Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 904: Friction of electricity ... fire

From time to time, the waiter at the reception glanced secretly at the palace hall, and then there was another exclaim. He didn't know what the young man named Du Lin was talking about, but the exclamation of so many big people clearly showed that what he said was very It's interesting and surprising. He wanted to eavesdrop on it, but the strict court system did not allow him to do so. Staff like him can only stay at the door and are not allowed inside the palace.

At this time, Du Lin finally understood the feeling of the cadres going to the countryside. That is, no matter what you say, there will always be someone who will give you a show ... he just said that when he filmed the first non-ferrous film in the world, he immediately Excited everyone's voice. People also asked for related content information. When I heard that Du Lin had invested 150,000 yuan to make this movie a few years ago, they were shocked and speechless. Fifteen million stars. The currency in circulation on the side of the Orix is ​​the Federal Shield. In the trade between the Commonwealth and the Orix, they have always used the Federal Shield to settle.

Convert, that is a 600,000 federal shield shooting a movie, it was definitely a huge sum at the time! Even if it is put today, 150,000 yuan is not a small sum! Some girls are rushing forward in excitement, asking each one boldly about the shooting process and the filming process. Some of them also asked if they could go to the empire with Du Lin and if they had the opportunity to participate in filming.

I want to say that the Empire ’s film industry is definitely the best in the world. It may also be that the culture of the Empire has a wider audience capacity. Every year, a large number of movies are exported overseas, expanding the Empire ’s influence. Of course, Magus and the cabinet have not clearly realized the importance of the film industry in cultural aggression. They are big people who just use movies as a plaything. After all, they are too old and have more attention. It ’s all about politics and decision-making. If you do n’t have time, you wo n’t go to the movies and feel the charm of movies.

Dulin can testify to this, he has not seen a movie for a long time, and he does not want to watch it.

Coping with the words of the girls, Du Lin talked about another thing, "I tasted the specialty beef of Orix just now. I have to say that this is a very memorable experience. I ca n’t eat it in Empire. Such a good beef. "As soon as he spoke, the whole palace was quiet again. Everyone was listening to him and watching him. He was not frightened at all. He did n’t know how many times he had experienced this occasion. , Liar is not panic at all, "When my teeth gently touch the beef, the tender and juicy beef will give me the most wonderful experience, that feeling I have never experienced before."

"I was thinking that after I returned to the empire, I might never eat such delicious beef again, so why didn't I bring in a batch from here?" He looked to Heizlet, and later The person froze for a moment and immediately came to his senses.

His Majesty the King was one of the many incompetent kings in Orec, but this did not mean that he was really a fool. He immediately realized that there were other things in this sentence. Meaning, although he is not sure, but he knows how to proceed, "Mr. Du Lin, I can give you some Mondog cattle for free, one batch per year, so that you can continue to enjoy the best beef in the world. "When it comes to the best, Hazlet seems very confident. This is a five-star edible beef cattle certified by the Federal Food Agency, although this brand has a dozen people in one small country.

With a grateful smile on Du Lin's face, he nodded his head slightly. "Thank you very much for your generosity. I have never been a nagging person, but also a person who is willing to share. If I am the only one to enjoy such a delicious food, I think it is It's unfair to others, why don't you ... "He seemed to be thinking, and said a moment later," Olix's cattle every year, as long as they are outside your plan, no matter how many, give me! "

This sentence is full of unparalleled arrogance. For a moment, everyone swayed, almost fell, and domineering. Everyone was fascinated by the "golden light". Some ranchers ... No, it was the aristocracy's breathing became quick. This year, the Federal Trade Department has told them that they will not consider importing agricultural and pastoral products from them for a short period of time, which has caused some people to lose their hair on their heads. At this time, Du Lin said that such a commitment is simply a savior.

If a country that sells agricultural products to foreign countries cannot find a home, the speed of the collapse of the social and economic order is definitely beyond people's imagination.

Hazlet's mind flashed and asked another question, "Our agricultural products are also good. Whether it is wheat or other vegetables or fruits, they are the best in the world." Yes, these also have brands, but this Times were not issued by the federal government, they did it themselves. There is no reason that animal husbandry is the best, and agricultural products are not the best. In order to keep the nobles who are mainly responsible for agricultural products out of trouble, Hazlet gave them a brand of "the world's best agricultural products", which was very frightening.

