du Lin, who stood behind his head, said something to Dufo, Dufo nodded and left quickly. At this time, a large number of hotel guards came from outside the gate. They surrounded Du Lin and his group. Like the hotel lobby manager said, this is a foreign-related hotel, and Kailemen's reputation is as thunderous as it is in the empire and the federation.

As the first businessman who ran from the Federation to the Empire after the Civil War to do business and was able to successfully grow his industry, Mr. Keller, who became an international affairs consultant, was very popular with the federal people. . Most federal tourists, especially those with high powers who come to the empire with some purpose, will choose to live here at Kailermen. On the one hand, Kailemen is a federal hotel, after all, they can feel more at ease here. On the other hand, if the task cannot be completed ~ ~, you can also try to contact Mr. Kaile for help .

So there are a lot of federal people living here, all of them have the right, or the money, or the right and the money.

There is nothing wrong with his speech, but sometimes there is no problem not with the problem itself, but with the respective strengths of the two parties that have experienced the problem.

Maybe he saw more guards rushing over, and the lobby manager relaxed a little. He turned and whispered to let the captain around him call the police, while other guards were optimistic about these people. Anyway, today it is absolutely impossible for Du Lin to go to the third floor to disturb the meeting of the central bank. Otherwise, he doesn't know how Du Lin is, he is sure to lose this decent job.

When Adams was going to continue to say something, Doolin held down his shoulder and shook his head slightly. A group of people stood inside the hotel's door, and no one gave in.

It didn't take long for the police to come and followed two senior investigators from the investigative bureau. Kayman's special political status allowed it to be included in the surveillance area. In addition, the name Doolin was definitely not an ordinary name. The police station and The Bureau of Investigation was breathed, and two senior agents were sent over to calm down the situation.

"Who reported the police?" This time, an assistant chief was brought to the team. This is a class unique to the Emperor Police Station. It was between the sheriff and the chief, and the deputy of the chief was cancelled, adding more. Assistant Secretary. Because of Kai Le Men's foreign relations, the assistant director led the team. As soon as the assistant director came in, he saw Du Lin's group blocked by the lobby manager, and his head began to cramp. He stood blankly between the two gangs and looked left and right. "Who called the police?"

The lobby manager then responded, "I, my police!"

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