Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 806: failure

? If you can choose, the two sisters of the Hill family will refuse this task, because Doolin is a bastard.

The place he **** is not what he wants to get from them all the time, but he always interrupts the pace of their plans and makes them have to destroy the plans made with a lot of thoughts and replace the other one. plan.

If Du Lin didn't say that just now, he could show a little emphasis on these things, then the two sisters would come to Du Lin and explain to them the contents of these files in person, they would use their fingers to point out the need in each line of text What Du Lin noticed, then gradually shifted these attentions from the dossier itself to them. Perhaps by tomorrow morning, their task will be completed. No one can persuade their sisters in a hidden and private space, at least so far.

Hearing what **** Du Lin said just now, he said that he hadn't gone to school and asked them to talk to a lawyer, so what was their relationship? This stuffed many of the next things back into the stomachs of the sisters, and there was a feeling of anger and suffocation.

Du Lin has never given them this opportunity. This is the third time that Du Lin has interrupted their Plan C. It is even more embarrassing that they did not carry Plan D or Plan E. Even if there were, they were not very useful. . Because Du Lin is almost telling them that he is illiterate. It is much more difficult to persuade an illiterate person than to persuade a highly educated person, because those who have no culture are more obedient to their heart and they will not easily Changing your goals is the most troublesome.

Of course, this may be the reason why Dulin has become famous ... !!

Dinissa twitched a little, and she laughed twice. The people in the room, including herself, could hear her laughing very embarrassingly, and barely, "Is ... like this? Sorry, I have been I thought ... including the materials I collected from other places that you thought you were a knowledgeable person, so I ... ", unable to edit, Dinissa told herself that she couldn't edit anymore, she didn't know what to do Say, compliment Durin not to go to school, or annoyed that the materials he collected were all wrong?

When Dinissa was in trouble, her sister immediately responded, "Mr. Durin, in fact, there are many famous people in history who have not attended school, but they have become very much like you. Famous people, I believe you, including the celebrities in today's society, must have common points. Do you say that I am right? "

Du Lin nodded with satisfaction. "Ms. Diniya, I don't know if you said it, but I feel right. Thank you for your flattery, it makes me feel a lot better."

This task cannot be completed. This is not only the idea of ​​Dinissa, but also the thought of Diniya. They have never seen such a person. You can't figure out what strange brain circuit he will use to answer your words, and you don't know how he responds after he has said those messy things. This is a disaster. He is not friendly or gentleman at all.

Watching the silent sisters Du Lin laughed, "Look, I said, you're not enough. I'm very glad that the old men can let two beautiful ladies talk to me, but what I need is what I can need The person who confirmed the transaction with me here, obviously you are not, change it for someone else! "

The sisters stared at each other. The complex eyes made them look at each other for more than ten seconds. Finally, her sister Dinissa sighed. When she looked at Dolin again, her eyes became a little different. This is no way out. Their advantage has become a joke in front of Du Lin. It seems that Du Lin is the one who has been performing comics, but they are very clear that the only one who is funny is himself, without Du Lin. So these cost-saving plans are all over, and the rest are the things that are related to the benefits.

"Mr. Du Lin, yesterday we read too many documents and some did not wake up. Now we can talk frankly, what do you want? Here at the Imperial Bank, what do you want?" The strategy is not the best, which means that the concession of benefits in practice is the biggest failure in their work.

Why do we have a public relations department, why do we have a special profession of public relations? To put it bluntly, in the commercial competition, one party wants to use fewer things in exchange for greater benefits, otherwise it is not enough to fight directly with a knife Of course, the other party will also cut meat on their own body. And public relations have more room to maneuver, and there are more methods of application.

Du Lin pointed to Dinissa, "This is the first human word you said after entering my study today. I am very pleased, because we can finally draw our attention from those boring tricks back to the problem itself. .But I would also like to remind you, Ms. Dinissa, this question should not be you asking me, but me asking you. "

"What can you give me, and what do you want from me, which is why I think you are not enough. Do you want to continue talking now?"

