Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 903: Orex

The Beibei continent had a history of being unified twice, and then gradually split. The closest to now is the heyday of the Guarte dynasty. The pioneers swept the entire continent with ten heroes, laying a glory for hundreds of years.

But the Guart dynasty that suppressed all ethnic groups with force and torture was brilliant for hundreds of years. After the death of the first king and grandson of the first king, the entire dynasty began to fall into trouble. The repressed nations began to fight for the right to freedom under the increasingly corrupt royal court. To ensure that the dynasty was not torn apart so quickly, the rulers at the time could only begin to enclose some non-Guart-born nobles, of which The Duchy of Orex is one of them.

After the death of the Guart dynasty, the principal of the Principality transformed himself and claimed to be the king. The Ogdin did not object to this, but responded positively to their actions, and completely suppressed the left of the Guart dynasty. trace.

主 The principal of the Principality of Orix is ​​called Hazlet Oleks, which has omitted many titles, referred to as Hazlet. He looked over sixty years old, with silver-white hair, a chubby figure, and he was well maintained, at least with a red face and no wrinkles on his face. In the capital of this small country, he met Du Lin. He already knew that Du Lin came with a banknote. When he met Du Lin, he was very kind. He took Du Lin's hand and traced his ancestor and Guart. The relationship seems to have forgotten that his ancestor Orex was not a loyal nobleman at the time.

"We all have the same cultural heritage, and even Guatet's blood is in my body!" Hezlett said very kindly. "My ancestor's companion was the Guatet aristocracy. Speaking of us, It ’s also a family, you do n’t have to be constrained, here you have to be as free and relaxed as returning home. ”For the money in Doulin ’s hands, Hazlet can say these words shamelessly, which made him Some ministers around looked at other places.

In fact, in the final analysis, the Principality of Orix is ​​poor. The country is not big but is close to the Federation. How can it become rich?

There are almost no heavy industry companies in the Orec, and light industry companies are poor. Most of them meet the production of more common daily consumables. There are still many industries that have been replaced by industrialization in the Empire and the Federation. The hand-crafted workshop is definitely not for preserving any cultural heritage, but just poor and backward. The main economic pillar industry of the Principality of Orex is agriculture and animal husbandry, and the food and livestock produced every year will be acquired by the federal government. In order to allow Orix to continue in the agricultural and animal husbandry industry, the Federation also issued a "quality The "Agricultural and Pastoral Products State" gave the Principality of Orix that their products were high-quality products, and the purchase price was slightly higher than the normal price.

With such a small increase, the citizens of the Olympiad are very satisfied with their current lives. They can import things they can not produce from the Federation at a relatively cheap price, and some prices are even the same. Then you can sell your things to the Federation at a higher price. There is nothing easier than living now. In short, whether you buy or sell, you will not lose money.

I do n’t know, but Hazlet is clear. The Federation seems to be a very good neighbor, but they have been controlling everything in the Duchy of Orix through such despicable means. Preventing them from developing technology and industrializing their industries allows them to maintain a relatively primitive social production system. They are like captive animals. Of course, there is no second way except to recognize with a pinch of the nose. As long as Heizlet has any fresh ideas, the federal government adjusts the tariffs and then changes the policy, and the citizens of the Principality of Orex will make a noise.

Is it that the stupid king and the evil ministers have angered the benevolent federation that has made our lives difficult, or simply referendum!

Forced "free", the "civilized" principality of Orex has become the biggest joke!

The financial tsunami suffered by the Federation is a super catastrophe for the small duchyes that rely on the federal economy to live. Almost all orders have been delayed. These small countries have no idea what to do. At this time, let alone financial aid. Even donations of three to five million dollars are good for them and can solve many problems.

Under such a situation, Hazlet's enthusiasm can be imagined.

Doolin visited the Royal Palace under Heizlett, and visited Orex's only university-more outstanding young people will choose to go to the Federation to study for a higher degree, but stay in the country instead and become people Unreliable representatives. Of course, the education popularization of less than 20 million people in the whole society is actually a problem, and sometimes the only national university recruits less than 300 new students in a semester.

