Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 794: Give you 1 pot

The assistant director looked at the hotel's lobby manager, and the muscles on his cheekbones jumped.

In fact, in the place of the Imperial Capital, it can become the assistant director of the police station. Its power and status are much higher than those of the police stations in other regions, and it is not only one level higher. From the past to the present, the status of the emperor's capital has not wavered. In order to reduce the influence of the royal family on the empire, Magus once considered moving the political center from here near the northern traditional aristocratic area to the southern city, but later This idea is just an idea, not even said.

He didn't know what it was to start a whole body, but he also understood that the political center accumulated over hundreds of years of history and accumulation was not where the cabinet went. This core would always be here, even if the royal family was no longer there. Will be here.

In the years when the old and the new were alternated, the emperor had suffered many fights. In fact, it was not ordinary people or gang members who participated in the battle, but the nobles!

Some people took advantage of the New Party and became new nobles without the title of aristocracy, while others adhered to the glory of the past and became old nobles eliminated by history. Some of these old and new aristocrats had conflicts before. Taking this opportunity to fight each other fiercely, it also became an interesting talk in the streets of the imperial capital. Which Earl's child's leg was broken, and which of the Marquis' child's teeth was lost.

The New Party, led by Magus, knew that this was the old party's sudden dissatisfaction with their throne, and vented in this way, and they did not use official methods. Don't you want to fight? Come, let's get on the knife and see who gets down first.

After the fight, it was the regional police station that cleaned up the mess. In the face of the big aristocrats who used to be the pillars of the country, the director of the Didu District Police Department was a baron and could not start. Fortunately, everyone's anger was gone, and some unlucky children were thrown into the jail for a symbolic imprisonment, before they cleared the matter.

The assistant director of the police station was still a small police officer at that time, but here at this moment, he still felt the discomfort of the wheat seedlings being hit by a tornado.

Mr. Kaile has always been an international affairs adviser to the Empire and the Commonwealth. Although this international affairs is only a matter of two countries, he has a very distinguished status and a special status. He often enters the Imperial Parliament to provide some of his own unique opinion. It is also very well connected in society and has a lot of energy. Many people are proud to know Mr. Kaile.

After the war, the Empire and the Confederacy fell into the Cold War. Civil-to-people exchanges between the two sides were completely blocked, and high-level contacts between the two countries completely disappeared as a result of the war. The appearance of Mr. Kaile broke this deadlock, and two huge nations finally re-established contact because of the actions of a small businessman. Mr. Kaile broke the ice for the relationship between the two countries and made Kale together. Gates have a very special place in the empire.

On the other side is the leader of a new power, the big boss Du Lin of the Hometown Association. Many people may still know Du Lin in the newspaper. For example, he was aggrieved, such as how much money he made, for example, he may Is it a guy, or has some kind of actress. However, the assistant director is very clear about the inside story. The fellow association and his agents are a large criminal group headed by Du Lin. So far, the number of confirmed members has exceeded 120,000 and scattered across the country. Thirteen cities, this is a force that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, he is also a successful businessman. Someone always wants to figure out how much assets Du Lin owns, but no one knows. Because of his special identity, in addition to the basic things in the business between him and those businessmen, they will be recorded on the contract in words, and everything else is an oral contract. Regardless of the liquidation, Du Lin is very rich.

In today's society, someone, rich, is a great man.

On the one hand, Mr. Kaile's industry has a special political status, and on the other hand, the leader of a new criminal group such as Du Lin, let the assistant director return to his time more than two decades ago.

It took him a long time to get back to his eyes, glanced at this uneasy lobby manager, took out his notebook and pen, and asked, "Why the alarm and what happened?"

The arrival of the police and the guards looked around, this completely relaxed the lobby manager, and his tone softened a lot. "This gentleman wants to enter the hotel for consumption, but we found out that he had many criminal records and thought he might It would hurt the guests in the hotel, so we refused him to come in. This gentleman refused to make concessions. In order to avoid unpleasant things, we chose to call the police. "

The assistant director wrote down the cause of the incident in the book, and then looked at Du Lin. "Then you, he won't let you go in for consumption. You can't just change places? There are so many more luxurious hotels in Emperor Capital. Must choose here? "

Adams stood up in time and took out his business card, "I'm Adams, this is my business card, please come with me, I will answer your question on behalf of my client."

