Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 854: stock

Everyone will have their own circle of life, and even street friends have their own small circles and sites, capitalists are no exception.

In the evening, Mr. Williams changed into a suit and went to a bar three blocks away from his house to buy a drunk. The name of the bar was Pink Seduction, but it was extraordinarily "clean". Women with skills in the Federation are not as easy to find jobs as the Empire. They need health certificates and qualifications and a full tax certificate within three months. The bar will only hire them after the documents are complete and pay them commissions by the hour. . Of course, in addition to this part, tips for women with skills based on their outstanding abilities and skills will no longer be drawn by the bar.

If there is a requirement in this regard, guests can exchange a token to a bar or other business place as the currency used in the business place, because the skilled ladies and sisters have to pay this additional fee and need to pay taxes, the federal never lets go of any One way to get taxes is to include this fee.

Williams sat on the bar and asked for a bottle of spirits. The company's performance continued to decline and began to make losses. He was already struggling. He has now mortgaged his house to the bank. If there is no turnaround in three months, he will Consider whether you need to borrow usury or mortgage your other stuff to the bank.

This is a very cruel thing. In order to get these things, such as his villa, his luxury car, all the luxury goods he owns, it took him years to accumulate little by little to have what he has today. scale. But the degree of losing them was so fast that it would not take him half a year to lose them forever.

Anger, dissatisfaction, grievance, hatred, and countless negative emotions are biting his heart. He needs to be drunk before he can enter his dream without suffering.

Just drank two cups, and there was a guy sitting next to him who he knew and was also the owner of a small factory. In the past few years, similar enterprises have not been invited, and sometimes some people have developed from three to five machines, a dozen workers to hundreds of machines, and nearly a thousand workers, creating a wealth myth. But today, these wealth myths are shattered one by one. At this time, coming to the bar should be like a frustrated person.

"Hi Mark, would you like a glass? I bought a bottle!" Williams shook the wine glass in his hand. The amber liquid kept crashing into the ice cubes, and the crisp sound of the ice cubes hitting the glass, Drink a little to sleep at night. "

Mr. Mark, who he called Mark, glanced at him and waved to the bartender with a smile. "Tonight I invite everyone to have a drink, and William's consumption is signed on my bill." Following Mark's sentence The quiet bar became lively in an instant, and people have come to Mr. Mark to have him and toast him for his generosity.

"Anything good happened?" Williams moved his stool aside and asked the bartender to take out a glass and ice cubes and pour a glass of wine for him. Although he has done such a thing as asking each guest in the bar to have a drink, and it actually only requires a small amount of money, it is still a waste that should not be wasted for Williams now.

Mr. Mark, like him, runs a small export company of light industrial products. He sells blankets. Mr. Mark sells leather shoes. He does not sell internally, but only exports dumps. The last time I met was more than a month ago. At that time, the life was very bad. Did Mr. Mark find another way? This is very exciting for Williams, and perhaps it means that the trough of his life will soon pass, if Mr. Mark is willing to pull him.

There is no overlap between his product and Mr. Marco's product, there is no competition problem, and the two have a good friendship. Maybe he can help himself.

Mr. Mark smiled hesitantly, turned his back to the bar, and Williams also turned sideways. The two formed a small environment. Mr. Mark took a glass of wine and took a sip of the spirits that was easier to enter after cooling. Xiao Fei said with a smile, "It's okay, anyway, not as difficult as some time ago."

Williams felt like some little animal was scratching in his heart. It was not so difficult but an implicit statement. Williams knew that Mr. Mark had made a lot of money. For people like "decent", if the current situation is only slightly improved, they will exaggerate to say that they have started to make a lot of money. This is to maintain their dignity so that others do not look down on themselves and maintain themselves. Interpersonal circle.

No one wants to be friends with entrepreneurs who are on the verge of bankruptcy, because that means these people will soon start calling or visiting to borrow money.

But if you really make a lot of money, it means that you have n’t actually made any money and are still working hard. This is to prevent more people from knowing their current financial path, increase competitiveness, and even possibly Will be eliminated by these good friends.

