Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 871: Professional ethics

With Mr. Sio as the "internal response", the next thing becomes simpler, Mr. Jack's list can continue to be linked, and even some content can be revealed to these people, so that they have a bottom in mind. Du Lin gave this to Nadia, which is why he brought Nadia at this time. He could n’t handle everything by himself. The federal side seemed to have arranged everything. Waiting to close the network, there are actually many problems.

First of all, those targeted groups may not be able to find anything. Once they realize something, they will soon organize to resist this force, and even directly target Du Lin. Even if they don't know what happened in the end, it's not absolutely safe, because they may not "die".

Financial disasters are not like wars. Although there are wins and losses, one thing has a very different performance, that is, whether life can still belong to itself.

I was hit by a bullet in the head during the war. It was absolutely dead, even if the gods came to this world, they would not save a dead person. However, in a financial disaster, as long as the determination of a strong man with a broken arm is severe enough to cut off his important assets and interests, he may not be able to preserve a certain degree of industry and assets. In the world of Doolin Dreamland, in the event of a financial catastrophe, the last people who really have nothing are those who do not admit defeat and do not obey the trend. "Warrior" on the beach.

So he still has a lot of things to do. For example, let those targeted be courageous in the coming disaster, and work together to confront the disaster, instead of running their own ways.

This requires many people to help him, not just high-level figures in society.

"I've seen your articles and photos, very infectious articles, and some I have read many times and I can feel the continuous blood boiling!", Du Lin was sitting in a tea restaurant and chatting with a reporter, this name The reporter has his own column in the "Good Morning News", he can be a professional writer or commentator, but he is always on the front line, and often interviews and exposes some so-called "social shady". The people have a high reputation and popularity.

Some people have great confidence in what he reports. Of course, for many years, he has been doing what he thinks he should do. It is said that he has received death threats for this, so he shut up and left the industry.

But he persisted, not afraid of any threats, insisting that the report expose the news that everyone loves, and once became the man of the day in the Good Morning News.

Such people are rare in this society. Not everyone can pretend to be so successful, even Du Lin can't.

Yes, disguise, this is the first feeling that Du Lin got after his personal resume. That file said that he had been threatened with death, and pointed his finger at some entrepreneurs, which was very interesting. A group of celebrities and successful well-known entrepreneurs, some have their own fields in their respective industries. These big men want a small journalist who has discredited themselves to disappear. It only needs a car accident or a bullet. There will also be a short period of public opinion in the community. After the discussion, everything returns to peace.

No one will really explore who killed the young reporter, which is obviously a difficult task, so how exactly did this young reporter avoid these deadly dangers while still being active in the industry and continuing Become a nail in some people's eyes, and a thorn in the flesh?

Du Lin feels that no one behind the young reporter may be supporting him. All his great achievements may actually come from "instruction" or "directional exposure". He served certain forces, exposing the ugly face of their competitors, and these forces provided him with the necessary personal security. The supporters behind him have achieved their goals, and the young reporter has also succeeded in his career.

He is not an ugly and shameless person. What is needed in a commoditized and free society is such a person who must pay for things and be a capable person. This is why Du Lin is looking for him, and he needs to be exposed .

The reporter has a very common name, called Majelli, who looks like a man with a size of about seven meters, wearing a pair of glasses, short hair, and a very capable person.

He smiled, with a very modest look, "I just did what I should do, I reported the most real thing, and finally judged by the reader, not how well I wrote the article, It was their conscience that moved them! "

Very perfect answer, from the side to set off what he reported is true, very cunning answer.

He pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose. "Mr. Du Lin, I know you!" He said something strange when he said this, "I have also participated in interviews and reports on foreign news, from the Empire side. I often go. Can you please satisfy my curiosity, why can we meet here? "He actually meant that how Doulin thought about coming to the Federation, among many people, including his cognition , The big men are always chasing interests, Doulin can appear in the Federation, does it mean that the Federation has what he wants?

This is definitely a good news point ~ ~ Whether it is "exposure" or "propaganda", Doolin is able to write good enough articles from the front and back to attract attention, which is his profession. habit.

Du Lin did not expect that this reporter actually knew himself, but it was even better. He explained, "The rapid increase of the Federal Shield and the increasingly mature federal investment environment have attracted me. I have invested in some industries here. , And intend to gradually shift the focus from the empire to this side, this is the heaven of investors! "

Majeri agreed, "It is true. This is the argument I often hear recently. Everyone is making money, and everyone wants to invest in the federal government!"

Dulin secretly shouted for Margery's response, so that the topic will not appear so abrupt, "Magerie, do you think it is normal for the federal overheated financial environment now?"

"Of course it's abnormal!" He blurted out immediately. "Everyone is making money, so where did the money they made come from? Did it fall from the sky? I don't know much about the economy, and I can't explain this. , But I think this is definitely not normal behavior! "

"Mr. Du Lin, you are a successful entrepreneur and you have also participated in local management. Do you think there is any problem with federal finance now? Will there be other ...", his hand made a horizontal throw on the chest and the back of his hand. Gesture, "Will there be something we don't know is doing some terrible things? People should know these, this is their power!", When he said this, his expression was still very sacred!

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