Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 27 Infinite Loop! Infinite Loop! Another Vicious Cycle! (The 4Th More Asks For Subscription!

It is not easy to deal with a group of black bull beasts, but it is still quite easy to deal with a black bull beast.

After quickly killing a black bull beast that had fallen behind, after simple processing, he ate fragrant beef jerky and drank the delicious beef soup.

Then, because he was really bored, he went to the trading system to sell things, and after making a small profit, he finally decided to go to sleep when fatigue hit.

When I woke up again, more than ten hours had passed into the new day.

【Sign in successfully! 】 】

[Congratulations to the host, get the perfect fishing rod! ] 】


Fishing rods?

Is this asking me to go fishing on Frozen Planet Three?

After receiving such a reward, Zhang Mingrui people were shocked and hurried to check the specific information.

【Perfect fishing rod】

【Description】: Used for fishing of marine life.

[Resource Requirements]: None, the relevant technology has not been unlocked.

【Remarks】: Perfect hanging rod fishing efficiency is very high, an average of one sea creature per hour can be caught, if you add bait, you can speed up the fishing speed depending on the type of bait.

I really want to let myself go fishing!

But I think it's also that if you encounter monsters on land, you can kill them first and then capture them.

But if you encounter a fish monster in the ocean............. There is no possibility at all, because the manned spacecraft will not be able to dive underwater, at most it can only float on the surface of the sea and come as a ship


"That's when you need to fish with a fishing rod."

Zhang Mingrui smiled, suddenly looking forward to the day when he left for the third frozen planet!

"[Insulation layer production technology] research and development completed! Successfully unlock [inferior insulation layer]!"

Finally finished R&D!

Although the research institute yesterday set up two technologies for research and development at the same time, when the research institute automatically allocated power resources, it was first favored by the [insulation layer production technology], so it was developed first.

"Check the specific information of [inferior insulation layer]!"

Can't wait to make insulation, open the information page immediately.

【Inferior insulation layer】

【Instructions】: Attached to any device shell, it can play a moisturizing effect.

[Resource requirements]: 5kg of refined copper, 1kg of refined iron, 1kg of refined aluminum, 0.5kg of zinc, 0.1kg of cadmium, 0.01 liters of neon, 0.1kg of mercury per square meter.

【Remarks】: The insulation effect of inferior insulation layer is extremely low, and the heat/cold resistance ability can be increased by 10 degrees Celsius.

"What the hell?!"

"How can a small insulation layer use two elements that I have almost no possession?!"

After reading the information introduction of the insulation layer, Zhang Mingrui people were stunned.

The demand for copper, iron, aluminum and zinc in front is quite normal, but when it comes to cadmium, it is a little outrageous.

But it is acceptable that although this metal itself is relatively scarce, when through the previous collection and purchase, it still accumulates a little.

But why do neon and mercury also exist in the insulation reservoir layer?

"Neon gas is there, and 0.1 liters were provided in the original resource package, and I haven't used it until now."

"There is also mercury, but only 0.1kg, but the demand for this insulation layer is 0.1kg per square meter, where can I steal so much mercury?!"

Zhang Mingrui choked speechlessly.

There are hundreds of elements in the entire periodic table, most of which are metal resources, and a small part are gas resources.

Although some metal resources are indeed quite rare, such as uranium, 0.07 chen has been collected in such a long time.

However, the collection of gas resources, in addition to the radon gas obtained by luck in the past two days, is only carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, methane this most common gas.

Slightly rarer gas elements have never been collected!

The reason is simple......because of the gas element, there is no way to collect it!

In fact, if it were not for electrolyzers, Sabatir reactors and other equipment, Zhang Mingrui would have almost no gas resources at all.

After all, they are all gases, they can breathe, but they can't catch it at all!

"My manned spacecraft now has its entire surface area about... 300 square meters. ”

"According to the resource requirements, you need 3 liters of neon gas and 30 kg of mercury."

"This really kills me!"

After calculating, Zhang Mingrui let out a long sigh, feeling bitter.

A minute ago, I was complacent because the research and development of the technology was completed, but now I am sad because of the demand for resources!

"Computer AI, how to get neon gas and mercury?"

Zhang Mingrui did not scratch his ears and cheeks to think about how to obtain the two elements, and asked directly with considerable self-awareness.

And then immediately got an answer.

"Inert gas resources can only be obtained by gas separation."

"Mercury is commonly found in air, water and soil."

But the answer is quite brief, only such a short sentence.

After listening, Zhang Mingrui cried and laughed.

Is mercury commonly found in soil?

After surviving in the race for survival in the universe for so long, the resources mined are not thousands but tens of thousands, but when did you get mercury?

Moreover, the description of "soil" is outrageous, on the several planets, moons and comets that have been visited, although dirt can be obtained on each planet, where do they call it "soil"?

Not to mention getting any elemental mercury!

"But the water thing..."

Zhang Mingrui frowned, feeling that the problem he encountered was stuck in an endless loop.

If you want to build your own insulation, you must get mercury.

If you want to get mercury, you have to go to the three-layer water planet to find water.

But if you want to go to Frozen Planet No. 3, you must first build an insulation!


After sorting out this idea, Zhang Mingrui's facial features became hideous, and he didn't know what sins he had created, and he would encounter such an endless cycle!

Definitely, it's not absolutely impossible to solve this problem.

If there is really mercury in the air, then it is not possible to use the air separation method, you can directly obtain neon and mercury with one stone!

But after asking about computer AI, Zhang Mingrui was stupid again.

Because the content of neon and mercury in the air is extremely rare.

The content of neon gas in the air is 0.1818%, and there is even less mercury, less than 0.01 milligrams per cubic meter of air!

"Neon gas can also be obtained by air separation, and (well) it requires relatively less, only 3 liters.

"But mercury ... Do we have to find another planet with water first?"

"But as things stand, there are only three planets in this small galaxy!"

Zhang Mingrui thought about it, his scalp tingling, and lamented that this was another endless cycle.

"Or make a wish to the check-in system? But when is noon?"

"Buying from other survivors, they may not have it!"

Knock his head with his fist repeatedly, hoping that it will open up and come up with a solution.

Don't say, it really worked!

"I just seemed to have overlooked a rather critical point, this is not actually an endless cycle!"

Zhang Mingrui's eyes lit up!

"Without insulation, I really can't get to the back of Frozen Planet Three."

"But that doesn't mean I can't go to the front of Frozen Planet Three!"

When these words were spoken, the entangled thoughts finally seemed to be stripped away, and the mouth suddenly opened!

(4th !!!).

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