Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 804: Not proofread, read after 5 minutes

Sister Hill came much faster than expected, and in the afternoon they appeared in Doolin's manor, the manor left by Mr. John to Nasha after his death. Lin changed the Empire Star Tape Company. Now this company can be regarded as one of his subsidiaries, which is shameless, isn't it? But this is business competition. This is the capital rule. Winners eat all and losers lose everything.

The manor has been maintained by dedicated people all the time. These people come from a very old service company in Didu. In the past they provided excellent stewards and servants to nobles and wealthy families, but now they have changed their business methods a bit, bundling stewards and servants to accept employers' employment. Of course, this requires a considerable commission, after all This company is also linked to the nobility.

At some point, people seemed to be zealously discussing the benefits of overthrowing the aristocracy, as well as the decay and various disadvantages of the aristocracy, but after the upsurge, they started worshipping the aristocracy, just like before.

"We should collect some more information related to Du Lin, and shouldn't be here so early." Dinissa stood by the car and sorted out her clothes. She is an elder sister. They should research Du Lin's information more Only come through thoroughly, it will be more secure, instead of just reading the overnight data like this, and rushing over at noon after making up for a sleep.

There are many contradictions in this person. This is what Diane found through those materials. His performance is very contradictory. Sometimes he is a very good person. He constantly participates in charity evenings and donates a lot of money. Wealth to help the poor, or to set up free schools and affordable hospitals to help everyone who needs them, it is said that some members of the medical group believe that Doolin has broken "rules." But sometimes he behaves like a tyrant, he is cruel to his enemies, and sometimes those people are not even enemies.

Such a contradictory character has its own standards that are difficult to judge. Too easy to appear will make Du Lin alert and the difficulty of public relations. As the Minister of Public Relations for many years, Dinissa has already had a very good experience in public relations, and the success rate was the highest when she first met. If you ca n’t win this goal for the first time, the so-called tug-of-war will not take much advantage, because those people will feel that they are like this, and nothing great.

This will cause the Imperial Bank to continue to cede benefits in the subsequent negotiations to make people satisfied. This part of the losses will ultimately be counted on the heads of their sisters, if it exceeds the threshold that the Imperial Bank can afford.

The only good thing is that the council did not give them an accurate "bottom line" this time. The chairman said that as long as some patent rights can be obtained, others are not a problem. This is the only good thing.

Diniya came down from the other side of the luxury car and wore fur accessories on her shoulders. A dozen centimeters of soft fur was as beautiful as it was alive. Of course, it was also very nice to put it on a young lady. She sorted out her dress and added a little lipstick. She said too much on the car just now and needed to fix the color. "Relax, sister, I believe this is definitely not our trouble, and you heard about it yesterday. As long as we win Du Lin, we will have the opportunity to become shareholders, and we can lead the life we ​​want. "

No one has ever felt that doing public relations work is a pleasant thing, which means that you have to go all out, and even at certain specific moments, promise some people excessive requirements to complete the task, which is cruel, especially for women. Say.

In the face of her strong sister, Dinissa could only smile, pinning her hopes on the strategies they developed.

"Let's go, my pretty sister!", Diniya carried a very beautiful, but not too stupid, female briefcase to the manor house. The housekeeper had greeted them at the door and led them. They entered Du Lin's study.

Bangbang's knock knocked Du Lin back from his thoughts. He was thinking about other things just now. He was so focused that he did not realize that his visitors had appeared. He sat on the chair behind the desk and carefully looked at the two girls who were blown into the sky by Kevin. Sometimes you have to admit the authority of others in some aspects. These two girls are really very Baton.

Except those who don't need to praise and can't find any flaws in their bodies and looks, the most special thing is their own temperament and the identity of their twins. Twins are not a scarce thing, but they are very scarce. Just like the twins in front of them who may have difficulty distinguishing who is who is out of their own.