The assistant director got a business card and saw a headache at first glance. Who can not know a homeless lawyer like Adams in the capital? Even his law firm has become a homeless law firm. This group of people has no minimum limit for money, but at the same time their outstanding business skills have also made them a favorite lawyer for mainstream society, especially high-level people in the tower. none of them. Even if the employer kills people, they will still insist that the deceased slammed into the employer's knife. This is a frame, a frame, a mean method used to make the employer fail, although the price is slightly higher.

There is no sense of morality, no sense of social responsibility, as long as he is given money, he can set things straight, which also makes Adams synonymous with "difficult".

The assistant director helped his forehead to relieve his sore head and walked to the side. He could not refuse Adams' request. This was the power conferred on him by the empire law. After being authorized by the agent, the lawyer could legally represent the agent legally. Rights.

After the assistant director of the police station was removed by Adams, what did the two senior detectives feel, one of them came forward and presented his credentials, "Mr. Durin, Kailemen's situation is very special, I hope you Can converge slightly. "

Du Lin didn't want to talk, but he twisted his head, leaned over the senior agent, and spoke to others for the first time after entering the hotel. "You mean me as an imperial citizen, I ca n’t enjoy it here. What power should an imperial citizen have? Or is it because this is a hotel opened by the federals and because they have invaded us, I must look down at their toes and talk to them? "

As soon as this sentence full of gunpowder was spoken out, the reporters around were all groaning immediately. The amount of information in this sentence was too great, and it was too enjoyable. It will be a proper headline tomorrow. Even some journalists have already prepared the title at this moment-"Second Class Empire Citizens and First Class Federal Friends"

The continuous flashing of the spotlight made the detective realize that he had done something stupid. He immediately closed his mouth and turned back to look at him with a cold eye. Du Lin had a contemptuous expression on his face and looked at the reporters. He took almost no time to prepare, and a sadness appeared on his face. "There are many journalist friends here, and I hope you can help me in the newspaper for Mr. Kaile reminded him that he remembered a sign in the book on the door stating that the imperialists and dogs were not allowed to enter, and only then would I not intrude inwardly! "

This sentence directly ignited the cumulative atmosphere. The positive response of the reporters also made many people watching the crowd around and the hotel lobby manager realize that the problem has become serious. Although this sentence came from Du Lin's mouth, but this pot is firmly buckled on Kailemen and even Mr. Kaile's head. If these troubles cannot be eliminated, let alone his work and future Problem, maybe he has to sue and go to jail for this.

The emperor in a country humiliates people in this country. What is the difference between this and death?

When the lobby manager was about to explain what happened, a brick suddenly flew over from outside the hotel and hit the lobby manager's face very accurately. He only heard a click, the unlucky egg covered his face and squatted on the ground, blood flowing down his fingers, making him look very ... injured.

The police, guards and two agents immediately looked behind them. I don't know when it started. Many people have gathered outside the hotel door. The emotions of these people seem very excited. After the assistant director said a word of sorry, he was going to warn him to touch these excited "passers" by the way, but he took a step back. Someone shouted after killing the dog thief ~ ~ the group rushed in. These enthusiastic passers-by have a very strong purpose. They directly hit the guards and the hotel staff and beat them. They did not even ask the police on the side.

The two senior agents immediately walked towards Du Lin. When they were only 3 meters away from Du, they were in front of them, and they also held down the senior detective who had just spoken to Du Lin. On his chest, a seemingly seeming smile appeared on his face, "Sorry, please don't approach Mr. Doolin." The two wanted to do it, but when they looked at the enthusiastic passersby around, they suddenly looked at themselves, and suddenly they Lost strength.

The more you know about Du Lin, the more you know that this person is a neuropathy. It is not cost-effective to sacrifice your life for this matter. Although the agents of the Hometown Association and Du Lin have changed their personalities since May, they have never done anything to break the law and become like law-abiding citizens, but you also have to believe that they will not change back. ?

At this time, the sound of gunfire rang, and the confusion in the entire hall was quiet. The assistant director pulled out a pistol to fire the gun. Special measures were needed in special cases. He might need to write a reason why he fired in Kailemen. Report, but this is currently the only way to go up to this riot.

But unfortunately, his experience is not combined with the actual situation. This group of people is not Ogdin, not the Provincial People who are easy to persuade. A few young people suddenly ran over and tightly surrounded the assistant director. Stop and let him shoot at their chests.

Du Lin smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards the elevator. As he passed by the lobby manager who was being beaten, he smiled and said, "This is just the beginning ..."

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