Du Lin nodded and agreed, "It's not a problem at all, we can sign a contract to make this happen." This is actually what Magus meant, and he grasped these small countries' economic lifeline and strung them on his own line. In this way, the entire younger brother country will develop together and progress together. Naturally, the Yaoxing Empire has gained international momentum. At that time, it will be said that it is a super-large state that is responsible for helping all the backward countries. Under the dual protection of economy and force This status cannot be shaken passively.

The empire is rich now. In fact, the real main force in the financial tsunami of the Federation is not Turing or international hot money. It is the empire. Only the country's financial resources can play a decisive role. The capital combined with durin, poker, and idle international hot money is only three or four hundred billion federal shields. It cannot completely re-create the opportunity that the federal economy does not give them, but the Ministry of Finance of the Empire Take a shot, then it's different.

With money, the next thing becomes much easier, and Du Lin still has a speculation. This time, Magus silently took so much money, will it become more of a domestic capital force? Tougher?

And ..., he still has a speculation that perhaps the Empire will set up a real central bank, a state-based central bank.

It is not uncommon for a country's central bank to be controlled by a group of capitalists, but after all, the empire is a politically advanced country, and the power of capitalists is too arrogant to make rulers dissatisfied. The empire could not afford too much money to toss them. Now the empire is rich, and it may not be a try.

When Du Lin returned to God, the whole court was cheering. Many people looked at Du Lin with a lot of love and gratitude. The biggest problem in agriculture and animal husbandry was that it could not be deposited. After the harvest of this season's agricultural products, they are piled up in warehouses. If they can't be sold as soon as possible, they will quickly rot and rot, and the initial investment will be watered. Even if some can be saved by other methods, there will be great losses. As for the animal husbandry industry, the animals cannot be sold when they are out of the market. Not only do they need to occupy a large amount of land, but the extra feed every day is enough to make these enterprises quickly enter the edge of bankruptcy.

I once had a news saying that it was a company that cultured aquatic products. Because the product was unsaleable, the input for feeding was as high as thousands of pieces per day, which lasted for more than two months, and finally had to declare bankruptcy.

The emergence of Du Lin solved these troubles. The music sounded in time, and some young ladies began to invite Du Lin to dance a song.

The next day, Doolin signed a series of trade contracts with Hazlet in the palace. Among the subsidiary clauses of these trade contracts, there were some less "trade" content. For example, the diplomatic relations between the Principality of Olekes and the Empire will be upgraded to the level of ambassador, and both sides will send ambassadors. For example, Orex will deepen exchanges and bilateral relations with the empire, and work hard for common progress. When the empire reported the news, it used a ridiculous tone to say that this was "beef diplomacy."

This is a very unruly contract. Both parties know it well, and Hezlett is not dissatisfied with it. In particular, when Dulin privately promised him that the empire would help the Principality of Orex set up some independent light and heavy industrial enterprises, Heizliette had nothing to say.

In this industrial era, steam machinery is king!

Du Lin subsequently donated one million to ~ to the Ministry of Education in public. He expressed his emphasis on education and donated some money to other departments. The newspaper boasted Du Lin well, anyway Good money without money.

With a good answer, Du Lin left the Principality of Orix and continued south.

At the same time, a small amount of friction is taking place on the border between the Empire and the Federation.

经济 The economic collapse after the federal financial tsunami has made life difficult for all classes of society, and some people always have more than others think, especially the middle class in these federal cities near the empire. The Confederate Shield is indeed worthless, and the money in their pockets is almost going to become paper. Although unlike some reports, only a piece of bread can be bought with the salary of the past month, but it is not too bad. Already. Although the Federal Shield is not far from becoming waste paper, things are things after all, such as a gold ring.

金 A gold ring may only be exchanged for two or three meals in the Federation, but if you go to the empire, you can exchange life supplies for ten days and a half months, and even more. Some capable people took things to the empire in exchange for the necessities needed for their lives, and some empires saw the business opportunities and used the stars and commodities to go to the federal government to purchase various luxury goods. The problem appeared here ...

As everyone knows about the problems of the Federation, there are always some people who want a better life. When they see those imperial lords carrying a lot of cash to and from the border, they inevitably get upset.

A gunshot stunned two countries!

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