Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 802: Good news and bad news

-The strategy of the Minister of Legal Affairs can not only be applied to this matter, but it can be used when facing many problems. If this idea is placed in the world in the dream forest, it can be described in four words. Called "Wei Wei rescue Zhao". Of course, the people and wisdom here can't condense the idea of ​​writing a dissertation in a simple word or two.

Whether it proves that the patent in Du Lin's hand is illegal or that he violates the Anti-Monopoly Law and the Anti-Industry Manipulation Act, the final result is the same. Business-related patents for business services will be invalidated, and the industry labeling and access systems applied by the two major banks can continue to be implemented. Not only will Du Lin lose the patent in his hand, but he will always be locked out of the door, and it will never be possible to enter the industry.

The imperial central bank has disgusted others countless times, and this time it was finally disgusted by others.

The executive director nodded his head and looked back. He looked at the other directors and said calmly, "We can't focus all our efforts on responding to Doulin's prosecution and counterclaim. This is definitely an unreliable choice. We Will take greater risks, so I have another idea. "When he said here, he looked at the two executive directors and other directors sitting next to himself, and everyone made it through his eyes and subtle expressions. With the same judgment, he continued to say, "We need to continue to contact Du Lin. Although he has mastered this patent, it does not mean that he can swallow the entire market alone."

"Gentlemen, this is a market with 240 million people. Even if only 10% of people participate in this business, it is not something that Dulin can do alone. This is what we will do next. Cooperation provides the necessary conditions. "

He made the decision directly. "The Legal Department immediately started preparing materials to fight to be able to beat him in court. In addition, I needed the Public Relations Department to set up an emergency team, try to contact Doolin, and test whether it can be obtained from him. To patent authorization ... "

The chairman has made a lot of arrangements, including letting some members who have a certain social influence and network of contacts, to contact those big people who can be related to these things, and see if they can continue to use that famous saying-"decisive victory "Always outside the courtroom." Top-down administrative interference is always simpler than lawsuits, because there is something called a "policy" that can often change the pattern in a business field.

At this time, it also reflected the horrific interpersonal relationship network of the Imperial Bank. Each member behind them represented a huge network of relationships, which radiated to all levels of society. From the cabinet members to the small gangsters who secretly sell ghost-faced mushrooms in the alleys of a city, these people have a way to contact them.

Why are capitalists often robbed by banks and unwilling to offend them?

It is because they are also in this huge network that it is not clear what the bank's details will never know what it means. This is precisely the main reason that Magus is very vigilant and has been pressing hard to embarrass the Empire Central Bank. As a last resort, he gave these businessmen a chance, and these businessmen immediately transformed themselves into bankers who took the chance of once in a thousand years and created a monster in the history of finance. Now trying to make this monster a pet dog or to put it back in a cage is not easy, unless a civil war is launched for this purpose.

No one can afford the cost and results of the civil war, even Magus, so the two sides can only secretly fight in a very peaceful way.

This is a very special ad hoc meeting, and just to take advantage of this opportunity, the financial report of the board for the first half of the year was disclosed.

Many ordinary people think that banks are just banks, and they have nothing to do with anything other than money. In fact, this is a very wrong idea, although it is very popular among ordinary people.

The banking industry is just a conceptual term. In fact, the work of banks is all-encompassing. Among them, loans, short-term borrowing, and long-term investment are the main profit methods. The former is well understood. Short-term borrowing refers to when an enterprise encounters unprepared financial risks outside the plan, and in order to improve its ability to resist risks or have a sufficient amount of funds to overcome the current difficulties before the settlement date, they will A short-term loan can be offered to the bank. The loan itself is also a kind of loan behavior. Short-term loans often range from three days to half a month, and the interest is much higher than the interest on other loan items.

The interest rate of the short-term loan of the Imperial Bank of China is about 2%. This interest is not calculated on a monthly basis but on a daily basis. This business looks a lot like robbery, but in fact it is indeed a business of bank robbery. In addition to returning the principal for three to five days or a week, you must pay at least 10% interest. Absolutely enough. It was a robbery, and it was more scary than usury in some small places.

So why not make a loan?

The interest on the loan is lower, it can be operated for more time, and it seems more cost-effective.

But the problem is that the bank's process of issuing loans is too long, especially the large amount of loan business involves higher risks. The bank often prepares an investigation team to find out whether the company can own the corresponding collateral and subsequent repayment ability. Only then can we decide whether to borrow. Many companies cannot afford such a long period of time or even the ability to loan, they can only choose to be legally robbed by the bank.

Of course, this involves another issue. How to ensure that the money does not become a bad debt in short-term borrowing. There are many methods for banks in this regard. The most common is like the bureau that Bellito did to the western insurance company. In the bank, cash withdrawal is not allowed without permission, and the bank will pay close attention to this money. When the bank thinks that there is an unplanned risk, they will actively freeze the funds to ensure that their own interests will not be damaged. . As to whether the interests of others will be affected as a result, it has nothing to do with the bank.

As for the others, it is investment. Buying a large area of ​​farm enclosure is the bank's favorite investment method. There is almost no risk and these industries are promoted every year. Many international hedge funds have invested a lot of money in this area. Used to buy farms and ranches.

