Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 869: I ca n’t understand

In the new era, the Empire has many problems, social problems, and institutional problems.

This is not a problem unique to the empire. Almost all countries currently have a lot of problems. The development of science and technology is too fast. As soon as a blink of an eye, the word country has become smaller in the international environment, and more and more people are not Things developed in the last era are beginning to become cumbersome, but these cumbersome things are currently the most important thing in every country.

For the empire, class solidification is the biggest problem, and none of it. Immediately after Magus came to power, class was abolished. Instead of stamping "class" on each person's face with a clear label, people were divided into three, six, and nine. One can not call a tramp a pariah, but does the word pariah really disappear from the hearts of the upper and middle classes of the empire because people don't say it?

Of course no, the class still exists, and in a more secret way, it continues to divide society into three, six and nine classes, and people into three, six and nine classes.

The Federation also has similar problems. In fact, their problems are more serious than the Empire in the strict sense, because from the beginning, the deadly forest law effect exists in this capitalist society. If you want to grow, you want to grow, Weakness must be swallowed. The cruel competitiveness of the free market has made many big capitals stand out. They have become monsters. Whenever there are people or companies that may challenge their qualifications in the future, they will start the annexation process.

Acquisition, or persecution, there is always one suitable for them, either to become a part of the monster's body or to disappear into this forest.

What is more troublesome is the high level of the federal government, especially the Speakers of the United Parliament. Each of them is a consortium. Everyone represents a huge capital force. They are also doing the same thing. They continue to annex those that have potential or grow rapidly. Businesses and consortia to hedge risk, but in the following years, these tricks have become less customary.

Too many young consortiums are expanding rapidly, and they are connected together in associations, such as community organizations such as the Golden Shield Society. These consortia are together to fight the attacks from the giants on the top of the tower. , And has the possibility to try to attack.

The purpose of the Federation to divide the entire government system is to prevent capital forces from penetrating the government. In the past two hundred years, if the Speaker of the United Parliament did not have absolute control over the country, the Federation would have been torn apart. The governors of each state are almost the heads of the new consortium. They are locals, they have huge industries, they hire more workers, and as long as they come up with independent ideas, the people below will support them.

So the federal system has responded to this situation by becoming two independent but intersecting systems.

Now these problems don't look sharp enough. Contradictions are not fully displayed in people's eyes. That is because in this new era, business opportunities are everywhere and gold is everywhere. The big consortiums in the Federation have focused on economic interests, temporarily avoided collisions with traditional notification forces, and continued to accumulate strength. That's why the federal economy's unprecedented prosperity in these years is actually full of contradictions and differences below the surface of these prosperity.

The old rulers were reluctant to give up their power, and the new challengers looked at them eagerly, ready to fight back anytime and anywhere, tearing them to pieces.

The sudden war against the empire was a reconciliation of contradictions and differences between the major forces in the federation. These conflicts and disputes were temporarily pressed down by way of exporting wars, but this could not solve these problems. Let everyone settle down temporarily. In the past few years, the contradiction has heated up again. The federal government and various consortiums have formulated new plans to temporarily repress the current contradiction by exporting "economic war" to make the federal shield the world's settlement currency. one.

But what should I do when the problem is repeated?

Contradictions have always existed, because various policies and actions have been set aside, which does not mean that the contradictions have disappeared. Over the long period of time, these contradictions have been quietly fermenting. The new capital forces are full of ambitions and desires. They will not be willing to be ruled by the so-called "national nation" of the Federation. As long as they have sufficient strength, they must Will give the most deadly counterattack, overthrow these families who control the lifeblood of the Federation one by one to the ground, and then yell at their softest place, tear them into pieces, and become their own nutrients!

This is the problem that the old man and his descendants need to face. It is urgent and fatal. If they fail, they will never get up again, just like they did to those who tried to change the existing pattern many years ago, and make them disappear forever!

At this point, the Empire is much better than the Federation. Why do you say that?

Because the empire's capital power is so huge, they can only influence the trend of politics through the way of political spokespersons ~ ~ Influencing the formulation of policies, they dare not upset the cabinet unless they are tired and crooked. As long as they dared to think like this, Magus dared to send an army to send them to see the emperors of previous generations, and they would never relent.

Some people say that dictatorship is not a good thing, but sometimes it ’s too free to be a bad thing. The empire just happens to be there. After all these years, there is no large-scale civil war.

The old man seems to have a lot of common words. If the fish is the founding nation and the rulers, then the hams are the new consortium forces. They have seriously affected the interests of these rulers, and have even In some ways it masks the light of the ruler.

It seems that the two are just reviewing a dish, but in fact, they have exchanged a lot of things in a sentence or two.

"Speaking of those bombs, how can we avoid the danger brought by the explosion without neglecting the effectiveness of the explosion?", The old man asked the housekeeper to take the sashimi with ham, and now he saw the dish suddenly I feel a little irritable. When a person reaches a certain age, he will become moody like a child.

The girl was sitting side by side and eating very elegantly, but her eyes were constantly patrolling back and forth between Du Lin and the old man. She felt that the two guys were discussing some important things in a way she did not understand.

For her age, the freshness and mission of participating in major events surpasses everything else.

She also wants to participate and be a part of it.

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