Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 114: I treat you as a girl but you want to sleep with me?

   A few days later.

There was a calm wave in Chaoge.

It's just that the soldiers on the city wall of the Song Dynasty changed their defenses and stood guard, but they were a lot more serious and close. After all, the military **** in their minds, Master Wen Tai was coming back, and naturally they wanted to show him the best of himself and others.

The entire Chaoge City is also immersed in a joyful atmosphere... As a courtier who has been a Tang for many years, it can be said that he loves the people like his son, and has accumulated an excellent reputation... Extremely popular among ordinary people. support.

Although your Majesty’s more and more Shengming nowadays, his concern for the people can always be realized... It can be said that the entire Chaoge City is praising His Majesty for his great achievements (in fact, it should be the credit of Chanyou and Altria).

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Ziya's defection before, made his originally good reputation plunge directly into the deep valley.

Now that Jiang Shang is mentioned, everyone is really cursing, the name of the white-eyed wolf, I am afraid that this life will not be removed.

And when His Majesty had never been so sage before, the one who really kept their people in his heart was the great teacher who had always worked hard.

Now that the Taishi has been on the expedition for several years, he will eventually return. Not only those soldiers who regard the Taishi as a military **** who want to leave a good appearance for them, but even the common people, they are free to discuss the matter in the streets and alleys. , Discuss whether this should be a joint letter, if your majesty doesn't mind, they actually want to welcome the return of the Taishi outside.

"I don't mind... of course I don't mind."

Hearing Shang Rong’s report of his content, Su Yi smiled and said, “It’s rare for the people to feel this way. Taishi Wen has traveled all the way for many years, and it’s been a lot of hard work to think about coming. It’s also right for him to be welcomed and happy when he returns Naturally, I have no reason to stop the matter. I will pass it on. Tomorrow I will hear that Taishi returns. At that time, in Chaoge City, the martial law will be lifted, and all the people can take to the streets at will. Let the guards work harder, pay more attention to it, and stop making trouble It's not enough if something goes wrong."

"Your Majesty is wise!!!"

Shang Rong respectfully obeyed Su Yi.

Allowing all the people to welcome Master Wen Tai, isn't it to increase the prestige of Master Wen Tai? Isn't your Majesty afraid of high merits?

Although Taishi Wen would certainly not have such an idea, after all, since ancient times, the emperor had been suspicious, and Shang Rong had not considered what his Majesty would do if he agreed to this question.

But your Majesty... he nodded in agreement without hesitation. -*

Could it be that your majesty is upright and has great trust in Taishi Wen?

In this case, it is really the blessing of the master, the blessing of the common people!

The ecstatic business look is nowhere to be imagined. The majesty who is sitting in front of him now is not the majesty of the previous period... and he has changed.

This doesn't...

With a confused look on Altria’s face, she carefully looked at Su Yi for a moment, and asked in a low voice, “Yan Ye, aren’t Madam Chanyou all here on weekdays? Why are you today... Your lazy temperament."

Su Yi didn't squint, and smiled in a low voice: "Don't look at me too lazy. After all, Master Wen is said to have a third eye, just like me, just in case. Auntie Chan, you should wait afterwards. , And then slowly test the teacher Wen Tai. In the past two days, I will work harder, and give auntie Chan two days off so that she can accompany Mengli well. People are willing to help, but I can’t really treat them Ride as a cow or horse?"

"That's right, if you stay lazy, I'm afraid you will be abolished. It is better to deal with major national affairs."

Altria nodded approvingly.

Su Yi: "…………………………"

He really wanted to ask Altria, what on earth is waste?

In fact, it wasn’t that Su Yi really had a conscience, it was...

What should I do if my apprentice confessed to me?

Zhao Ling'er had always had some ulterior thoughts about herself. Su Yi was not stupid, and basically knew it, but he only regarded her as a child's disposition, and had never paid much attention to it.

