Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 894: Evacuation

Some members of the founding family led by Sail may not know that the empire will join this financial sniper against the Commonwealth. With their knowledge of the empire and the Civil War that years ago, the empire will never let anyone seek revenge. opportunity. Many people think that Magus belongs to the prudence. He has been committed to resolving contradictions and differences within the empire. Although the methods are sometimes fierce, they are generally mild. There is not much ambition for the outside world, and even international foreign affairs are mostly handled passively. But anyone who really understands Magus will know that this is just the image he showed to people, or that many people have almost forgotten how he came to be Prime Minister.

真正 The moment he stared at the Emperor Emperor with arrogance and contempt, and let him transfer power to the cabinet, it was the true Magus. An aggressive, aggressive power.

人们 People in this world advocate the theory of revenge, and it's not surprising that Magus is taking action while the Federation is now experiencing a financial tsunami. The reason why Sail said this may be a boring high-level person's habit. They are used to finding excuses for certain things. They are habitually looking for an argument that supports all their behaviors, and then occupy a higher position in public opinion. Status, so that all behavior is acceptable, even if it is just a self-deceit.

I don't want to hit you because I want to hit you, I want to tell everyone that because you look at me more, I want to hit you.

You violated our previous agreement, so don't blame me for starting your hands now.

Of course, this is only part of it. The other part of Mr. Sai may not have explained it to some other people. Someone who came up with such a big thing always had to come forward to find an exact answer. There is no doubt that the federal government played a less glorious role in this financial tsunami. It is particularly worth mentioning that it was not some participants who opened the cover, but the Good Morning News.

The people who have the Federal Bank and the high level of the federal government participated in collaborating with foreign forces to create this financial tsunami. Behind the financial tsunami, a round of political movements began to quietly brew!

Who is he, colluding with outsiders and betraying national interests?

Puppet civilians will have many speculations, but other members of the founding nation will target the highest level of this society, that is, companions who are also founding nations, or senior members of the federal government. If it is the former, it means that there will also be a series of changes among the founding nations of the Federation, which may be good or bad. If it is the senior level of the federal government, do these people, like the consortium, want to provoke the nation to gain more political benefits?

Facing the questioning of his peers of the same magnitude, Mr. Sail was unable to shoulder so many responsibilities himself. At this time, Du Lin's important role was highlighted. He is both a scapegoat and a "conspirator". Mr. Sail and his friends are just a victim. They have also been deceived and severely injured.

In the current situation, these people will not be troubled by Mr. Sai's being deceived by Du Lin, they will choose to believe in Mr. Sai, because at this time the division between the nations is not a right choice, which will only bring more seriousness. Disaster, then had to push everything to Du Lin's head.

Du Lin also did not consider what to deny, he already took advantage of it. The next thing is to look at his own skills. A large number of shorts in the foreign exchange market has doubled his assets, and he believes that the empire has also benefited a lot. The federal financial economy has shown a clear sign of retrogression, and more and more social problems are beginning to stand out. No matter whether he denies it or not, he will become the culprit in people's eyes. Why should he deny it? The more these people accuse him now, the more applause he gets when he returns to the empire.

The phone was silent for a long time, and Mr. Theo said the last sentence, "You are a sinner, Mr. Du Lin, if you still have conscience, I hope you can surrender and end this farce as soon as possible."

Dulin resumed Mr. Sai's words with "I will consider" and then hung up the phone.

He looked at the usual scenery outside the window, smoked a cigarette, and nodded his head, "It's time to retreat."

外 Outside the manor's garden wall, a large number of federal soldiers began to gather towards this side, and people around Du Lin began to move some of the things away, and some less important ones were burned on the spot.

When Du Lin left from the underground tunnel, the battle on the ground had already begun. It does not mean that he must leave at this time. If he disappears in people's sight in advance, the next escape will be more troublesome. He must stand in a place where people can see him at all times, and only in this way can the plan proceed smoothly. If he disappears and there is no qualified scapegoat, the founding nation will not necessarily be willing to bear such responsibilities.

Mr. Sail's phone call may even be a tentative test to determine whether Du Lin is still on the manor. After the call was opened, the military personnel began to operate. At the same time, Doolin also needed to hide the direction the underground tunnel was pointing to within a certain period of time. After all, it was on federal land, and the federal people responded much faster than Doolin.

At the same time, in the "Good Morning News" editorial department, three FBI high groups originally opened the door of the editing room, they showed their credentials, and then a large number of federal agents poured into the newspaper office, one by one Staff were taken away from here. They asked the whereabouts of Margery and the Good Morning Editor, but no one knew where the two had gone. FBI agents temporarily suspended the Good Morning newspaper and sent all staff to the regional police station for temporary detention.

Just in the evening, the "Good Morning News", which has been madly printed with supplements in the past few days, once again detonated public opinion. The famous journalist Margeri didn't know where to get a lot of key evidence to prove that this federal tsunami suffered The federal government and the federal bank did not stand with this country, and they may also be involved in plots against federal financial sniping. Among them, Margeri provided a photo that was not too clear, but definitely not fuzzy enough. The photo clearly showed that the day before the financial tsunami broke out, Atlantic Group Corporation borrowed 10 billion from the Federal Bank with all its equity. Federal shield.

And explained in the article, if the size of the lending of 10 billion yuan without the repeated review and approval of the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Bank has no right to agree to sign. In other words, a lot of problems had erupted before the Atlantic Group Company got the loan, and the Atlantic Group Company's credibility could still get the money, and the things behind it are worth pondering.

