Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 821: Sign a contract

In any case, the outcome of this negotiation ended sooner than all participants expected, which is also a good thing. After signing the contract tomorrow, Southern Commercial Bank can directly reverse the current situation. They can even stand with Du Lin to sue the Imperial Bank of China for infringing their "patent rights."

This is not a joke, and the Southern Commercial Bank can also escape from Du Lin's indictment. They suddenly became victims from the identity of the perpetrators, and they will find a little positive in front of social and public opinion issues. Evaluation.

In the past, when I watched the news on Du Lin, I probably didn't feel anything, but when I was on the news with Du Lin, I could understand the feelings of those people. A senior journalist said that Du Lin will always be a weak person, no matter how much money he has and what status he has, people can only see him being persecuted again and again, and then the group in the society may not even have enough food and clothing. The overwhelming sympathy of his people will win him the greatest public opinion assistance.

The same is true this time. The South Commercial Bank and the Imperial Bank of China are both many times stronger than Dulin. Therefore, Dulin is also a weak person. The status of the weak makes Dulin obtain a lot of support from the public. In particular, the positive image that he has maintained has also attracted a large number of middle class to stand on the stand of Doulin, which is a headache. Every weak disgust will not bring any tragic consequences, but when these disgust accumulate into a force that cannot be ignored, the cost of continuation will gradually appear.

The problem is now resolved.

Standing outside the restaurant, Du Lin and Natia left after a few words of conversation. He didn't take much rest today, and slept for about two hours at night. He was physically and mentally exhausted, and now he needs to rest.

Early the next morning, the Executive Chairman of the Imperial Bank of Japan awakened from his sleep. There are always a lot of problems when he is older, and he sleeps lightly and wakes up early. He jogs in the gym for a while in a sports suit, takes a bath, puts on clean clothes, and sits in the dining room to enjoy the rare comfort of the day.

A pot of scented tea without too many petals, the doctor advised him not to drink coffee and other stimulating beverages. He does not even drink alcohol now, and there are some pure wheat pressed baked wheat cakes without any oil. He needs to Responsible for your own cardiovascular.

At his age, with such a prominent status, he is no longer pursuing simple enjoyment, but enabling himself to live a few more days. Money, power, woman, he has enjoyed him long ago. From now on, he understands that the most enjoyable thing in life is time, time that he once squandered.

Before opening a newspaper to watch carefully what was worth noting this morning, his face changed drastically. The tea cup just picked up was dropped directly on the table, stood up and went to the phone to pick up the phone, dialed a number, and asked angrily, "What's going on?"

The person who answered the phone put the newspaper in the cabinet and said with a bitter smile, "It seems that Du Lin and South Commercial Bank have reached some agreement that we didn't know ...", he glanced down at today's Empire Daily, The headline on the front page of the daily newspaper made him feel as if his body was hollowed out-"Rivals", with the subtitle "Du Lin's Withdrawal of the Infringement Lawsuit against South Commercial Bank". The content of this title is like its paper meaning. South Commercial Bank has now got rid of the trouble of the lawsuit and transferred all the pressure to the Imperial Bank of China. The lawsuit is no longer a group play. There are only two opponents, Du Lin and Empire. Central bank.

At the same time, South Commercial Bank and Du Lin have reached a certain degree of invisible human transactions. It may even be necessary when the South Commercial Bank will stand on Du Lin's stand to put pressure on the Imperial Bank, including the use of social resources Makes the imperial central bank even more ugly, and pushes the final course of the three lawsuits.

The imperialist central bank has previously attacked the bankers of the South Commercial Bank. The hatred that almost ran them into bankruptcy and liquidation was not so easy to let go. In addition, many commercial predators in the south are coveting the closed market in the north. The dissatisfaction of some central bank's investment behavior will most likely turn into a large-scale vicious competition. Even if this may be less than one ten thousandth, it is definitely a great danger.

The old man's chest was violently undulating, and neither of them spoke. After a while, the old man's undulation was not so obvious, and he took a spit of breath, and said, "I want to know what they have done, and you have to Give the council a solution. I don't want to listen to those old things. Give me something fresh. "

Throughout the day, all the newspapers reported the news. South Commercial Bank had already made two preparations before sending out the negotiating team. If they could talk to Du Lin, they would quickly let the public know that South Commercial Bank was also a victim, but they Do not participate in the lawsuit between Du Lin and the central bank to ensure that they are in the best position, no matter who wins and loses, they will not have any losses. If they ca n’t reach a conclusion, then they will promote another set of things, such as Du Lin ’s black history and “popularizing the law” for the general public, let them know that Du Lin is untenable in lawsuits now, he is a Patent hooligan.

