Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 870: Demolition Office

It is impolite to interject at the table casually. There is no class of nobility in the confederation. It has not been before, but it is difficult to say in the future. Although people's impressions of the nobility remain in the decaying system of the feudal empire, in fact, these founding nations have inherited the status and value of the nobility. They are the nobility of the federation, but people do not use the word "nobility" to describe them. That's it.

The old man has a good tutor and has a high authority in the family, so the girl can only pay more attention to the inexplicable dialogue between the two and guess what they are talking about.

"Your Mightiness……"

Du Lin just said a word and was interrupted by the old man, "Do n’t call me Lord, you can call me Sail." This sentence made the girl's eyes wide. In fact, only the children the old man loved in the family could be more intimate. To call the old man by his nickname, everyone else must call his honorary name. This is a very special situation. The girl looks at Du Lin as if he's a hell. She thinks that Du Lin is not a few years older than her. This should also be the first time they meet. Why can he get the love of the elderly? ?

He still said that there was something special about him, maybe he was the illegitimate son of Mr. Sai?

Neither of them knew that the girl's brain had begun to get confused. Du Lin hesitated before nodding in agreement, and continued the topic just now, "So ... well, Sail. You know there is a kind of dismantling Is the most efficient way to dispose of high-rise buildings? "The old man shook his head. He knew nothing about construction. Du Lin put down his knife and fork, and gave a word that Mr. Sio unexpectedly said," Blast! "

"Yes, blast!"

"If we use workers to cooperate with large-scale construction machinery to demolish a high-rise building, we first need to demolish it a little bit from the upper level. If this high-rise building is demolished directly from the bottom, it is likely to tilt and even hit our Workers and construction machinery cause irreparable and unacceptable losses. "

"It's relatively safe to demolish from a high place. They will demolish the roof first, and then demolish it down the floors, until they think that it can be pushed to this demolished building without causing any harm. When they do, they push the rest of the breath down. "

Du Lin reached out and fiddled with the fork twice. His smile was a little strange, as if converging. "But this process is very long and requires a complete set of demolition plans. Maybe you need to put things around this high-rise building first. Emptying involves moving some of the surrounding residents and preparing funds that would require compensation if the surrounding environment could be damaged. "

"Long planning cycle, long demolition cycle, seeing or not seeing obstacles and troubles layer by layer, wasting too much manpower and material resources, just to demolish a building! I think it may be possible for the construction party during the demolishing process. Suddenly found this was a very stupid thing, because the times are constantly changing, and the long construction cycle will make many things produce complex chain effects. For example, some people think that this destroys the environment and harmony, and stops the project. Then, or the follow-up funds were not in place and they could not pay the construction workers' salaries, they gave up construction. "

"At this time, we need to use another method, which is more efficient and easier to demolish this building without leaving any future problems. At the same time, the land left by demolishing the building will be of great use. With the continuous progress of the times, we can decide what to rebuild on this land according to the choice of this world and this era. "

Mr. Sail nodded, "I think I understand ..." He gathered his five fingertips together and then made an expansion-like action, "This is what you mean by blasting ?!"

"Yes, Mr. Sai, blast!"

Mr. Sail thought for a while, and asked a question, "How can we ensure that the destructive force caused by the explosion will not affect other buildings, let ’s say this building is in the downtown area, the city center, once the explosion caused Its tilt and collapse will most likely have a devastating effect on the surrounding buildings. How to avoid this problem? "

Du Lin had prepared all his speeches before he came, and checked it himself several times. If he can convince Mr. Sail, this is enough to call it a huge, important turning point. His answer is fast and careful. , "There is a word in blasting, called directional blasting. If the load-bearing system of this building is destroyed at the same time ...", Du Lin held out a finger and repeated it, "note that it was destroyed at the same time, then this building The building will collapse down rather than topple around. "

"Finally, we just need to clean up this garbage, and we can get a vacant plot of land in the downtown area and in the city center. We can let us decide to build a new building, or just leave him vacant, And that's your power! "

Mr. Sail was in deep thought again, and after a while he smiled and asked, "Can we use other methods to demolish this building?"