As for Lin Yueru, although she is now her concubine in name, everyone in the harem knows that this is just a status. Su Yi also went to her bedroom to rest, but at that time they discussed it. After learning the best of martial arts, they slept in separate beds... there was no ambiguity at all, or misunderstandings like Xuejian.

During this period of time, the master and apprentice should not get along too kindly.

The disciples are filial and the master is kind, and they can be regarded as a role model in the world of master and apprentice. Compared with that, Han Lingsha who has climbed onto the bed of master by herself is simply rebellious.

But no one thought that in this imagination, the most unlikely apprentice to like her, Lin Yueru, who has seen her grown up since she was a child, is almost the same as her own daughters, would suddenly say what I have been thinking about Master... …

Although afterwards, Lin Yueru seemed to have also noticed her mistake of speech and hurriedly changed her words.

But the deep affection from the heart, the pretty face that was flushed red after that, and the chaotic mood of unsatisfactory words... Obviously, her heart was also confused.

Seeing Lin Yueru's reaction like that, Su Yi's heart was even more confused.

I treat you as a girl, but you want to sleep with me?


Ever since...

Su Yi could only deal with the past vaguely, and then casually found a reason and left the harem.

It's just that I don't know why, Lin Yueru is the one who made the mistake, but after she understood her mind, the deep pupils suddenly made Su Yi feel unbearable.

Thinking about it now, I can actually treat this apprentice with all my heart and soul, right?

How could she... uh...

Spanking or something, although it is not suitable for my apprentice, a little overstepped, but after all, I was punishing my daughter or something.

Think about it carefully, Su Yi is only now aware that he has actually done so many things to Lin Yueru that are not suitable for the master and apprentice...It is because of this that she will treat herself...

Su Yi couldn't help but feel guilty for a while.

Suddenly I don't want to see it, or say, I don't dare to see my baby apprentice, how can I break it?

It’s just that now, the harem is so big, I’m afraid that I can run into that silly girl in a few steps. I already know what she thinks, but she doesn’t know what I think. Worried, right?


Instead of seeing embarrassment, it's better to come out and do business.

During this period of time, I've been happily in the harem, and I really don't know the age of the world.

Ever since, Su Yi gave Chan You a holiday, and then he took the initiative to go to court. It happened that Wen Taishi's expedition to Beihai was about to return the king, which was just an excuse.

Of course, Chan You's weird look like the sun coming from the west was completely ignored by Su Yi.

There is a scene of today's life.

Today's morning session was exceptionally noisy, and there were so many things that were simply cumbersome. When it was over, it was almost noon.

After all the courtiers retreated, Su Yi stretched lazily and sighed, "Why are there so many things today? Auntie Chan is so busy every day? I see her words~ It seems that the effort is only half an hour, and it's over. How come it takes me nearly three hours?"

He suspiciously asked, "Is the ability gap between us so big?"

Altoria pursed her mouth and chuckled, her green eyes filled with a smile, "Who made you choose such a bad time? Now the army is about to return. Regarding food and grass, the soldiers' station, After the war, it’s really the busiest time. That’s it. If you didn’t take the initiative to deal with some things for you, Mr. Shang and Mr. Bigan, I’m afraid you will have to work all day.

"Really? Well, thank them so much..."

"Then Yanye, what are you going to do now? Are you going back to the harem?"

"go back?"

Su Yi was stunned, and said, "Of course I won't go back. I will go for a stroll. I haven't seen my precious apprentice Xiaohuan for more than half a month. I'm going to find her, and take a good breath of apprenticeship."

Those two apprentices, Lingsha has long changed. Now Lin Yueru seems to be no longer satisfied with being a simple apprentice, but it is better to be my baby Xiaohuan... She is good and sensible, and she knows to take the initiative to share things for her master. He never troubles Master.

Such a pure and simple relationship between teacher and student...

Xiaohuan... You are my only line of defense, Master.


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