Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 113: The dirty Zhao Linger

Compared with the harmony between Lin Yueru and Su Yi's teacher and apprentice, Xiao Long Nu and Zhao Ling'er have a lot of tension.


Xiaolongnv sat next to Zhao Ling'er, and said somewhat jealously: "Dad, he is worried about you. He just ran to me and asked about your situation... You guy, what kind of soup did you give Dad?"

"Really? He has a conscience."

Zhao Linger said indifferently, but the smile on his face was almost uncontrollable, and almost danced.

Obviously, she was really pleased to hear such news.

Looking around, seeing that Qing'er is not here, Xiao Longnv asked in a low voice: "What are you thinking? I can feel it. Are you thinking about something?"

"What am I trying to do, haven't you already guessed it?"

"Although I guessed it, why not do it now?"

"I naturally have my plan..."

Zhao Linger sighed and said, "Who makes us juniors? Uncle can handle it. Sister Baguio seems to have guessed what I think. At the time, she said that she didn't care, she meant to me..."

Little Dragon Girl solemnly corrected: "It's our fault."

"Well, it's us."

Zhao Ling'er followed kindness and said: "She shouldn't hold any hostile attitude towards us. It's not a shame that she is a woman who has become a big woman. The broad-mindedness alone makes me admire, and in order to please. Uncle, she actually got all her aunts and aunts into the palace."

"That is a misunderstanding."

"Of course I know, it's just a joke."

Zhao Ling'er smiled and said: "It's still the same sentence. Uncle is easy to deal with, but the sisters around him don't have a simple one. If any of them wants to stop, I can't do anything. So now, I'm reminding those sisters...I'm going to shoot my uncle..."

The smile on her face is extremely bright, "As long as they have no objection, that uncle will be in my bag."

"'s really troublesome, I'm lazily doing so many turns."

"That's because of your special status. Okay, your moms, which one didn't watch you grow up with your own eyes, and which one is ashamed to refuse your request... You don't have to do anything, huh, envious of you, how can I Didn’t you meet your uncle earlier?"

"I met him earlier, and you will become his biological daughter. When that happens, *Xiaolongnu smiled maliciously.

"Damn it, ignore you, hurry up and leave, I want to practice."

Zhao Linger proudly said: "Tell sister Yueru for me, saying that Linger is not talented. In the future, he will become the most powerful person among our younger generation, ah~ my uncle personally fed me something to eat, his stuff. The effect is so strong. It feels like it fills my whole body now, flowing in my blood, as if I can accept all this perfectly. My body and uncle must be perfectly compatible."

Xiaolongnv gave Zhao Ling'er a white look, and said, "But it's just a trivial feeding of blood. Are you so ambiguous? It's like what your uncle is doing to you... Believe it or not, I will tell Aunt Qing'er to go and let her pick up. you."

"huh huh huh huh……"

Zhao Ling'er smiled even more proudly, like a fox stealing a chicken, with a blush on his face, and that shyness with a small smug expression, really beautiful and thrilling.

Ling'er is really beautiful.

This thought suddenly appeared in Xiaolongnu's heart. It was amazing that her uncle could ignore her courtship for so long.

And Zhao Linger was shy and shy, facing close friends, and even a good girlfriend who almost made a false phoenix back then, there is nothing to hide, "My mother has been taken by me, and she is no longer embarrassed. Stopped me... In short, I tried her tone. Although she won't help me, she already acquiesced in it, right?"

The little dragon girl was shocked and said: "What? You actually took Aunt Qing'er? How did you do it? She even agreed to the mother and daughter to serve a husband together? Doesn't it look like her character?"

Zhao Ling'er's eyes drifted away, "This...In short, I really did a lot of things, um, it was very hard to get my mother to agree."

Thinking of what happened that night, she had a lingering fear and said: "It's really hard, my mouth is numb."

"Really? It seems that you have spent a lot of words."

Xiaolongnv didn't suspect him, she only thought that what Zhao Linger said was to persuade her mother, but how could she think of what she said, but it was completely different.

"Forget it, since Aunt Qing'er has no opinion, remember, I will monitor you at any time. Not only can they stop you, but I can also, so if you dare to leave me behind, hum..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have to find two top bags, I'm alone, but I can't bear the blame afterwards..."

Zhao Linger pondered: "But Sister Yuer is heartless all day long, so I won't say anything, but Sister Xiaoxue's words... Uncle has the highest tolerance for her, and loves her very much. If there is her..."

"This... can really be considered, but I'm afraid she can't let go."

"Let's talk about it then... Where's Uncle? Didn't he go looking for you?"

"He is with Yueru..."

"You are really relieved."

"if not……"

Xiaolongnu smiled bitterly: "Compared to you, I am the closest to my father, but the real distance is the farthest. I don't want this kind of closeness. Yueru wants her to go."

"That's true."

Zhao Ling'er also sighed helplessly.

The two girls who should have been carefree at this time both brought a little bit of resentment.

At this time, in the imperial garden.

Su Yi and Lin Yueru were still discussing the problem in a low voice. It was just Lin Yueru's mind, but gradually, it was no longer the problem.

In the fierce discussion before, the distance between the two is infinitely close, because of the angle, even if you move slightly...

That once made them extremely distressed, so that Ling'er and the others envied the top part of their chests, they could touch Master's arm.

Then, a tingling feeling will linger in my heart.

Slightly tilted his head and glanced at his master, he seemed to be still talking to himself... I'm so sorry, Master, the disciple might not hear what you said.

Feeling the sensation that made her tremble just now, Lin Yueru couldn't help but licked her lips, her face showed a look of movement.

That feeling... seems to have the power to deceive people's minds.

At the very least, he was definitely bewitched, right?

Yes, I was just bewitched.


Lin Yueru gently moved her body forward again, like a timid hamster, touching her sensitive part to Master's arm, and then pretending to be listening, moving gently, softly The site was immediately squashed.

The feeling of confusion reappeared, even more intense.

With an unprecedented sense of novelty, Lin Yueru couldn't help groaning low.

Leave in a hurry... as if for fear of being discovered.

After a while...

But it was difficult to hold back and approached again.

Approach...Leave... Approach...Leave...


"Yueru? What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

Su Yi looked at Lin Yueru, who seemed to have been squeezing around him since just now. He turned his head and saw her face flushed. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Lin Yueru sat in a hurry, her previous charming feeling suddenly flew beyond the clouds. Seeing her worriedly watching her master, she felt a sense of guilt in her heart. Master was working hard for her martial arts doubts, but she was immersed in sensuality. Within joy.

This is simply...too much disappointed Master's expectations of him.

Thinking about it, she said guiltily: "I'm the disciple just lost his mind."

"It's okay, anyway, I have a lot of time today, so let me tell you again."

Su Yi smiled lovingly, reached out and touched Lin Yueru's still wet hair, and then with a heart movement, warmth came out of her palms, coaxing her wet hair to dry.

He sighed, "Could it be that I missed home? I didn't bring your biological father over because I had nothing to do with him. In the original place, he might be safer, but I ignored your personal feelings... I must miss you. Father, right?"


Lin Yueru plucked up the courage, looked up at Su Yi, and said seriously: "In fact, what I have been thinking about is actually Master..."


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