Among them, Margery also introduced the main handler, Mr. Cardo, the first vice president of the bank. At present, the handler has disappeared. Margeri believes that if Mr. Caldo has not fled abroad, then there is May have been killed.

In the description of Margery, those new-generation consortiums really stand in the perspective of this country and take out the money in their pockets to actively save the world.

Finally, by the way, he exposed the current weakness of the federal government in the rescue of the market, the serious shortage of foreign exchange reserves, coupled with the issuance of 100 billion yuan of new currency, the inflation in the financial tsunami was too fast, and a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises closed their factories Financial markets are running out of money, there are not enough jobs, the number of unemployed has increased dramatically, and a series of social problems have become sharply planned.

If the federal government cannot come up with a reasonably effective plan, the federal social order will face collapse.

Newspapers were sold out as soon as they were stopped, which also caused the FBI's attention because the report contains a large amount of data and evidence that they did not even have a clear grasp of, which means that this social moral model, Mr. Majri may be involved in the financial sniper case and the century scam ...

Do you think this "Century Grand Scam" is familiar? Yes, I am very familiar with it. I thought that such a scam happened in the Empire in the past few years. Some of these newspapers associate the scam of the Empire. What association?

Regardless of public opinion, Majri has serious suspicions, and this issue of the Good Morning News vaguely points the finger at the current ruling class, thinking that some of the ruling class colluded with foreign forces, attacked their own finances, and shaken the country.

It's a pity that they were one step behind, and the editor-in-chief who approved this supplement was gone.

In fact, at this time, Mr. Sail had a little regret, because the speed of the collapse of the situation far exceeded his expectations, not to say that the financial loss, but the intensification of social problems.

So far, almost all cities have fallen into chaos. When small, medium and micro enterprises closed their factories and put their funds into the financial market, he didn't think there was anything wrong, or he couldn't see the hidden problems deeper. The dismissed workers received liquidated damages ranging from two to three months and lost their jobs, which was enough to deal with their current lives before the crisis broke out.

之后 After the financial tsunami broke out, more factories closed, more workers lost their jobs, and sharper problems began to gradually emerge. It was also a multi-social complex social problem.

When the federal shield soared some time ago, even if the country issued new currency, it only offset some of the problems brought about by the rapid growth of the federal shield. The currency in people's hands is as strong as in the past. But now that federal finance is collapsing, new coins issued recently have become a deadly weight to accelerate inflation, and the money in people's pockets is rapidly depreciating at a rate of 3 to 5 percent per day. Today, five dollars can still allow a family to live a day. In two days, five dollars can only cope with a meal or two. In a few days, a meal will cost five yuan.

No job, no new economic source, and a large number of people who have lost their jobs because of various lives have become difficult.

Ninety-five percent of society ’s wealth is held by five percent of the people, and another ninety-five percent only owns five percent of the wealth. Now this one has only five percent of the hundred Ninety-five percent are facing important eating problems. The skyrocketing prices have already begun to take shape. The collapse of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises has caused difficulties in the supply of some commodities. When social needs cannot be met, social contradictions and class contradictions have intensified, and public order is on the verge of collapse.

Now when I go to the street and turn around, I can see many aimless people sitting on the side of the road, looking at every passerby with the eyes of inspection, and their eyes are filled with a terrible thing. There were constant alarms of robberies, and the siren of the police car suddenly became the last symphony on the verge of social collapse.

No doubt, federal social order is over!

林 Du Lin, who was the culprit, just got out of the city center and got on the already-prepared convoy. When they just left the city center, some small accidents happened, and a crowd of protesters blocked their way. These ragged guys are holding up various slogans to leak the consignment of the convoy. They are all vagrants and have not yet evolved into mobs, but they are not far away.

The convoys made up of Hao Hao have always represented the travel of rich people. Nowadays, under such turbulent society, these people have nothing to dare to do. They surrounded the convoy. Some people talked about smashing these cars or making a little money. Of course, there are some moral models who just want to protest and declare their positions and ideas.

"Boss, what should I do?"

Looking at the protesters who slammed the window ~ ~ Du Lin asked with a headache, "Are you bringing money?"

Batufo sat down from the car and took out a suitcase with a lot of money in it. He patted the box and Du Lin breathed a sigh of relief. "Open the box, remove the seal and throw the money out."

In the distance, the police have long been maintaining law and order, but at this moment many problems are intensifying. What they can do clearly is unwilling to do. Many people say that the financial tsunami is actually a new round of wealth harvesting by the nobles, and these police are obviously among them. They looked at the joke with a cold eye, and had no idea that the person who caused it was sitting in a car in this convoy.

The protesters outside the car suddenly became more excited when they saw the suitcase full of banknotes in the hands of the Buddha, and they began to shake the car vigorously, trying to overturn the car. But this is destined to be meaningless. Bulletproof cars are not as easy to overturn as ordinary cars.

Dover quickly opened all the seals, then opened the sunroof that did not hit, and spilled the banknotes. At the same time, Du Lin shouted to step on the throttle, and the driver stepped on the throttle. After bumping for a while, Smoothed again. Du Lin glanced back, most of them were busy picking up their money, or grabbing money from others with their fists, they didn't care about those guys who had experienced high pressure massage on wheels. At this time, money is more important than anything.

This crazy society!

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