Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 905: Overcast

"Why is this happening?", Du Lin, who was traveling around the world, was bewildered when he heard the news. He didn't think that at this time was the most appropriate time to wage war.

In some respects, the Federation is indeed in extreme trouble. The financial order has collapsed and the economy has gone backwards. Many of the citizens who are like refugees have been unable to afford their meals. Obviously being an economic powerhouse, the economy has been backed up by a decade due to a financial tsunami. This is the weakest time for the Federation in recent years.

There is often a turn after some very promoting sentences, and this turn is called but.

However, it is precisely because the Federation is in trouble now, let alone the clouds of war should be spread at this time. The reason is simple. If left unattended, it may take longer for the Federation to gradually recover, allow the market to flourish again, and stabilize the financial order. In this process, the country will gradually gradually make some changes to adapt to the present and the future. It may take five to ten years for the Federation to return to its current appearance without external interference, but this does not mean that the Federation is a weak country.

The devaluation of the currency and the increase in inflation are ultimately due to the issue of additional currencies, and the value of the federal shield cannot be supported by the national credit system. The devaluation of the value of money does not mean that the value of gold, silver, copper, iron and iron has also depreciated, which does not mean that it was previously made. One shell requires one piece of material, and now requires three or five. Everything is actually there, the only thing that becomes worthless is the Federal Shield, not including other things.

If there is interference from outside forces, the entire federation will unite, and the nation-building nation will take over the power in the war. This time, there will be no consortium to interfere with them and affect them. They can concentrate more on removing all the enemies inside. This rude, brutal way evaporates them directly, and then unifies them. When the public opinion is all on the side of the federal wartime government, there is a terrible thing that erupts, and that is productivity.

人们 When people no longer need factories and the state to pay them wages, they are willing to work.

人们 When people no longer care about what they get and what they lose, everyone fights to resist the invaders.

Unprecedented cohesion allows the federal wartime government to thoroughly control the human and material resources of the entire society and has a lot of privileges. The financial economy that they might have taken a long time to recover will soon recover after the war. Especially when affected by war, and when personal glory and gains and losses become less important, the power of the entire society is enough to change many things.

爆发 The war broke out at this time, it was all about giving benefits to the Commonwealth!

The small country diplomat who was chatting with him shook his head with a bitter smile. "Now the situation is uncertain. I heard that the soldiers of the Federation snatched the property of the Imperial merchants and killed a few merchants, but none of them ... "This is a bit cold-blooded. If everything was killed, such a thing would not happen, but after all, it happened. The diplomat sighed and continued," The Empire requires the Federation to hand over the killer, but The federal side refused to acknowledge that it had done so, and both parties stepped up patrols and preparedness at the border, and then ... "

Although the border line is important in peacetime, it is impossible to have guards guarding every inch of the land. Most of the time, besides the regular patrol squadrons, the land and the sky remain. However, after getting into a state of tension, the number of people patrolling the border has increased, and it is inevitable that they will encounter the other patrol team. According to folk sayings, the borderline that was okay now becomes tense. Those overtime patrol soldiers are not very comfortable at first, and they inevitably glared with a beard and then quarreled.

The puppet soldiers are always a little bit of blood, especially the Empire and the Federation have a history of war, so I don't know which key figure fired the first shot, and things became confused.

帝国 In addition to the empire demanding that the Confederate surrender soldiers who rob the merchants, the empire also requires the Confederate to hand over the first patrol team to open fire and let them go to the empire's military court. This kind of request is indeed a bit excessive. If it is settled in private, there will not be too much trouble, but these requirements are formally issued in the form of diplomatic notes, and the Federation cannot agree.

When the stalemate persisted, the Supreme Chief of Defense of the Empire claimed in front of many reporters that if necessary, the Empire would seek justice for the dead frontier soldiers through armed war. And it is required that the Federation better hand over its people to avoid greater and more terrible consequences in the two countries due to some personal errors.

The more people know, the less likely it is that the Federation will deliver. Not only that, the Federation also claims that it should be the Empire. All these are conspiracies of the Empire, and reverse the black and white. If the Empire does not apologize to the Federation and hand over its people, the Federation is not afraid of war.