Dulin nodded with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sai, the bomb has been sent in!"

Mr. Theo was silent for a moment, then immediately began to laugh loudly, hearing that he was full of energy, he laughed and shook his head, "I have never seen a young man like you, you have great courage, thought It ’s also very strange, why do n’t you come to the Federation! ”Said the old man, glanced at his granddaughter, and ridiculed. All classes, but in fact the empire is still ruled by nobles, even ... "

At this point, the old man suddenly closed his mouth and switched off the topic, "You come to the Commonwealth and become my granddaughter-in-law. As long as you can ensure the longevity of the family, I can include you in the object of the heir's investigation. think about it?"

Dulin did not consider this at all. He was curious what Mr. Sail had not said just now. He faintly felt that Sail knew more about the empire than his empire. Of course, this may have something to do with Mr. Theo's family has always been the top family in the Federation. He has enough ability and authority to know things that ordinary people don't know.

He pretended to think for a while, then shook his head and said, "If one day I really touch the ceiling, then I will come, hoping that by then Mr. Sai's daughter's granddaughter will not be married." He also glanced at it. Girl, the girl smiled demurely, and sat down slightly at the dining table, as if she hadn't moved since she sat down.

Mr. Sio does not expect Durin to agree at once, he gives a floor, "Three years, you have three years to prove whether you can do what you want. Within three years, the Rilis family The door will be open for you. "The old man smiled." But if three years later, all this will disappear. "

He laughed a few times to ease the slightly serious atmosphere, and pointed to the dishes on the table full of color and fragrance, said, "Move, sir and lady, we have a lot of things to solve."

The conversation between them has ended for the time being, because it is not suitable for a third person to be present in the deepening. At the same time, Mr. Sio also needs to talk with other old friends. Du Lin provided him with a foundation for all the founding nations. A new way of thinking, a method that can never end in his mouth. This method is very dangerous and may hurt yourself, but like Du Lin said, now it is not a matter of choice or choice. The bomb has been sent into the building. What they have to do is to avoid all risks, or Take the risk to remove the bomb.

After a meal, Du Lin took the initiative to leave, and he needed to allow enough time for Mr. Sai to consider, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and finally choose the answer. Of course, Doolin is not worried. He believes that Mr. Isaiah, or these founding nations, will choose the most correct answer in order to protect their own interests.

After Du Lin left, the girl left the restaurant only after obtaining the permission of Mr. Sail. She didn't ask Mr. Saw why it was so hasty to determine her possible future life. That was a stupid question. Born in a family like Rilis China is lucky, but also unfortunate.

出生 When they were born, they struggled for decades less than others ~ ~ but they also lost a lot of freedom and autonomy. In a limited space, they didn't have any right to choose.

After the old man left, the girl went to her room and raised the phone. She wanted to find out what Du Lin had come from and what she had done. She doesn't think that Durin's rejection will last for a long time. In the country of the Federation, everyone wants to marry a national race, and Durin will definitely return here.

She called one of her friends, she has many friends, and this is one of her luck. She has always been close to Mr. Sail since she was a child. She has always been the top social environment in the Federation. The people she knows are always the big people in the eyes of ordinary people, and she may be the same in her own opinion.

She did not disclose any other information on the phone, but just asked about the name Du Lin and what he had done.

Answered by the same young man, exactly 20 years old, his father is a senior official of the federal government, has a government background and a consortium background, is a member of the top social circle.

This young man has been pursuing girls. The motivation for pursuing girls comes from the needs of his father and mother and his family. On the other hand, the girls are very beautiful and have very special identities. This is definitely one of the best "collectibles" in life. One.

The young man checked Du Lin's information and sent it to the Rileys family, and at the same time began to investigate Du Lin. This is a red flag. He does not want to have more competitors. If necessary and possible, he will let The man named Du Lin took the initiative to leave.

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