Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 853:

"This week, more than twenty small businesses have gone bankrupt. The import and export trade for these small businesses is starting to grow in an uncontrolled risk. If they cannot adapt and find a good way to spend this special time, they can be expected The next thing is that many small and micro enterprises will go bankrupt in this wave! ", At the federal high-level meeting, the undersecretary in charge of import and export trade said to the participating officials," The madness of the federal shield The increase is not entirely good news, and we are also facing many problems that need to be resolved. "

非常 What is normal for ordinary people has attracted the attention of the high level of the federal government. These officials have a sharper sense of smell than the ordinary people about the operation of the country, the financial mechanism, and the construction of the economy. The collapse of a small export company means that more small and micro enterprises are facing all the problems that this closed company has experienced. In the case of cost growth and sudden decline in revenue, it is very difficult to maintain it. There are always some expenses that entrepreneurs cannot afford, such as staff salaries.

At the same time, the readjustment of tariffs between the federation and the empire has also made these SMEs exporting by dumping also start to struggle. Their goods are no longer competitive in the empire market after the elimination of tariff-free conditions, such as some An enterprise producing lighters. Once they dumped their mercilessly on the empire, and the trade volume and cheaper prices occupied the empire's market. However, with the restoration of tariffs, the prices of their goods in the empire are no longer so attractive, and the products of the empire are more welcomed by the market.

Of course, where there is light, there must be shadows. Everything has always been divided into positive and negative sides. There are good and bad sides.

A deputy minister of the Treasury went on to say, "This does not conflict with our previous plans. Gentlemen, liberalizing the relationship with the Imperial Star exchange rate and opening up a larger market are our most important plans now. Before we did these things, we already knew that the financial and economic markets in the federation will inevitably face a certain degree of shock, including the tide of closing down of some enterprises. This is the inevitable pain we need to bear to escape from the past. The imperial power of the Empire has been raised for more than 20 years, and a large number of excellent enterprises have been raised in the market of the Empire. Under the natural competition and elimination mechanism of the market, if someone succeeds, then someone will inevitably face failure. "

"It's just that these people are very unfortunately one of the losers. They have a rigid business philosophy and don't know the flexible ideas. It is not their national policy changes that make them face failure. They are not themselves. They cannot transfer the company in time. The direction of business, change existing business projects and concepts, they will inevitably be eliminated by the market. Let us focus on those successful companies, in the past 20 years more than 130 federal federations have been born Excellent and outstanding large-scale multinational trading company. I think that the concern of the Deputy Minister of Trade is actually not a problem in itself. Wouldn't these companies go bankrupt if we don't do these things? "

"No, we do not formulate new policies to promote the market to the world faster. They will also struggle in the event of losing competitiveness. In the end, they will go bankrupt and be liquidated. We all understand that the market is cruel and we We can sympathize with their experience, but we cannot change our existing policies because of their current situation. "

"Members and Speakers of the United Parliament have shown optimism about the current situation. Let us focus on those successful companies who can gain a foothold in international trade without our special support, and also As we continue to grow, this is what we need to focus on. As for small businesses, I don't think we need to pay too much attention. "

Now the main federal policies and plans are basically designed to promote the Federal Shield to become an international currency. The Ministry of Trade has interviewed many entrepreneurs of multinational companies last week. They have proposed a concept that is required in foreign trade. All companies resolutely use the federal shield as the settlement currency. It seems like this is a very stupid thing, increasing the flow of trade, and those foreign import and export companies need to hold the federal shield to trade with federal merchants. But on the other hand, the accelerated expansion of the circulation of the Federal Shield in the international context has a very good promotion effect on their ultimate goal.

When people are accustomed to having some federal shields in their pockets and are accustomed to using the federal shield as a settlement currency in international trade, the international influence of the Confederate Federation and the federal shield will quickly increase and eventually become mainstream settlement. currency. By that time, the world's markets will have to comply with federally established business rules and, in some cases, pay for federal economic development. The influence and benefits brought by it far exceed the wave formed by the closure of some small businesses.

次 The vice-minister of the Ministry of Trade nodded with a wry smile. In fact, he is also very clear that the collapse of small and micro enterprises at this stage is a self-regulation of a market mechanism. The profits of large enterprises began to increase, and the profits of small enterprises began to decrease. The transfer of profits led to the elimination of these "disabled" enterprises, using their nutrients after the bankruptcy and the vacated market to motivate "sound" enterprises to become stronger.

But ... there are always some concerns. Once the wave of bankruptcy is formed, it may cause some problems in society, the increase in unemployment, the increase in the number of people in idle properties, and the problem of public security will eventually evolve into more complex social problems in a short period of time.

The Minister of Finance continued, "I would like to inform you that next month, the Central Bank will continue to cut interest rates to stimulate the market, and at the same time promulgate some other financial policies to activate the activity of the federal financial market. I hope everyone can cooperate as much as possible. Detecting market fluctuations ... "

In fact, the undersecretary did not say one thing. After the discussion at the highest meeting of the joint parliament, the decision to issue a new batch of federal shields was simply to add money.

Now in the international currency market, the federal shield is popular with investors around the world, and it has been determined that there will not be too many ups and downs in a short time, and it will continue to rise with a stable and firm attitude. Rising prices will strengthen investor confidence, which will make the amount of currency in circulation even smaller. In order to spread the influence of the federal shield as soon as possible, the joint parliament made such a decision.