After this, Hazlet also held a press conference, highly appreciating that during the critical moment of the Principality of Orix, an entrepreneur with an internationalist spirit came to the Principality of Orex, which may bring more What new changes ...

"Is that so? Why do I always feel that I have been used again?" Du Lin said with a smile and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window. It is already subtropical. Although it is still December, the climate is relatively pleasant and not so cold. . Today's weather is good, there are no clouds, and the sun is shining warmly on people.

He was talking to Magus. Magus also knew the press conference. After learning the details, he immediately called the Minister of the Principality of Orix, and the call was finally transferred to Doolin.

Magus is still so simple and neat, "I'm using you, you're using me, the role is mutual." After a brief meeting with the cabinet, he decided to use Doolin's plan to "cruise" and intend to promote Yaoxing Empire embarked on the road of international superpower. In fact, the federal plan is very good. Now they ca n’t use it. Why not use it for their own use? Good things do not have a sense of shame when they are copied, just like copying those good students ’homework. Will you feel ashamed when there is also an A + in the workbook?

Of course not, not only will I not be ashamed, I will also tell my parents, look, I got an A + again.

However, there must be some changes in the process of implementation. Doolin can just connect these countries and empires as a bond, use Doolin to open relations, and then talk about assistance and diplomacy. Even if something goes wrong in the informal diplomatic work, it is Du Lin's problem. Du Lin cannot represent the country, but the state can represent Du Lin. When the state really needs to come, the empire will come forward. The advantage of this is that it is not very offensive, and the Confederate has just landed in the financial tsunami, and it is not very good-looking for the empire to come to life, but this informal diplomacy is more suitable.

Dulin doesn't have much opinion on this. As Magus said, the empire is using him, and he is also using it. They are complementary, and the benefits will only be more!

"If I get a knighthood or something ...", Du Lin asked a very clever question. The people of the Empire always used his farmer's origin to talk about things, and said that he was not the nobleman who could not give him the greatest assistance. In fact, he did not refuse to become a noble, but the psyche of those in the empire was too dark, all of them were calculating him, and he was not suitable for stepping into it for the time being. But if you can go away from this side, can you open up a new situation?

Magus chuckled, "The country aristocracy is not recognized by the empire. Unless you can get the title of a duke or a prince, no one will take you seriously."

A small aristocracy like this small duchy and small country, as far as the kingdom of Huanghuang Kingdom is concerned, is just like the relatives of the village chief's house, not even cadres, let alone ministers and nobles!

Du Lin hung up the phone helplessly, originally he also thought that it was also a good idea to get a lot of nobles back, but Magus directly cut off this idea. Duke? Prince? It is simply impossible. The founding ancestors of these small duchyes are probably nobles of this level. They are not qualified to register the nobles of the same level, or higher nobles ~ ~ even if their descendants are shameless. The king is also not qualified.

参加 When attending the reception in the evening, Hazlet introduced Du Lin to all the famous big men in the country. It is all. Small countries have the advantages of small countries. At least big people can fit in a hall. This palace also maintains the style of Guatelian architecture in the middle and late stages, and has started to change from rude and mid-course to elegant.

The early architectural style of the Guarart dynasty was more straightforward and would not make a lot of carvings. It looked a bit brutal and a bit unreasonable. Pillars are pillars. They have no engravings and no engravings. They just go straight. If you have to add a little decoration, then add a large grinding disc on the two ends of the pillar to make it wilder. According to the artists, the Guart dynasty first emphasized efficiency and practicality. The entire nation was condensed from top to bottom. The first king and the ten heroes never loved to enjoy extravagant life, and they spent almost their entire lives. Spend the battle.

But in the middle and late dynasties, internal affairs of the palace were eroded, nobles were corrupted, uprisings continued everywhere, the royal family became fond of luxury, and the architectural style was changing rapidly. Many exquisite patterns were carved on the pillars by Yin and Yang, and the design of the building also began to change to the beautiful style. Those scholars and experts claimed that from the history of a dynasty's architecture, one could find signs of the dynasty's prosperity and decline.

公 The Principality of Orex was seized in the middle and late period of the Guart dynasty. In order to stabilize the situation here, a non-Guart ethnic noble was seized.

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