Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 124: Dad still has ordinary female friends?

Su Yi already had a different mindset for the woman in front of him. Although he was not involved in love, he still expected her to take him to Biyou Palace to meet the leader of Tongtian. His words naturally brought a deliberate closeness.

And Nuwa came back to find Su Yi...Although the purpose is different, but the idea is the same, she must also deliberately make this Su Yi, and then when he asks her to take him to Biyou Palace, he must be rejected fiercely. , In order to complete his nonsense revenge on her lap.

Anyway, both sides are holding the intention to get close to each other deliberately, and coupled with the inexplicable closeness between the two, it is really the **** who looks at Mung Bean and wins.

The two chatted for a long time...

No matter what the topic, it seems that as long as one of them speaks, the other can directly pick it up. Between the conversations, the silent tacit understanding circulates between the two, making Nuwa secretly wondering in her heart. In front of Su Yi, he was more relaxed than in front of Queen Mother Xi's old friend for many years, and even felt as if he was facing another self. No matter what he said, he could reach the heart of the other party.

When I came here, I was very excited, as if I planned to have to delay for a few days here to get a good impression with Su Yi as soon as possible, but after the two chatted, Nuwa suddenly felt that, in fact, she could live here permanently. Right?

It's just that there are really a lot of beauties around this guy, all of them are beautiful and delicate...

Although she was extremely confident about her appearance, when Nuwa saw the woman in his harem, she suddenly realized that it was impossible for her to conquer the man in front of her with her appearance.

They are so beautiful.

Is it just... an illusion?

The mother and daughter named Zhao Ling'er and Qing'er felt the most kind to themselves, that feeling, seeing them both, especially when she watched Zhao Ling'er nest in Su Yi’s arms and act like a baby, Nuwa’s heart, A sour feeling arose inexplicably, as if I learned that Queen Mother West was affectionate with the man in front of him...

That feeling, something important was taken away.

Are you jealous?

Other people and his woman... Uh, this is not, this seems to be a niece, this family called Su Yi is really messy, it really is a man.

But this Zhao Ling'er felt to herself that she really wanted to hold her in her arms and take good care of her.

And that Xiaoxue, although not as kind as Zhao Ling'er, but seeing her white longness is like seeing Bixia and Caixia in her palace.

It’s just that this white girl is well-behaved and cute, sensible and quiet. In comparison, Bixia’s girl always puts a block on herself, and Caixia is too old-fashioned... Nuwa suddenly had the idea of ​​sending the little girl in front of her back and serving herself. .

Just watching Su Yi treat someone as a younger sister. If you want to take her back to be a maid, if you change to an ordinary person, even Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Guru will think this is a normal thing. If you can serve yourself, then What a privilege.

But Nuwa feels this way. Even if she reveals her identity, and then says she wants this girl to serve her, the man in front of her has to turn her face against herself.


How do I know this man so much?

Nu Wa frowned weirdly.

As everyone knows, the other women looked at Nuwa, and their eyes were not right.

6 Xueqi just faintly said hello, saying that she was stupid and could not speak, please forgive me, and then she stopped talking, but from time to time she looked at Xiaoxue and Tuoba Yuer with gentle eyes.

But Xiaolongnu was surprised and shocked: "Daddy actually has ordinary female friends? Is it really just female friends?"

Looking at her eyes, looking at Nuwa is like looking at a fantasy, but Su Yi was speechless for a while, and asked what kind of image my father is in your heart?

Overall, Nu Wa was welcomed by Su Yi's harem.

After all, her affinity for that day, plus the women around Su Yi are more or less related to Nuwa...

Except that Chan You looked at Nu Wa with a little guard in her eyes, she quietly pulled Su Yi aside and whispered: "I always feel that this woman is not easy, you just brought her to your base camp. Come inside?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "What's the matter? I know everything about her, and I might still use her in the future. Don't worry, it can be trusted."

Su Yi thought it was low, but he didn't know that Nuwa had listened to it...

The corner of Nuwa's mouth unconsciously raised a smug smile, yes, you still have use to my place, I like to hear these words.

However, there are still areas to be careful.

After's time to rest.

After Su Yi personally led Nuwa to an elegant and chic bedroom, he smiled and said, "Miss Yunxiao, will you rest here in the past few days? Just like you said before, fellow practitioners Don’t worry about the red tape. Although this is my harem, as long as you and I have a clear conscience, live with peace of mind."

Nu Wa smiled and said: "That's natural, what I save... But, Fellow Su, I still have something to ask for."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"I want you not to tell my two sisters about my stay here."

Nuwa said in her heart that I was just trying to create things where I was absent on Sanxian Island, and that was why Yunxiao was taken into my pictures of mountains and rivers, but...who would like to come to the rest of the two. This Chaoge.

In case you don’t tell Su Yi in advance, he will say ah, your eldest sister is also here to Chaoge, do you want to see you...

Then Er Xiao also said something? Hasn't my eldest sister been taken in the pictures of Shanhe Sheji?

Then, it is estimated that my own efforts will be put to nothing in an instant.

Although she said she wanted to report the recovery, but now, I don't know why, Nu Wa subconsciously didn't want him to know that she was not Yunxiao, but someone else.

She didn't want to see this man who always had a gentle smile in front of her, and bowed to herself.

Anyway, what he committed is not an unforgivable mistake. When the time comes, he will be punished a little, but he will not find the Master of Tongtian in the future, so I will help him.

In the deepest part of Nuwa's heart, she didn't even notice herself. The weight of her punishment to Su Yi is now falling again and again...

Therefore, she had to find another reason, "I came out this time to temper my two incompetent sisters, and want them to be alone as soon as possible. Therefore, I lied to them that I had entered a very secret place to retreat. Cultivation, no one knows about this. If you break it, wouldn't my effort be wasted?"

This reason is also appropriate, after all, Yun Xiao is now practicing in his own mountain and river shrine map, which is a serious matter.

For the time being, it is a lie with the truth in it.

Nu Wa smiled bitterly. After she knew this guy and then jokingly admitted Yun Xiao's identity, it seemed that it was a lie after a lie, and there was no time to stop.

Su Yi listened to Nuwa's explanation, and then thought about Qiong Xiao and the unreliable Bi Xiao, and then sighed bitterly: "Indeed, Lingmei really lacks a lot of experience. Let them It’s better to be independent as soon as possible. Don’t worry, Miss Yunxiao, don’t worry about living here. If you see your sister tomorrow, I will never tell them about your stay here."

"I can rest assured that."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. You've been running around for a day. You must be tired too? Rest early..."

Su Yi smiled, said goodbye to Nuwa, and left.

She was the only one left in the entire huge palace... That guy was still very didn't let the maid stay to serve him.

After Su Yi left, Nuwa was alone, and immediately relaxed.

Speaking of it, this is the first time I have stayed at a friend's house. For so many years, even if it is the Queen Mother Xi, I have never stayed with her. I never thought of giving it to a man for the first time.

I looked around, and then nodded approvingly. This Su Yi's taste is really good. Although it is not as quiet and elegant as his Nuwa Palace, it is also a good place to relax in the summer.

It’s just that I’m afraid I can’t rest today...

Nuwa glanced at the direction outside the palace, that was the direction of Yuhuayuan, and on the other side of the garden direction, huh, I still need to see the talent who dares to disobey my orders.


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