When the first half of the financial report ends, today's council is basically over.

The executive director let everyone else go and the two ministers of the public relations department remained.

"Du Lin's affairs are very important. If you have other public relations tasks in the near future and give them to others to do, I need you to talk to Du Lin in person.", The executive director played the soot in the bomb, see To the two public relations ministers standing next to him.

These two public relations ministers are women, and they are very beautiful, and with their long-term high profile, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to ignore their existence.

Some people know how to use their advantages to go further in the shopping mall. Of course, many people claim that they are not willing to go to the end by taking shortcuts. It is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. In this complex society, In fact, it is amazing to be able to survive, and at least make yourself feel that you are living well.

Relying on these two ministers, the Imperial Bank has overcome many difficulties, and women have a unique advantage in this regard.

They are twins, and this advantage has been amplified.

"What kind of strategy do we need to develop and talk to Du Lin?", Talking to the sister, in order to distinguish between the two sisters, they will wear earrings on different ears at work.

The old man wrapped his mouth wrapped. He did n’t have this kind of action when he was young. When he encountered a problem, he wrapped his mouth. Maybe he would do it when he was old. "I'm not sure what strategy to use to trap Du Lin. This requires You know. Whether it's tough, weak, using money, or anything else, it's up to you. I can give you the highest level of authority and you can mobilize most of our resources, but let me remind you , Money is useless to him! "

Du Lin already had a lot of money. To the extent that he probably didn't feel much about money, the old man was very sympathetic. To him, the concept and meaning of money have been blurred to the greatest extent. He has not even cared about how much balance he has in his account for more than ten years, nor how much dividends he can get each year. For the poor, it may be the whole thing of the family, and after a certain level, it becomes the least important thing.

He glanced at the two girls again and lowered his voice. "If you can convince Doolin to give up the patent, even if only part of it, your future life will live in the most exciting place, do you understand me?" He emphasized A sentence, "What I need is not his authorization, but a part of his ownership of the patent. Can you understand what I am ?!"

The two sisters nodded, and the old man waved his hand. "During this time you concentrate on doing this, you don't need to worry about other issues, you can show our sincerity to Du Lin when necessary."

After the two sisters left, the old man shook his head. It was not at all safe to get the authorization. Once Du Lin decided to withdraw the authorization-of course, all of this was in the event that their counterclaim was invalid, then what they obtained in the authorization and hard work The profits and benefits will eventually be cheaper for Du Lin, which he cannot tolerate, and the true core of the council, these directors will not agree.

Only after obtaining a certain percentage of patent rights can this situation be prevented, which is also a major issue that needs to be addressed next.

Du Lin is willing to divide a part of the transfer to the Imperial Bank, how much is he willing to divide?

Everything is unknown!

The next morning, while Doolin was watching Adams' team at the Oak Bay villa drawing up a defense plan, Kevin walked in with a cane and shrugged his shoulders. , Gentlemen, which one do you want to hear first? "

Everyone looked at Du Lin, and Du Lin rubbed his temples. "I hope your bad news will not be too bad. Let me first talk about the news that we all hate."

Kevin took two subpoenas from his carrying bag and dropped them on the table. "The Imperial Bank of the People's Republic of China submitted two indictments to the Supreme Court of the Empire this morning, suing the Patent Office for illegally providing you with a patent certificate. Sue you for violating the Antitrust Act and the Anti-industry Manipulation Act. "

Du Lin grinned, which was to his surprise. If the Imperial Bank did nothing, it was news. "So what's the good news?"

"The good news is that their actions have offended the Ministry of Justice." Kevin went to the bar and poured a glass of wine for himself, and then sat down beside Du Lin. "The Supreme Chief of Justice was a little angry this morning, mine I can see that he is very annoyed. In the imperialist central bank's lawsuit against the patent office, he also brought the Ministry of Justice to court. "

"and so?"

"So the judicial system is more inclined to win our lawsuit. Although they will not obviously help us, they can make us more convenient on some minor issues."

After Kevin said Adams, he clicked, "If this is the case, we will need to modify our defense strategy."

According to the laws of the Empire, the life-long judge should be absolutely neutral, and even does not belong to the judicial system anymore, but the problem is that when an old man works in a system all his life and gets the highest honor of this system after he is old, he Is it possible to completely disassociate from this system? The answer is impossible ~ ~ No matter what, he will have a special feeling for this system. He may not talk nonsense with his eyes open, but it is possible to provide some small and insignificant conveniences, but it is these conveniences that are enough to change the outcome of a court debate.

In court, some very aggressive and misleading inquiries are not allowed, including some issues that may involve sensitive issues or even pinpoints, which will be protested by lawyers on the other side. At this time, if the judge maintains a neutral stance, he will recognize the protest and opposition and be deemed valid. But if the judge is not so neutral ... some things that can't be said and some questions that can't be asked can be asked outright.

This is enough to change the final decision of the jury, so this is great news for the rogue lawyers of Adams. They have enough confidence to deceive ... No, it is to convince the jury that they are the righteous party!

"Of course, there is good news besides that, it's about you personally." When Kevin looked at Dorin, he smiled strangely ...

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