As soon as the topic shifted to the right track, Du Lin seemed to be a new person, full of extremely powerful self-confidence and aggressiveness. His slightly forward leaning body made the sisters aware of the high sense of aggression on him. He has been With the initiative, the momentum is even stronger now!

Dinissa took a deep breath and calmed down the violent fluctuations in her heart. She felt a little tingling in her scalp. She didn't know why. At this moment, she felt like Du Lin felt like those The chairman feels nervous and a touch of fear.

"We want to ... part of the patent right, you can prescribe a condition, and if appropriate, we can give you an accurate answer immediately." After removing the flesh and leaving the bones, the words are not so artistic. But this is the most terrible battlefield.

Du Lin did not prescribe any conditions directly to her, but asked, "Is it possible to think that you have given up the victory or defeat in court, or that those are not important?"

Aggressive attitude, tricky perspective, this is the biggest and most troublesome time for the two beauty public relations ministers since their work. She doesn't know how to answer this question because she can't answer it.

If she answers yes, it means that the Bank of the Empire has given up hope of reversing a game in court, and instead pinned it on insider trading, contacted Dulin privately and reached some intentions to complete their plans. This will make Du Lin's attitude more rigid, and the following negotiations will be more difficult, because he has already figured out the bottom line of the Imperial Bank, and he doesn't care if there will be more series of conflicts because of his attitude problems.

But if the answer is no, then her current behavior, including the words just said are nonsense, they are here to make Du Lin laugh at them again and again, nothing more!

Diniya didn't wait for Dinissa to think about it, and then she took the stubble of Dulin. She knew that her sister was in trouble again. The huge pressure brought by Dulin's gas field, attitude and language was all over Dinissa. For people, she needs to confront these pressures and think about the answers, which will make her more wrong. Therefore, Diniya, who was not included in the "attack" range by Dulin, turned faster, and she immediately continued, "Mr. Dulin, what we are looking for is not to destroy each other's dignity and friendship. To the conditions that are recognized by each other, let us all look better in face. "

"This is also our sincerity. If you have to break your face in the court and fight for a victory, I believe whether you win or the central bank wins, everyone will not look good, do you think?"

Du Lin glanced at the woman who had been using her biggest advantage to sell melon to lure her, pouting and nodding, "You said it very well, but this is not true. In fact, I never fear any challenge. Whether it's from an ordinary person or from the central bank. My question is still like that, what do you want to get and what can you give me? Is this difficult to answer? "

He shook his head and stood up. He squeezed the sword collars on both sides and shook it a little, and then slightly stunned. "It's a nice chat with you, ladies. There are also some snacks and scented tea here. I believe you may be in a hurry. I did n’t have any lunch. I ate something, drank tea, rested for a while, and you can leave after a while. I have other important things, I ’m going to be out of line! " The gentleman's smile went up toward the study with his head raised.

After standing at the door of the study and opening the door, he didn't seem to care that what he said would be heard by the two women inside, and directly ordered the housekeeper, "Look at them not to mess with my things, although there is nothing valuable, wait for them to rest well Just send them away. "

"I see, sir!"

The two sisters stared at each other in the room ~ ~ sighed heavily, their shoulders completely pulled down, this was a desperate public relations process, and Doolin was even more difficult than they imagined. Difficult, it is simply **** mode.

"What now?" Dinissa put away the papers on the table and glanced at her sister.

Diniya was laughed angrily, "What to do? Of course, something to eat and get out of the way, did you not see him as a thief? God is above, I really think he will have a gentleman's side, all dogs feces!"

Watching Di Niya grabbing Dim Sum in her mouth and not forgetting to tell her how hungry she was, Di Nissa was wondering if further public relations were needed.

This is an opportunity, a hope, the transfer of each share of the Imperial Bank of China in these years is a big thing, it is a difficult opportunity to obtain, if they lose this opportunity, they may have to wait for several years!

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