Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 803: Harmless

? Soon Du Lin knew why Kevin laughed so much ... rippling.

Sister Hill is very famous in the communication circle of the imperial capital. It belongs to the highest level, and the most important thing is due to their twin identities. They were born in the Hill family. In the past this was also an aristocratic family, but unfortunately when they were removed from the knighthood, they stood in the old party's ranks less firmly during the old and new periods. When Mr. Matt, the grandfather of Sister Hill, saw that he could not stop the new party from taking office, he immediately jumped out of the old party's camp and joined the new party.

A series of judgments on political mistakes completely ruined the Hill's political prospects. Together with their commercial achievements, there are no signs of improvement. There are always some northern chaebols staring at the Hill family's industry, as long as they develop to a certain scale, They will be suppressed from all aspects as punishment for shaking their position. All the nobles know very well that death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there is noble blood flowing in the body, but they can only live in a hopeless world like ordinary people. That is the biggest punishment for the nobles!

Under such circumstances, Mr. Matt had a decisive heart attack, greeted the arms extended to him by God, returned to the embrace of God, and left the mess to his son.

Mr. Matt's son is not a good person, which is actually not common. It is very difficult for nobles to appear in the nobles. The elite education they have come into contact with and the mistakes they can make more than ordinary people in the stage of social upheaval, give them the capital to accumulate much more lessons than ordinary people. After a certain social status, it is often a model of success. But this successor is an exception.

He also received a very remarkable elite education, but in the subsequent misjudgement of Mr. Matt, he lost the biggest difference between the nobility and the civilian class in terms of ability training-he could bear more failures, so he ended up Can only be a mediocre, relatively speaking.

Why are there so many successful people in the aristocracy, and the vast majority of the children from almost every aristocratic family have become the elite of today's society. Why is the rate of success of the aristocracy much higher than that of the civilian class?

It is because they can make more mistakes without bearing the unbearable consequences. For the civilian class, a wrong judgment may kill them for ten or twenty years or even a lifetime of hard work. If they fall down, they will never climb again. Already. But the aristocracy is different. Their deep heritage and wealth, including the power in their hands, are enough to get them to be lifted after they fall, kicking behind the buttocks to make him run faster, or fall again, until They don't wrestle so far.

In many mistakes, they gradually understand how to make the most correct judgement when facing one thing, then they must be successful and they will inevitably become the mainstream class of this society. The biggest difference in terms of family heritage.

The experience and lessons of the civilian class usually need to summarize these problems through the failure of several generations. If their experience is not outdated and there is an excellent offspring, this ordinary family is qualified to take off, just qualified It is also possible to continue to fail, such as the experience of previous generations has passed. If you succeed, you will naturally break away from the civilian class and become the middle class of the society, become a partner of a large business, or start a small company yourself, and then their children will have the opportunity to make two more mistakes. Families are getting richer and stronger, or starting over.

The aristocracy is quite simple. The elite education they received as children was instilled in the lessons and accumulations of hundreds of generations of civilians. Then they directly combined this precious wealth to continuously fall and climb up, and then cast their own brilliant. Each generation is inherited one time or even many times. This is why the civilians can never catch up with the nobility. Even if some people seem to have become very, very amazing people, they are never as good as the nobility.

For example, Bowers, he will never compare to Magus, forever!

The decline of the Hill family made this family face very difficult choices. They must find a breakthrough from the old party aristocracy to block them. Secondly, they need to be able to appear in the family to take on all responsibilities. This person is Hulls. Hill, the nephew of the current Hill family parents, was temporarily drafted as the next successor. At the same time, they also drafted another plan to find a way to get the shares of the Imperial Bank by any means to save more and more. Declining family.

This is a very good plan and idea. Once they hold a certain amount of shares in the Imperial Bank, their industry can take the initiative to accept internal policy injections from the Imperial Bank. By that time, the northern nobles raised by those **** If you want to continue to suppress them from a commercial perspective, you must consider the attitude of the Imperial Bank. You must know that it is the largest economy in the empire. They rarely compromise outwards and they have not dealt with the northern nobility. The Hill family It will be saved.