"Which country did you sell things to? Monte? Asilla?" Monte and Asilla ended the 17-year war at the beginning of the year. Two countries ..., no, it should be said to be all western countries They have realized that with the development of the times and the advancement of science and technology, the relationship between countries has undergone tremendous changes.

The international integration is no longer the imagination of sociologists, and people have begun to pay more attention to international relations and the status of their country in the international community. Ending the war in a timely manner, building a country has greatly helped to improve the country's international status. More and more countries in war are beginning to draft armistice agreements, especially at the 18-nation conference on "sea areas included in national territory." Since then, the trend towards international integration has become increasingly apparent. In the future, even if there is war, it will not be a war between one country and another, but a camp war of a world nature.

Under such a large framework, it is the most foolish decision to continue the war between nations.

Various countries have begun to exert their strengths, the international economy has begun to recover and take off, and there will always be many places with higher margins for dumping commodities. Williams believes that Mark may have found a good place and dumped commodities in the past.

Mr. Mark laughed. He raised his arm and shook his fingers. "No, no, William. My leather stinks are still stacked in the warehouse. I have dismissed my workers and sold the factory. Now. "

This made Williams even more shocked, "Why do you do this? Are you so optimistic about the export industry?"

Mr. Mark solemnly nodded and said, "Of course, we can't get export subsidies and tax rebates for those big companies. We do not have any competitiveness in the export trade for the same goods, and it is difficult to even maintain them. , So why do we continue to maintain it? I think those in the town hall are right, we should look elsewhere. "

"Like ..." Williams sipped the wine in his glass with a sip.

Mr. Mark smiled mysteriously, "Like finance!"

"Dear, have you never read a newspaper? The surge in the Federal Shield has promoted the prosperity of the entire financial industry. Now you take money to buy a stock at a trading bank, and you can do nothing every day. I heard your stock broker tell you how much money you made, which is simpler and less laborious than being a physical entity. "

He seemed somewhat casual, but also had some obvious meanings, "I mortgaged all the properties to the bank, raised 1.3 million federal shields, and then invested the money into the stock market ...", he Suddenly he turned to look at Williams and asked, "Do you know United Construction?" Williams nodded and said that the federals almost knew United Construction, and Mr. Mark continued, "I bought this stock , After eleven trading days, the stock on my stock account is worth more than 2 million federal shields, can you believe it? "

"It only took more than half a month, and the stock price of United Construction has increased by over 80%. If I continue to sell leather shoes, if it can be sold, it may take me several years to make money. The money."

"But in financial markets, it only takes two weeks!"

Williams's breathing was suddenly quick, his eyes were red, and he felt a force return to his body. He was now full of fighting spirit, just like he was more than ten years ago.

For the next period, Williams has been asking Mr. Mark about stock operations. Almost all federal people know about stocks, and they understand that even most people have opened accounts. However, the number of people who actually go to practice has not been counted for a long time. Until recently, the crazy signing project of the United Central Government has led to a surge in the industrial sector, and a lot of good news has stimulated these talents to truly start investing in stocks.

I have to say that everyone makes money.

The next day, Williams got up in the morning and took a bath. After changing a suit, he called the bank credit manager and told him that he would mortgage all his assets!

For such high-quality customer banks, of course, the fastest, most considerate and thoughtful service was given to ~ ~ Before noon, Mr. Williams took a cashier's order issued by the Federal Bank of 870,000 federal shields and entered Exchange.

The enthusiastic atmosphere around him also infected him deeply. Looking at the stock prices that are constantly rising on the public signs, he feels that every second of delay, a lot of wealth flows by himself.

It took him a long time to squeeze into the trading desk. "This is my trading bank account number. I want to buy the stock of United Construction Engineering."

The trader took a look at the promissory note and reminded him, "Are you all? Sir?"

There was golden light in Williams' eyes, and he shouted with his fists, "Yes, all!"

The genius remembers the site address for one second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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