Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 895: Run the road [not proofread]

"Would you like to stop?" The patrolman touched the pistol hanging on his waist. The few people who were run over by the entire convoy must not survive. The patrolmen who patrol the streets like them know the cars of these rich people very well. The people sitting inside have many times the money of others, and the weight of the cars they ride is many times that of ordinary cars. So heavy, there are still five cars in a row, even if it hasn't died for a while, it will have to be finished. & 1t; /

Another patrolman shook his head, with a hint of unclear resentment, "You drive up now, believe it or not, they not only dare to bump into a police car, if you get off, they dare to kill you. Newspaper you Did n’t you watch? Some of these rich people have betrayed the country, and the country dares to betray them. What about killing a few civilian police? ”, The content reported by the Good Morning News is too shocking and even more troublesome is Margery. In writing the manuscript, no names were given, which instead expanded a handful of people who might be suspected of treason into almost all the rich. & 1t; /

Now for the ordinary people in the society, the rich are not good. The wealth they have is obtained by betraying the country and harvesting civilians. & 1t; /

"It's better to maintain order than this." The two policemen sorted out their instruments, turned on the lights and turned on the siren, and stood in the direction of the crowd who was picking up money. The trouble of finding rich people is the trouble of finding yourself, but the trouble of finding these ordinary people is just finding it. & 1t; /

Just after Du Lin left the city center, Mr. Sail received a call from the commander in charge of this "capture" operation of Mr. Durin, saying that it was a capture. For a moment, he was killed immediately, and he could not be allowed to appear alive in front of the public. The dead Doolin was far more valuable and safer than he was alive. & 1t; /

It was only that Mr. Sail did not expect that Du Lin actually ran away. & 1t; /

"They dug a tunnel under the cellar of the manor and left by railcar. We are clearing a part of the tunnel destroyed by explosives. It is unclear where the other party left." The commander is a lieutenant colonel. He At this time, sweating, it should be a very simple thing, now it has become complicated, his voice is hoarse, "In addition, this operation ... we have a total of 63 casualties ..." & 1t; /

Mr. Sail has no joy and no sorrow, and his voice is very close. "I would like to express my highest respect to all the soldiers who were killed and wounded. Pay attention to the good care and give the money to the hands of these people or their families. What are their casualties? ? "& 1t; /

"There are no dead bodies at present, but there are many large bloodstains on the ground. At least ten people were killed. Their bodies may have been taken away." When he said that, the colonel felt his own skin for a while. heat. A group of professional soldiers attacked a manor. The number of casualties was several times the resistance of these non-professional soldiers. This was a shame. His face became hot with a slap. He did not emphasize to Mr. Sai that most of the casualties originated from landmines laid outside the manor. This was more like a stupid excuse. No manor of the manor would lay mines in his manor, even if it was a big man like Mr. meeting. & 1t; /

Therefore, they did not arrange a mine-clearing unit, and then suffered a big loss, and the two lightweight weapons-carrying platforms they brought were also scrapped. & 1t; /

Mr. Sail obviously did not expect that the EFF could not compare with Doulin's private armed forces. He did not need to understand the advantages of the offensive and defensive sides in the battle. He knew that the EFF was as good as a rice bucket. He was also out of stock and continued to maintain his demeanor. "I'm sorry, this is a disappointing ending. Help me notify the Navy and block every departing vessel on the coastline until Doolin is found.", He When I finished talking, I hung up the phone, and these wastes actually let Du Lin run away. At the same time, it meant that Du Lin had started to plan all these things a few years ago. & 1t; /

Mr. Sail picked up the FBI phone, said what he knew, and asked them to find someone who was working on the manor, and then searched for clues to find Du Lin. & 1t; /

After turning all the calls, he turned around and faced the many face-to-face United Parliament Speakers, with a helpless expression, "Ladies and gentlemen, Du Lin ran away!" He walked back to his seat and sat down. He continued to say, "But the things to be resolved are still waiting for us ..." & 1t; /

In view of the current large-scale riots in various parts of the Federation, in accordance with the Federal Constitution, the provisions of special periods (including but not limited to war) are automatically activated, and the highest power has been obtained. Shortly after 8 pm, the loudspeakers of each city began to read the decision of the United Parliament. & 1t; /

From now on, the federal government entered a state of control, imposed a curfew, and no one was allowed to roam the streets after seven o'clock in the evening. For all acts that may be considered criminal, the offender has the right to kill those criminals without charge. At the same time, the ten most turbulent cities in the federation have begun to implement a rationing system that includes food, water, electricity and everything related to people's lives. & 1t; /

Until all the turmoil ends, all federal corporate and personal resources will be requisitioned unconditionally and free of charge. Any enterprise or individual who interferes with this measure will be considered treason and the death penalty will be executed immediately ... & 1t; /

The federal riots have improved to a certain extent after the promulgation of policies, but this does not mean that it is really over. Conflicts in some areas have become more intense. & 1t; /

Some entrepreneurs and even the federal government have been vigorously autonomous members of some extreme organizations active in the empire. The empire has also protested against this, but in the same way, the empire is actually funding some organizations and individuals in the confederation. Is the best time. & 1t; /

Some people with standard weapons started fighting with the military in the streets and alleys. The fleet market used to transport the necessities of life was looted, and the local situation became more serious! & 1t; /

Two days later ~ ~ Du Lin left the city circle and lurked in a small fishing village by the sea. He was waiting for a fishing boat, and the Imperial Navy met him in the open sea, about four hours by sea. As long as he left the federal waters, he was safe. & 1t; /

This small fishing village was also invested and built by him, or he spent money to promote more fishermen to gather here. There are not a few guartes here. At this time, the guartian gathering place is a dangerous place. Fishermen living here have more or less received help from Du Lin, such as lending money to buy fishing boats, or whatever. He helped a Guart to establish a high authority here, and became a village-like role here. & 1t; /

In the evening, Du Lin was eating a fisherman's meal with a strange taste. He suddenly raised his head, and the motivated sound of "bursting" in his ear stopped him. & 1t; /

"Go and see if our ship is here." & 1t; /

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