Du Lin's eyes were calm, which made Dinissa standing at the door a little relieved. She had seen many kinds of eyes, full of aggression and aggressiveness. When that kind of eyes flowed around her, it was like a sigh of relief. Disgustingly slimy, the legendary slime rolled around her, she hated that kind of person, but had to smile. At this point she gave Du Lin a very high rating, at least this guy has a good heart.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now, I forgot the time, please come in ..." He stood up, but didn't step out of the desk, and invited the two to sit on the chair opposite to his desk, and then looked After the housekeeper, "get some tea for the two beautiful ladies, and snacks."

The housekeeper owed him and closed the door to leave. There are two cooks in the manor. This is a standard configuration. If they were placed before, there might be more cooks.

In the room, the two sisters sat down after thanking each other. Diniya put her briefcase at her feet, and wondered whether she bent down intentionally or unintentionally, and did not cover her chest. Maybe she came too hurriedly, she chose a slightly looser dress, and forgot to wear underwear, and herself forgot, so she made such a bold move. Du Lin glanced away and looked away. There was nothing to look at. After all, he had the richest woman in the mouth, and this battle was nothing.

Diane, who has been watching Du Lin's brow slightly, is one of the strategies they made last night. First, try to see if they can use their most advantageous things and knock Du Lin down. Not a willing thing.

It is a pity that Plan A failed, and Doolin does not look like those described in the three editions of lace news. He is full of good feelings for women and often assists young girls in poor areas to help them escape poverty while increasing the population of the area. Rate to make outstanding contributions.

When Diniya stood up, she didn't seem to know what she had just done. Her eyes flashed from the palm of Dinissa on her lap, and she looked at Du Lin, her face filled with that kind of fullness. He smiled from the bottom of his heart, "Mr. Du Lin, first introduce myself. I'm Diniya. This is my sister, Dinissa." She said that she stood up and reached out to Dulin.

This desk is very wide and very big. After all, it was used as the office of Mr. John. The desk must be very large. At that time, he had to personally handle many very important front page news every day, determine what news can be sent, what news needs to be modified, and if the table is too small, his work will be greatly restricted, so this table is really very width.

Wide enough that Diniya bent down again-she had to bend down to be able to hold Du Lin's hand. She didn't believe that anyone didn't steal the fish. Moreover, Du Lin was still single, and there were many scandals, and some of them had already Verified, for example Freina. She thought that Du Lin didn't respond just now, it is most likely that he didn't notice himself, so she decided to try again and let Du Lin see what he should see.

In the face of a very beautiful and very temperamental girl, you will not hate her even if you don't like her. Watching her holding out her hand, I had to stand up and reach out and shake her. With the handshake, he saw what he should see, as Diniya had thought, two melons hidden in his clothes.

After releasing his hand, the thumb of the hand Dulin had just held with Diniya rubbed the second joint of the index finger, and his elbows were pressed against the armrest of the chair, his face showing a difficult look.

Diniya glanced at her sister calmly, the two of them quickly separated after touching their eyes, but they had already exchanged information.

"Look, without a man we can't figure out, he must be thinking about something that makes him embarrassed, such as how to throw us to bed ..."

Maybe this is the ability of twins. They are so familiar with each other that they can understand a lot of complicated inner monologues through slight changes in details. In fact, this kind of person is also very terrible ~ ~ because they are Sometimes I think too much.

"It's very difficult for me. I'm not sure if I should say it." Du Lin smiled politely.

At this time, Dinissa had spoken, and their sisters had been very cooperative. If Diniya continued to speak, it would appear that they had too strong purpose, but would make some good things bad things, "Du Mr. Lin, I don't know what makes you feel embarrassed, but you might as well say it, maybe we can solve these embarrassments. "

Du Lin smiled again, then looked at Diniya, "Ma'am, you may forget to wear underwear when you go out today. This is not good for your melon, and ... it looks like your melon is lacking moisture, it is a bit loose ! "

The stiff expression on Diniya's face made Dinissa aware that her sister was very embarrassed and she was also very upset.

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