Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 40 Fast Forward! Discover The First Planet! (Monthly Pass Plus More!)

Two hours later, the ordinary comet was finally completely recovered!

As predicted, the harvest was quite handsome!

In addition to common metals such as copper and iron, which have been harvested nearly 1 tonne, other rare metals have also been harvested.

"The crude oil has harvested 30,000 liters, and you can run it at full power for a while."

Zhang Mingrui smiled.

However, the only regret is that several rare metals needed to build solar panels have still not been put together, and there has been no movement on the trading system, which seems to be really rare.

"It's okay, I don't believe that the entire galaxy can't find a few rare metals!"

Zhang Mingrui said firmly, glanced at the empty space in front of him, and after making sure that there were no missing items here, he started the rescue capsule engine and flew forward.

Although the flight trajectory of the rescue capsule has deviated from the established route for more than a day, it has quickly returned to the right track because it has been marked before.

In the process of full-speed flight, Zhang Mingrui was also surprised to find that the brightness of the universe seemed to gradually increase.

"It should be approaching Fixed Star!"

Zhang Mingrui said happily and moved on.


Half a day later, the rescue capsule stopped.

It's not because I met Fixed Star, but because I encountered the biggest danger in the history of the cosmic survival race!

A huge amount of starry sky behemoth suddenly appeared in the space ahead, circling and flying around a huge star.

Although the monster did not find the existence of the rescue capsule at all when it was more than ten kilometers away, Zhang Mingrui still did not dare to approach...

Facing this monster that is even bigger and looks more ferocious at first glance, don't you feel that your Flight speed is faster than him, or that the solar laser cannon can kill him with one shot!

"What's going on? There are too many monsters in the universe, right? ”

Zhang Mingrui frowned, his mood was mixed.

When I was in the solar system before, I had not seen creatures outside the earth for thousands of years, but in the competition for survival in the universe, the number of monsters appeared so frequently.

definitely, in large part because Zhang Mingrui is running around, and if he stays put, he may not see other creatures for a long time.


"But what if there are monsters elsewhere?"

Zhang Mingrui's heart was heavy, and as the half-day flight deepened, the space he was in had become brighter and brighter, and it was completely certain that the location of Fixed Star was getting closer and closer.

But he has tried, At the Moment's brightness simply cannot charge solar laser cannons and reconnaissance aircraft, that is, if you want to really enable solar energy, you have to keep going!

"Let's take a detour first, this monster will definitely not be able to solve it."

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has run out of power, and at this moment, there is no way to know the general situation of the monster in advance, so I can only choose to sail carefully to the 10,000-year ship.

Just when Zhang Mingrui started the rescue capsule again and was about to take a detour, the search radar, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly sounded a pleasant tone!

"For the first time, radar has detected the presence of a planet!"

"For the first time, radar has detected the presence of a planet!"

"For the first time, radar has detected the presence of a planet!"

Three reminders in a row, for fear that Zhang Mingrui would not hear the general.

Looking down, on the radar screen, a huge green point of light appeared directly in front of it, a full hundred kilometers away from here!

Directly ahead? A hundred kilometers?

"That is, if you can get past that monster, then go further and you can see the first planet?!"

Zhang Mingrui was stunned for a moment, and for a while he was sad and happy, and he didn't know what to do.

Happily, the presence of a planet means more resources and a greater certainty about the location of Fixed Star.

Sadly, it is clear that Planet is close at hand, but a monster is like Fahai, blocking his meeting with Planet!

"Detour, detour first!"

After struggling for a long time, Zhang Mingrui decided not to take the risk, marked the location of the planet, and began to make concentric circle movements with it at a distance of 100 kilometers.

"If the good dog doesn't get in the way, I don't believe it, this monster can still keep in the middle!"

Zhang Mingrui gritted his teeth and kept switching Flight trajectories according to the prompts of the search radar.

But half an hour later, desperate to find that the monster seemed to be on the same level as himself, and was also carrying out the "accompanying flight" plan!

"I'll go, what the hell is this, are you already eyeing me?"

Zhang Mingrui people are stupid, an hour later, the "red point of light" on the radar, which represents extreme danger, is still dead between him and the planet, if it weren't for the fact that the monster had never shown signs of moving widely, he really thought he had been discovered!

"You don't want to do anything to me, but you don't want to leave that position, what is the reason?"

Puzzled in my heart, I looked down at the radar screen and suddenly felt a little strange.

"Hey? No, even if it is a more powerful monster, it is impossible not to find a place to rest for such a long time..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui's eyes widened, and he hurriedly enlarged the radar screen and enlarged it again!

A few seconds later, an exclamation came from his mouth.

"It turns out that I am so stupid!"

When the radar screen was enlarged, it was surprising to find that next to the red light point, there was a small yellow light spot, but before that it was covered by the light of the red dot!

As for what celestial body does this yellow dot represent?


"That planet's satellite!"

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