He then pushed Doolin back to the negotiating table with the Imperial Bank.

Yes, they do n’t plan to really tear up their faces with Du Lin, because it ’s not worth it, and no one can dare to guarantee the final direction of this lawsuit. They want something.

The cooperation of Du Lin gave South Commercial Bank a huge advantage. After the passive became active, some people inside the South Commercial Bank also had some new ideas, such as helping Du Lin to suppress the Imperial Bank of China, and those who have this idea also more and more.

The reason is very simple. If you do not consider other means that cannot be seen, and only talk about commercial competition, Du Lin is not the opponent of the South Commercial Bank at the same time, nor is the South Commercial Bank an opponent of the Imperial Bank of China. To help the Imperial Bank out of its predicament and ride on its own head, it is better to help a young man who is destined not to be his opponent to contain the Imperial Bank. They only need to pay a small price. At that time, it can be further torn from the territory of the Imperial Bank and swallowed up. Taking a step back can also ensure that your interests are not infringed. This is a good situation.

At ten o'clock in the morning, one hour ahead of the deadline given by Doolin, Anglio brought the lawyer to the estate of Doolin, and reviewed the contract text for any additions and deletions to the lawyers. Yes, they are talking in the garden.

"Your propaganda offensive came very violently. Many newspapers today reported the news of our cooperation." The two stood in Du Lin's garden and chatted. Nadia was resting under a parasol not far away. She was a little bit Alas.

Angelio Lang laughed. "Don't you think that's good? We showed our attitude and put a lot of pressure on the Imperial Bank. I believe you should be very interested."

This is indeed the case in some ways. The sudden change in the position of the South Commercial Bank makes the Imperial Bank more passive, but this is not entirely good news. If the imperial bank of the Empire is forced to change its strategy, Du Lin will face more unknown risks, but things have already happened, and now it is useless to say that. Du Lin knew that he had been pitted. He couldn't blame anyone. Last night he also drank some wine. He forgot or did not expect South China Commercial Bank to temporarily announce this.

Du Lin hummed. "I don't care about this. I want to know when Natia can work for me and how much it will cost to buy her contract."

Angelio couldn't help looking back at Nateya. He went to Du Lin and asked an irrelevant question, "Do you like older women?" Looking at Du Lin's awkward look, Angelio quickly explained, "Sorry, I didn't mean that, I just thought she was lucky to meet someone who was optimistic about her."

"Actually, she hasn't renewed her contract since she got married. Except for her senior partner, she is only acting as a consultant on behalf of the head of the public relations department. You know. Many people need not just a good-looking face, but also breakthrough further requirements, which she can't do. "

Anglio said a lot. He was actually showing off. He didn't intend to do it ~ ~ But after going back, he felt that Doolin was a good person. First of all, Doolin's concession gave things Stabilizing, he not only received high praise from the board of directors, secondly he passed the news back to the family, and his grandfather praised him for his outstanding contribution to the family, which made him very happy. After a step, led the brothers and sisters. Coupled with his careful consideration, it was actually a good thing to let her out after he hurt Natiya, at least not to be stabbed by this woman at a critical moment, so he decided to speak with Du Lin well.

Nateya's status in the South Commercial Bank seems extremely dignified, but in fact it is at stake, and her unwillingness to do things beyond her own limit has made her less and less valued. Now these young girls are brave, in order to get the opportunity to raise salary, to become a partner, to enter the management, without them they dare not do it. Moreover, Nitya is "too old", which is why Sister Hill's ability is not as good as that of Nitya but she is able to settle the Minister of Public Relations of the Empire Central Bank. Just go out.

"This is my business, I don't want to discuss this ...", Du Lin shook his head and refused to discuss further on this topic, but he clearly felt that Angelio's attitude had changed, he hesitated, Now that this guy has been pitted, it is better to pit it again, "I have a big business plan over a period of time. I may have to borrow some funds from your bank for a short time. Are these operations difficult?"

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