Cosma Empire

Vol 3 Chapter 822: meet

Do Lin want to borrow?

Anglio's brain immediately began to move at the speed of light. A buzzing sound was made in the head, and a super black hole was created in the middle of the rotating brain. It swallowed all his thoughts and spit from the other side after processing.

Du Lin, who just got 100 million in cash, still has to borrow, and with the evaluation of Du Lin's assets by the South Commercial Bank, he can now draw about 80 million to 200 million together. With so much liquid funds, he still needs to borrow from the bank. What does Du Lin want to do?

Many large consortiums cannot draw so much funds at a time, and what other business plans can require huge amounts of cash of more than 200 million and cannot be paid in installments?

Anglio thought while answering in his mouth, "It's very simple. When you need it, call me when I need it, and I will notify the headquarters to approve it ..." He suddenly returned to God, "Yes, how much do you want?"

Du Lin shrugged. "The more, the better. As long as you dare to borrow, I dare."

"Are you planning to roll this money abroad?", Anglio joked, but at the same time he couldn't figure out what he was trying to do, as if he was scratched by a cat. "Can you tell me what's the big deal?" plan?"

Du Lin crossed him and looked at the door to the manor from the garden. "I'm interested in telling you, but it looks like our lawyers are done."

Anglio also glanced back and could only give up the opportunity temporarily. Obviously, Doolin was unwilling to tell him, otherwise walking this long way into the manor's room would be enough to make things clear. But the more he kept secret, the more he didn't tell him, the more he became curious. He just completed a "big deal" that made him feel a little bit swollen. He felt that this was also an opportunity. If the assets of the family could be significantly improved again, maybe he would be able to directly become Mr. Diplesi.

As for his father and uncles?

That's not a problem, the family always only needs one, the best one!

After the two signed their names on the contract, the contract came into effect. Du Lin transferred part of the patent right to Southern Commercial Bank, and Anglio also guaranteed that all the money will be paid within a week. It will be credited to Du Lin's account at the South Commercial Bank, and there will be no restrictions on this, which is also marked on the contract. After sending away Anglio and his team of lawyers, Du Lin returned to the manor and sat under the umbrella, and Nateya was obviously a little nervous. Yesterday, Du Lin spent a lot of money "buying" her. She moved her, but at the same time there was a hint of alert.

If someone has given up so much benefit only for something that seems to have no value, then he must have other purposes. Natia felt her wedding ring and poured a cup of tea for Du Lin.

"I talked to Anglio just now, and he said that your contract was not renewed, does this mean that you can work for me at any time?" Du Lin took a sip of tea and put it back to see With Natia.

Natiya nodded and said, "It's true. They paid me monthly but didn't sign a contract. They told me that I didn't need to sign any employment agreement because I was a senior partner. I consulted with a lawyer, The lawyer told me this was wrong, but I can't ask the board for this secured contract, especially after they have rejected me once. "

"In addition, I need to go back and tell my family that my job has changed. I may take them with me. I may have to sell some properties ..."

If she and her family come to Didu or elsewhere, then Stelli's villa, house and car may need to be disposed of, and she doesn't need those things. Although the real estate industry has begun to heat up, a large influx of people needs cities to have more homes to meet these rigid needs, but this is not the most suitable time. There will also be a long climb, and she will have to pay for a property at the place of work.

Du Lin nodded very understandingly, "It doesn't matter, you have to do what you want for a long time, you are free before September. After September you may want to go to the Federation with me This time will be very long, and it won't be back until next year, so you need to make arrangements in advance. "

"Besides starting today, I count your formal entry, personal assistant, I hope you can enjoy the new job ...", what suddenly Du Lin thought, "Yes, what's your income at the South Commercial Bank?"

After suddenly turning into a personal assistant, Nitya was still a bit uncomfortable. She hadn't done similar work, although she knew what she was going to do. "As a partner, I can get 40,000 from the bank every year. It ’s divided into 8,000 yuan. In addition, they will give me a fixed salary of 220 yuan each month. ”In this way, Natya can earn about 50,000 yuan a year, which is not a small amount.