For this reason, it is obviously cost-effective to sacrifice the personal interests of some people. Everyone thinks so. This has also created Sister Hill, a super-social flower in the famous social circle of the Imperial City, which is definitely an extraordinary enjoyment.

"I don't know ...", Du Lin shrugged. "You are very tempting as if you have been PR, but I believe ..." He looked up and down Kevin, "You are not worth it They do it! "

Kevin wasn't angry at all, but instead cursed with laughter, "Damn, I thought you would invite me, are we good friends? I remember you saying so often!", Du Lin saw his swallowing movement, he hesitated A moment, then shook his head.

"Maybe you will be very disappointed. I don't intend to give them the results they want. This matter should not allow two women to talk to me. I need to see people at the director level, no matter who they are."

Du Lin's words made Kevin a little discouraged. He complained a few words, "Do you know, it's Sister Hill. Many people think that if they can be happy with them, even if it is immediately poisoned by the princess' poison melon. "This poison melon comes from a widely circulated legend, but its content reflects the scandal of the royal family.

When the royal family felt that many princes had posed a huge threat to the royal power and the royal family, the royal family decided to proceed to remove all the princes and a large number of dukes to stabilize their political power. At that time, the strongest prince already had a sign of wanting independence, so the royal family arranged a very shameless trap. The prince used to be his emperor's love rival. They were all queens' pursuers, but his emperor took it for granted. Already. His Majesty the Emperor asked the Queen to write a letter to the Prince, saying that he was not satisfied with his life, hoping to talk to him in private, so the unlucky man went to the Queen's invitation.

Of course, in that special period, even the old lover who never missed invited himself, the Prince was fully prepared. They met in a manor house outside an imperial capital. At that time, only the queen went to the appointment, and she was searched around. Then the two fell on the bed together because of lack of energy during the talk. The queen said that she was very annoyed and had some chest tightness, and the prince helped her to untie some extra jewelry and a few ropes to let her gasp, and then she couldn't help eating A bite of the queen carried melon for more than 30 years, and the drug lord died ...

The princess's poison melon was insinuating this royal scandal, killing the prince with the design of the prince's admiration for the queen, and the book was enthusiastically sought after its release, which also caused people's views on the royal family to undergo many strange changes. Of course, as a guy who broke the royal scandal, he certainly won't end well. Although he may have realized for a long time that he will not only leave his name in history but also lose his life, he did so.

The literati always had some inexplicable feelings and pursuits. In the end, he was hanged on the wall of the imperial capital as he wished, and his dignity as a male was cut off. The wall hanged to this day is still there, becoming A tourist attraction.

Du Lin laughed a few times about Kevin's complaint, and patted his shoulder twice with his hand on the sofa back, "Wait, when you become the Minister of Justice of the Empire, they will lie down on you Bed! "

Kevin thought for a moment, and said this, "You're right, but at that time it seems unlikely that I would think it would be a happy thing to have two grandmothers. Do you think I am a pervert?"

Du Lin also seriously considered it, "If it is you ~ ~ I think this is normal!"

"Shit, you are a pervert!"

"Well, I'm actually a pervert who actually thinks you'll hit grandma ..." He laughed and patted Kevin's shoulder again: "Trust me, it won't be too long, not too long!"

A few jokes will not destroy the friendship between the two. During this time, Doolin has discovered a very important problem, which is when Kevin told him last time when he communicated with Kevin that his circle was too closed. .

This circle does not refer to the communicative circle or any other circle, but to his "site". His territory is full of Guarth, and there are only a few other races. This is wrong. Du Lin has been reflecting on this issue. He has also read a lot of books recently.

People say that history can be used as a mirror to let people know if there is **** on their face. This sentence is very correct, and Du Lin thinks this needs to be changed.

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