Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 805: I am illiterate

? What Du Lin said can be said to be cruel, in another sense, but the sister in front of him is not an ordinary girl. They know exactly what they want to do, how to do it, and how to use their own advantages. ,This is very important.

Diniya's face quickly became blushed. She raised an arm against her chest and seemed to want to hide the weak melons that had appeared at first, but the arm actually pulled her out of her clothes. The outline of the melon gives another distinctive visual effect. It's like driving a car on the street at night and discovering a beautiful back from the roadside. This beautiful back can give you more room for illusions and let you fly more reveries.

Sometimes the more veiled things are, the more it is able to give people more desire to explore. If that back is turned around, is it different from what I imagine, and more things to be demonstrated.

Mystery is always the sweetest trap to seduce curiosity into the abyss.

"I'm very sorry for what happened just now, Mr. Du Lin, we attach great importance to this meeting, and we didn't have much rest last night. My sister and I have been in bed to read some information. I have been preparing for this since I woke up at noon. The second meeting, too much focus on work made me ignore something, I was always so reckless ... I want to apologize for my mistakes that have troubled you. "Diniya explained, but this explanation is also full of The content of ecstasy.

She performed very well, as if she really forgot to wear underwear because of the importance she attached to this meeting, and she also apologized. At this time, most men would laugh and say that it doesn't matter, and then imagine what the perfect picture of Diniya and her sister Dinissa who had forgotten in underwear was on the bed yesterday. Important, maybe they all forgot to dress. Then these men will step into the peach-colored traps they designed, and they can no longer struggle, and eventually make decisions that do not meet their own wishes.

Women are terrible, the more women who know how to take advantage of them, the more terrible they are.

Du Lin waved his hand and said indifferently, "You don't need to apologize, and a responsible attitude towards work is a virtue. It is a rare virtue in today's society. I am very envious of your boss. It's a lucky thing to have a hard-working assistant like you. "

The housekeeper knocked on the door, and the two maids came in carrying the tray. Some small snacks and a pot of scented tea were piled on them. This was for them. After the housekeeper and servant left, Du Lin took out a cigarette and raised it for a moment to ask. Both women said that they did not object to Du Lin smoking, and Du Lin lit the cigarette.

Dinissa stared at Dooling tightly. This was the most contradictory aspect of Dooling. She could see that Dooling looked down on the two of them from the bottom of her heart, otherwise she wouldn't say that it was a scalp if. She had never heard of any man saying such a thing to a beautiful girl, even if she was joking. But look at his performance now, that gentleman, even smoking, asked for the opinions of both of them, and did not show the style of ignoring them.

One is a demon, and another is a gentleman. Du Lin's contradictory and complex personality is definitely a troublesome thing in this public relations task, because you can never guess what he will do next because of what he has done. He does nothing to provide predictive logic. He is a lunatic, a neurosis!

"I know you ..." Du Lin took the ashtray from the corner of the table and leaned on the chair, facing the two sisters sideways, and played the ashes, saying, "You are amazing, at least I think so You have done things that many men ca n’t do, but the society has not given you a fair evaluation. This is unfair. The imperial bank ’s ability to send you is enough to show that we value it, but what I want to say Yes, this is not enough! "

In the first half of the year, Hua moved the two sisters of the Hill family with an indescribable feeling. As Du Lin said, the imperial bank's expansion process cannot be smooth and everything cannot be settled with money. There are always Some people believe that pursuit and ideal are above all else. Then at this time, the Imperial Bank needs to find a way to find a gap in these people, then insert a chisel into it, widen the gap, and finally pry open the hard shell to reveal the fragile nature.

In this process, their roles are more than anyone imagined. They are the Minister of Public Relations of the Imperial Bank of China, and they are almost identical twin sisters. They have excellent appearance and funny conversation. The most important thing is their noble identity. . They are nobles. Everyone says that the nobles are bad, but in fact they are obsessed with everything of the nobles. These things together make their advantages enlarged by wireless.