Of course, the printing of a batch of currencies will reduce the price of the federal shield, but this is definitely within an acceptable range. Domestic think tanks believe that this move will reduce the exchange rate of the federal shield in a short period of time and will also release it. An obvious signal is that the common federal shield is insufficient, which will further stimulate investor confidence in the federation.

消息 This news is indeed not suitable for early disclosure. The Ministry of Finance has always held great confidence in the federal financial economy.

Williams is the sole shareholder of a small import and export trading company, and his product has only one thing-blankets.

He has made a lot of money in the past ten years, which is enough for him to live in the villa area of ​​Shangcheng District, drive upscale luxury cars, enter and exit some high-end places that require qualification, and even enjoy his family with everything . To this day, he cannot forget that his factory worked overtime and made crazy blankets and dumped them to the Empire. The dealer on the side of the Empire sends him several telegrams every day, urging him to ship the goods as soon as possible to deal with the crazy market. He is one of the dumping forces.

There are many such people around him. It is definitely an era of glory that is worthy of everyone's memory. Countless people use all the mortgage loans they have, take those money to start a small and simple factory, and then go crazy from the Empire. Taking profits is really a golden age. No matter what it produces, anyway, as long as it is sold to the empire, it will definitely make money, as long as you dare to bet, you will definitely win. Until now, it is still something people talk about.

At the time, his cheap blankets were well received by the low-income people of the Empire. A two-star blanket had a gross profit of about 35 percent, which made him a successful man.

But his good days have come to an end recently, even if the federal side gave him the policy of tax refund and subsidies, after the tariffs were restored, the sales price of his products at the Imperial Terminal had risen to 32, and the gross profit was only a dozen percent. In other words, he is basically not making money by selling things, but making meager profits by tax rebates and subsidies. In the market where the Empire has recovered, its competitiveness is very poor. Compared to two forty-nine-century blankets produced by the Empire, its own sales of blankets are worrying.

The dealer has called him more than once to tell him that he wants to reduce the purchase volume.

Now, he is sitting in the bank's credit department office blankly, looking at a loan document in front of him. He wants to mortgage the villa he has lived for more than eight years to the bank in exchange for a loan to maintain the current production and operation. He didn't know where the road was and how to change it. The City Hall has more than once referred these small entrepreneurs to meetings and told them to transform, adapt, and make relative adjustments to keep pace with the times. But he is the chairman of a small business. He is not an economist. He knows what those words and words mean, but he doesn't know how to do it.

The only thing I can do now is to maintain my own business. Perhaps the market will improve for a day. I heard that several regions have just ended the war and there is a lot of market space. Maybe he can work hard in this area.

After he picked up his pen and signed his name, the department manager sitting opposite him smiled, "Mr. Williams, your loan will be credited to your account within three hours. , You have six months to spend this money. After six months, if you are unable to repay the loan principal and interest, according to the terms of our contract, we may levy your house and auction it, good luck ! "

Williams shook a smile and shook hands with the department manager. The other person gave him a business card and said something that made him unhappy. For example, if he still needs, he can contact the manager directly. It can save them a lot of steps.

Raised by a bitch, this is cursing me! !!

Williams had a smile on his face but was scolding in his heart, and had to show a smile to make him uncomfortable. Watching Williams' departure department manager smiled and shook his head. Recently, many small and medium-sized enterprises have started to seek loans to maintain the normal operation of the enterprise, but I have to say that the effect of this is actually not good. Businesses have lost their collateral because they haven't got the loan principal and interest. Apart from continuing to obtain more financial support from banks in a manner equivalent to liquidation, they simply cannot ease the current situation.

This is a good time, and indeed it is for banks. A large amount of high-quality assets need only pay a small amount of money to be in your hands. It is foreseeable that this year's year-end award will have a qualitative breakthrough!

After returning to his factory, Williams squeezed a ugly smile from the workers who had stopped working and smoking and chatting at the entrance of the factory. He did not show his spirited state as he expected last night and then cheered up and encouraged the workers. They continue to work. At this moment he felt very tired and exhausted.

"Call someone to pay last month's wages ~ ~ and inform our friends that we need some new raw materials." With the words of Williams, the idle workers in the factory cheered With a bang, he patted the dust on his buttocks and waited in line to settle his salary outside the office.

Although they are also worried about the future of the factory, it doesn't seem to be so bad at the moment. Is the boss already rich enough to pay? And they must continue to produce, which means that their work will continue, and they will be able to earn money to support their families from here.

I was just in the hearts of these workers, and there was also a hint of worry about whether they would be able to settle their wages next month.

回到 When he returned home at night, Williams locked himself in his study. Today, half of the money returned from the bank's mortgage loan has been used up. He can continue to work after the raw materials come tomorrow, and can barely spend it next month.

He doesn't need to pay for the raw materials. He has a good cooperative relationship with suppliers and private friendship. The other party will let him temporarily press a batch of payment, this is not the first time this happened. What if he doesn't have a better market for next month ...?

He felt a headache when he thought of it, and he did his best, but why can't he see the way out and the light?

He fell into a daze, searching for a non-existent exit in the mist.

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