陈 The Chen Bing border between the two sides, the atmosphere of war is getting stronger and stronger, and large-scale wars may break out at any time and anywhere. Now the Empire Yankees have begun to go north, almost evacuating the five cities next to the Federation. Just got a lot of cabinet wealth from the Federal Sea, and also gave resettlement costs and measures. It is said that the most people are resettled to the west!

"If the negotiation in three days can not reach a consensus ...", the diplomat grinned again, "the war may really break out!"

The war between the puppet empire and the federation is a disaster for these small countries. First of all, they need to stand in line. No matter whether they can send troops, they have to stand in line. It's okay to stand wrong. Anyway, afterwards, it's amazing to be reduced to a small country. In fact, there isn't much benefit in standing right. At most, it is to get some money and so on. The consequences of failure are too serious, but victory may not be of much benefit. Really fucking!

At this moment, all the small nations feel helpless and sad, their national strength is not strong, they have no status in diplomacy, they always have the right to choose, and they have no right to let others choose.

Dulin also sighed. He asked, "Do you think war will break out?"

The diplomat nodded his head, "It is very likely that there will be an outbreak. You know, the empire and the confederation have such a history. Now there is no shortage of main battle groups in the cabinet and society ..."

The mighty and powerful empire was invaded by a small second-class country. This became a shame that the imperialists could not be washed away, and society advocated great avengeism. Now that the opportunity has come, some people will always be in trouble. Many demonstrations have been held in the empire, especially some veterans, wearing washed white military uniforms, wearing military medals and standing outside city halls, holding veterans' rallies, asking the cabinet and the federal to start a war, and they are willing to Rush to the front to release the hatred of the past.

The faint sorrow made Du Lin no longer want to continue talking. He closed the door after leaving the diplomat, and he was so **** fucking!

"I need to do something!" After throwing away those worries, he began to think about how to gain more advantages in this war. People are willing to wage war and advocate revenge. This is a big trend. He Will not violate this trend, then we must follow the trend. After thinking about it for a while, he picked up the phone and was about to dial out, but quickly dropped it again. Now that you want to do it, make things known to everyone, otherwise you will not be able to reflect your own value.

In the following days, Du Lin accelerated his "tourism process" in the northern continent. As he went to each country, he would publicize the brutality and cruelty of the invasion of the empire without the declaration of the Commonwealth. It also made some old people. Photos and interview transcripts, rented a showroom for the exhibition. Of course, these photos are all fake. The camera more than 20 years ago was not so clear, and many of them were destroyed or naturally damaged except for a few pictures that were preserved. While holding such an exhibition, Du Lin spent a lot of money and bought a large amount of materials to aid the Imperial Army and Navy.

Magus shook his head and said nothing after knowing the news. Anyway, as long as he sees the benefits, he will definitely not let go.

Originally, the inside story of the federal financial tsunami has been exposed, and Du Lin's personal image has taken a new level in the empire ~ ~ He bought a large number of newspapers to promote himself and tout himself into use The "Economic War" won the empire heroes of the Federation. Many civil society organizations are supporting Du Lin, and even the silent church has stood up and has to give Du Lin a Purple Star glory to honor his contribution to the empire.

Now he is using "own money" to aid the imperial army, which has promoted the donation atmosphere in the society, especially the fellow villagers' associations, which openly collect donations and place fixed donation boxes. It says "Even if only one donation is donated "Money will also be a bullet that takes the lives of the enemy", a similar slogan. But everyone is eating this set, plus these people are still promoting Du Lin's past and present. A young man who has realized the empire dream with full self-improvement is lifelike. This is just an embarrassment. Take this opportunity to hit yourself ad.

The effect is still good. Every day, a large amount of donations are remitted into the accounts of the Ministry of National Defense through fellowships and other civil organizations. Looking at these money, many people already know the answer, and war will definitely break out.

The reason is actually very simple. If the cabinet is not inclined to war, they will not accept these civil war donations. There is no benefit other than scolding. Only when the cabinet hopes for war and decides to fight, will they be able to accept the donations with peace of mind.

Of course, this is only a good one. There are always pros and cons to anything. Some people are willing to go to war, and some people are not willing to go to war.

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