Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 39 Sign In Successfully! The Perfect Fuel Tank! (Monthly Pass Plus More!)

【Common tomato seeds】

【Note】: After planting, tomatoes can be produced.

【Planting demand】: greenhouse incubator.

【Remarks】: The germination rate of ordinary tomato seeds is average, only 20%.

Although the germination rate of ordinary tomato seeds is only 20%, Zhang Mingrui is not worried at all, because it has five, which adds up to 100% germination rate!

Moreover, after the successful cultivation of tomatoes, it is equivalent to having both "vegetables" and "fruits" resources, and like potatoes, it can have a steady source of descendants after having the first one.

The white dots inside the tomatoes are the seeds of tomatoes!

"Not bad, potatoes and tomatoes, not only can fill the hunger, but also supplement some vitamins."

Zhang Mingrui smiled, after surviving in the universe for seven days, because of the lack of vitamins, the skin has begun to appear subtle lesions, but they are all minor problems, all are skin inflammation, cracked corners of the mouth.

However, if left unchecked, if it continues for a long time and becomes a disease, it may have a certain impact on life and health.

【Excellent Dark Star Beast Egg】

[Description]: Can hatch the Dark Star Beast.

[Incubation requirements]: Animal incubator.

[Note]: Excellent Dark Star has a good hatching success rate of 50% than the winged beast, but no one knows whether it will attack the owner after successful hatching.

The acquisition of the monster egg was something that Zhang Mingrui never expected, after all, he had never seen this kind of thing in the cat demon before.

"I didn't expect that the pair of monsters also laid eggs, one or two, it should be just one male and one female."

Zhang Mingrui muttered, taking the two eggs out of the Beast decomposition chamber, and was shocked to find that the bird's eggs were also too big, each almost the size of its own head!

"After hatching successfully, you can have two Dark Star Winged Beasts... But with my current strength, where is the space and resources to feed them? ”

Zhang Mingrui pouted, not to mention whether the offspring of the monster were aggressive or not, their breeding alone would definitely require the consumption of a lot of meat products.

I don't have any meat to eat now, and I still give meat to the monster?

"How about boiling these two bird's eggs first?"

"Anyway, there is still a chance to get monster eggs in the future, and if you want to raise two birds at that time, it will not be too late to collect them."

Zhang Mingrui smiled, just talked, didn't really do it, and then put the two bird eggs back into the storage compartment, another day.

"Build an ordinary greenhouse incubator!"

Without saying a word, another greenhouse incubator was built.

However, the same problem has reappeared, and how to cultivate tomatoes to grow is still Zhang Mingrui's knowledge blind spot.

This time, instead of wasting words in the chat system, a new item was directly listed.

"Sell [copper 1kg], demand [tomato seed culture program]."

Although it did not show up in the chat system, the majority of players were still shocked!

"Did you see that? Someone asked for a tomato seed culture program, this is to find tomato seeds? ”

"Oh my God, last time it was the potato guy, this time it's the tomato guy, when will I have the same luck as the big guy!"

"I don't know if the potato of the potato boss planted last time, it seems to eat ah, and the tomatoes are too."

"Brothers, if the potato guy and the tomato guy are the same person, then it's awesome!"

"Probably not, how can there be such a coincidence..."

Stupid players are still beeping in the chat system, and smart players have hurried to complete the deal.

In just one minute, Zhang Mingrui got the tomato cultivation plan.

Similar to potatoes, but a little simpler.

The temperature demand is 20-22 degrees Celsius, the light needs 12 hours a day, the water needs more, and the fertilizer needs nitrogen fertilizer.

Having already grown potato seeds, Zhang Mingrui easily completed the tomato incubator, but soon discovered that the tomatoes took seven days to ripen in the same way as potatoes.

"Okay, then wait."

Zhang Mingrui said lightly, not in a hurry, anyway, you can harvest potatoes in three days, and tomatoes can be harvested in four days, and life can be regarded as promising.

Once you've done these things, get into a state of nothing to do again.

I had nothing to do, first went to use the upgraded air pump to fill all the oxygen in the spacesuit, made some basic equipment, and then waited for the arrival of the eighth day.

"Successful check-in!"

On non-weekly check-in days, the check-in system automatically checks in again.

"Congratulations to the host, getting the [Perfect Fuel Tank]!"

Then, sure enough, Zhang Mingrui was rewarded with a perfect quality device!

"Perfect fuel silo!"

"It really solved my urgent need!"

This reward is also very liked, because during the fight with the Dark Star Winged Beast before, the life capsule really consumed a lot of fuel, and there was not much left.

Now, with [Inferior Fuel Tank] upgraded to [Perfect Fuel Tank], with a 10-fold increase in efficiency, 1 liter of crude oil at the moment can be used as the original 10 liters!

"When the comet is recovered, you can go full steam ahead to find a wave of Fixed Stars without worrying about fuel consumption."

Zhang Mingrui said lightly, but his eyes were full of hope!

(Thanks to "Night Song" and "ヾ(?ヾ)^?? "The monthly pass support of the big guy! Plus send more! )

(Continue to ask for the support of the flower evaluation votes of all the big guys!) )

Welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday, read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

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