Cosmic Survival: Sign In From The Rescue Capsule

Chapter 28 It's Really Not A Curse, This Planet Is Really Throwing Money! (Part 5 Asks For Subs

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui slapped his head sharply and smiled shamefully.

The problem of thinking about these two days has been how to make insulation and how to land the spacecraft on the back of the frozen planet, so I fell into the mind-set I designed for myself, completely forgetting that the frozen planet and the front are so said!

Although the temperature on the front side of the frozen planet is definitely much higher than the back, no matter how high its temperature is, it is absolutely impossible to exceed 150 degrees, and even the spacecraft shell cannot withstand it!

As for the principle, it is very simple, if the positive temperature of the frozen planet is really that high, there will definitely be no ocean, and it has long been evaporated by the high temperature!

"As for the landing thing....."

"There should be no problem landing directly on the surface, but when you take off again, it may be a little difficult.

"If you can, landing directly on the ice surface where the temperature is not so low is the best option, and this needs to be tried after arriving at the frozen planet."

Zhang Mingrui muttered, breathing another long sigh of relief.

After unraveling the endless cycle of thinking, the problem is solved.

Just fly to the front of the frozen planet and collect enough mercury from the seawater to build the insulation and go to the back to find out!

"The collection of neon gas has to begin, which is also an essential resource."

After speaking, 810 entered the information system again and began to search for the corresponding equipment.

【Inferior air separator】!

【Description】: Used for the separation of noble gases.

[Resource requirements]: You need to unlock the four-level technology [Air Separation Technology], fine copper 5kg, fine iron 1kg, fine aluminum 1kg, fine gold 0.5kg.

【Remarks】: The inferior air separator works extremely poorly, only separating 1 liter of air per hour and separating the specified gas.

"This.......... It's really inefficient!"

After reading the introduction, Zhang Mingrui sighed.

According to the content of neon gas in the air of 0.1818%, only 0.001818 liters of neon gas can be separated per hour.

At this rate, it would take a full 1650 hours to collect all 3 liters of neon gas!

That's almost 70 days!

"Although there is time for life in the universe, I can't wait that long."

Zhang Mingrui pouted and started the research and development of [air separation technology], but he was not prepared to directly manufacture a bunch of air separators later.

After all, the collection speed of mercury is unknown for the time being, if the collection speed is also very slow, then the collection of neon gas is not in a hurry, just wait slowly.

What's more, if you get a perfect air separator again, the equipment you build more can only be sold at a loss.

"[Diving technology] research and development completed! Successfully unlocked the submersible series of equipment!"

At the moment, the primary technical requirements for Planet Three were finally developed!

Immediately enter the information system to view the relevant series of equipment and lock in a few more demanded devices.

[Diving type digging robot], [Diving type alert robot], [Diving type War Machine man]!

These three robots are actually no different from the "radiation-proof" ones, but they specialize in different fields.

Therefore, the robot of the diving series has basically not changed much in terms of resource requirements, but has added four raw materials with better waterproof performance, such as silicon, manganese, phosphorus and sulfur.

"It feels like the inventory of these resources is not very large."

After studying the resource requirements for a while, Zhang Mingrui frowned.

It seems that for a long time, it has been humming and recycling every day, and also obtaining tons of resources from its survivors.

But because there are so many elements on the periodic table, on average, there are not many of each element!

If you exclude the majority occupied by common elements such as copper and iron, and average other elements, it will be even less pitiful!

"It's enough, but maybe not too many submersible robots can be made."

After comparing the four elements and resource requirements for half a day, Zhang Mingrui finally found this fact helplessly and sighed.

I thought about continuing to stay on the No. 2 planet for a while, but judging from the resource point information fed back by the search radar, although there are many silicon elements, the proportion of the three elements of manganese, phosphorus and sulfur is very small.

"If it weren't for the previous high-temperature satellite, I probably wouldn't have [BEBH] sulfur reserves right now!"

Zhang Mingrui was helpless, and after thinking about it, he decided to set sail immediately!

After all, there is no point in continuing to stay on Planet Two, it is better to try to meet more comets or meteorites on the way to Frozen Planet 3 in order to collect more resources for demand!

"Planet Two, goodbye, I'll come back to see you later!"

Zhang Mingrui waved his hand at the second planet with satisfaction, after all, he gained a lot here.

However, it was just shortly after takeoff, and it folded back.

It's not that you missed any robot: "Song came to catch ten black bull beasts."

Because so far, beef jerky is still the best among all kinds of jerky!

"Ejection acceleration!"

After officially leaving Planet 2, flying into space, adjusting the direction of Flight to Planet 3, immediately activate the ejection acceleration device to increase the Flight speed of the spacecraft to the maximum!

After all, the distance between Frozen Planet No. 3 and Planet No. 2 is a full three million kilometers away!

Even if there are no accidents during the flight, it takes three days of constant flight to arrive.

After an hour has passed, Flight stabilizes and switches to automatic cruise mode.

Immediately afterwards, he did not leave the cockpit, but opened the cosmic map by the way.

During the days of Planet Two, Zhang Mingrui fired a total of thirty-five reconnaissance bombs, covering almost one hundred and eighty angles north of Planet Two!

definitely, there is no distinction between up and down, left and right, southeast, northwest and northwest in the universe, so to describe it, it is only the plane where the second planet is located.

After a few days, although the thirty-five reconnaissance bombs were almost completely destroyed, the information fed back to the space map was still quite good.

At this moment, the explored area on the map is like a fan, with Planet 2 as the axis and Frozen Planet 3 as the top of the fan, and then radiate to both sides.

Although many places are still pitch black with the passage of distance, Zhang Mingrui already has a general understanding of what is probably in the space between planets two and three.

In addition to the large number of Flight-like monsters, meteorites, and two comets, there is also a rather eye-catching existence!

Scattering stars.

This is really not cursing, on the cosmic map, about 4 million kilometers to the right of the No. 23 Planet connector, there is really something that does not know the name, and it is frantically throwing the same unknown matter into the universe.

And the reconnaissance bomb that discovered this star was destroyed precisely because it was hit by something that was scattered!

"The universe is so big, there are no wonders........"

Zhang Mingrui smiled wryly and pouted, although he was quite curious about this "scattering star", he did not dare to approach it.

After all, if the "coins" thrown by the coin star are more powerful than cannonballs, then their own spaceship, even if it resists one attack, will not be able to withstand too many times!

"Moreover, the distance is too far!"

"According to the Pythagorean theorem, the Pythagorean three-stranded four-string five, that scattering star, is at least five million kilometers away from the frozen planet three!"

(Section 5!!!).

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