No one knows how much they have sacrificed. Those people are not interested in whether they have sacrificed a lot. All they need is a result, a successful result.

Du Lin's words touched them so much that she felt that Du Lin could understand them, but the second half of the **** made them feel ashamed again. Did he lift them so high just to drop them on the ground again?

What's not enough?

Dinissa smiled without changing her face, and did not seem to be stimulated by the words of Du Lin, "Mr. Du Lin, we are very sincere and very sincere on this trip, and we do not try to talk, who can Knowing if we are not enough, I hope you can give us a chance. "

Du Lin nodded, "This is what I want to say, a chance, I will try to convince you as much as possible, but only once!" Then he nodded his feet on the ground, turned the chair over and faced them Sit, "Come, convince me."

Diniya, who wasn't talking aside, felt that if she could, she now wanted to grab the fruit plate on the table and smash it in. She should follow her sister's words and study some of the information more thoroughly. This bastard's elusive character was better than they saw. It's harder for everyone to get through, and they can't get angry. This must be the punishment that God has given to punish her evil thoughts.

As a sister, Dinissa has more calmness and calmness than her sister. She lowered her head and pulled out a few documents from the briefcase next to Diniya's chair, placed it on the table, and pushed it over. "This is what we collected yesterday The several cases are cases concerning patent law issues in recent years, and ... ", she took out a few more documents and pushed back," these are the "Antitrust Law" and "Antitrust Law The outcome of some lawsuits following the legislation of the Industry Manipulation Act. "

Du Lin took over these documents, and he opened a few glances. This is a judgment and corresponding documents about the dispute over the patent right, and the parties finally resolved the dispute by law. It is related to a relatively well-known case in previous years, and of course it has something to do with patent rights. He said this case when he heard the Adams group discussing the countermeasures.

The case itself is not complicated, but the effect is extraordinary, and it also has a far-reaching impact.

A company produced a kind of canned roast chicken, a metal round pot, and the sales volume was very good, especially the provincial ya people like to buy this cheap whole chicken canned food. The cheap price made this enterprise quickly enter the stage of rapid development. The whole empire has about 30 to 40 million provincial yas. Although they are not rich, their spending power on cans is far beyond Social mainstream groups.

An investment company is very jealous of this business and wants to invest in this canned enterprise. For any company that has entered a virtuous circle and is still making profits and has a broader market and potential, it is unwilling to accept any form at this time. They refused to invest because they did not get more than five years of profit.

As a result, the investment company registered a shape patent after searching for a patent, which completely imitated the product shape of a canned enterprise and was successfully registered. After waiting for a while, the investment company brought the canned company to court, saying that they had damaged their rights and interests, and asked the canned company to compensate the profits of the infringement or accept the investment company's shareholding.

This case brought a great shock to the commercial society of the empire. For the first time, people realized the impact and potential risks of malicious patent registration on the company, and began to attach importance to the nascent project of patents. Many companies have begun to register patents for their products, and there have been many cases of malicious cybersquatting.

There are two points in this case, the first point is the applicability between the patent itself and the facts, and the second point is the generality issue ~ ~ Will the description of the content of a patent affect the More products not covered by this patent.

These two problems do exist in the current lawsuit between Doolin and the Imperial Bank. Adams said such a situation, but he did not worry about Doolin, these will not have any impact on Doolin's rights.

Seeing a slight change in the expression on Du Lin's face, Dinissa glanced at Diniya calmly, then said with a smile, "Perhaps you think these files have little to do with you, but in fact our legal The minister of the ministry believes that they all have similarities ... "

Du Lin put down her dossier and looked at Dinissa. One of Dinissa's Du Lin would listen to her continue to exaggerate the content, but Du Lin made her speechless again.

"I haven't gone to school. You should ask my lawyer for these complicated questions, not for me!"

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