It is almost equal to the savings of an ordinary working-class family for ten years. This is the society. It is simple and very real.

Suddenly, Du Lin had a new question. "I took the liberty to ask, I heard that you still have a loan. Should such a high income be able to cope with life without a loan?"

Natia smiled at Du Lin's unexpected and work-independent issue. She knew that this was purely a young man's curiosity, and she explained patiently. In fact, the more glorious people, the more they spend on daily expenses. In order to ensure her image, Natia spends a lot of money every month on luxury goods, such as various types of women's products, which is the only way she can be decent in high-level occasions. In addition, she also needs to pay an expensive tuition for her daughter who attends the aristocratic school, as well as money for her husband, so she is not too wealthy at hand.

Must be richer than ordinary people, but still far worse than the real rich.

Du Lin, who was satisfied with curiosity, didn't know that, in fact, his daily consumption was not as simple as buying a pack of cigarettes. Whether he was in the west or elsewhere, even if he did n’t need it, it cost thousands of dollars a month. on. For example, the management team hired by this manor has an expenditure of 3,000 yuan per month, plus clothes and luxury goods. He may come to the capital once or twice a year, and he will swallow him 50,000 to 60,000 each year. More than blocks.

Now that she has talked about salary, Natia has some nagging in her heart. She doesn't know what kind of salary Du Lin can pay her, which is something she is very concerned about.

"We will sign a long-term employment contract, at least ten years, and I hope you can understand this ...", Natia nodded, Du Lin spent a lot of money digging her, she must also need somewhere Pay a certain price, a long-term contract is one of them. "I will give you an annual salary of 60,000 and pay it quarterly. It does not include various bonuses and benefits. In addition, I will provide a residence. If you have any requirements, you can now Speak out. The lawyers are here, and I hope we can get things done as soon as possible. "

Nadia has no opinion on this, it is thousands of yuan more than the treatment given by Nanshang Commercial Bank, and there will definitely be an increase. This is very good. She is not dissatisfied. Maybe changing to another job is very good.

Nadia left after signing a contract with Nadia after lunch, and Du Lin also needed to meet the official who wanted to make friends with him.

The civilization hockey club in the southern suburbs of the capital was built a few years ago, and they took a lot of advantage. At that time, the land price on the side of the capital had not risen, so they circled a large area of ​​land. Even if they are operating at a loss these years, the increase in land prices has also made them a lot of money. Because the ground is remote, the environment is beautiful, and there is a dense vegetation wall between each court to ensure a better privacy. Many people choose to do business here or talk about other things.

Of course, if you want to enter here, you need to pay an expensive membership fee. From 5,000 yuan a year to a junior member to 30,000 yuan a year to a senior member. Du Lin happens to be a senior member. Of course, this is also what he does not know to maintain daily life. Must pay part. He doesn't consider why he is a premium member here, he only knows that when he needs it, he is fine.

Two o'clock in the afternoon ~ ~ The official who wanted to be friends with Du Lin appeared in Du Lin's sight in casual clothes.

"This is Mr. Du Lin ..." I have seen that Du Lin's generous service bureau officials took the initiative to introduce them to the two sides. Opposite Du Lin, stood a young man in his fifties with a little baldness and fatness. people. He started to introduce his superiors to Du Lin, "This is the director of the Social Services Bureau, director Klein."

If it was not introduced, Du Lin would not even see any official power from him, just like an ordinary imperial citizen. He laughed aloud, took the initiative to reach out and shook Du Lin. "I know Mr. Du Lin. I have been reading the newspaper these days."

Du Lin only said two words, "Fortunately!", Then reached out and invited Director Klein to enter the Civilization Hockey Club. Everyone changed a picture and walked into the empty stadium.

Hockey is similar to golf in that world in Doolin Dreamland, but there are some changes in rules and gameplay. Instead of counting the score after entering the cave, you need to roll the ball to hit the target shot. The higher the position , The more points, but each pole can only be hit once, and there is only one chance to hit. It is obvious that people who ca n’t play have a zero point in the game. For example, Doolin is the most professional zero point player.

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