Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 17 Chapter 125: I'm getting better and better at seducing men

Time passed quietly.

Su Yi has been away for a long time.

But Nuwa did not rest here, but just sat quietly by the bed, as if waiting for something.

Wait till night...

It feels that everyone has rested. Everything around is silent, except for the sound of cicadas and the rustle of the breeze blowing through the woods from time to time.

So, I should be able to go now?

Nu Wa got up...

The plain white Taoist robe that had originally fitted on his body quickly disappeared. What appeared instead was a gorgeous splendid cloud dress with a high side of the cloud. His eyes were clear and his manners were varied. The temperament also changed leisurely, and his expression became indifferent. It contains endless compassion, but it seems as if everything in this world is not in the eyes of this woman.

And the fluttering clothes, when you look closely, you will see that the gorgeous and flimsy cloud dress of Nuwa, its workmanship seems to be the same as that of Su Yi, obviously, even if it is not by the same person, it is passed down in the same vein.

Needless to say, this is from Queen Mother Xi's handwriting.

This transformation is just like the previous immature vixen has evolved into a majestic Xiaobai. At this time, Nuwa has completely lost her gentleness and kindness. Although she still has the same appearance, she seems to have completely changed her personality. Like.

"It feels like I really changed from Yunxiao to Nuwa..."

Raising her hands and looking at herself left and right, Nu Wa's face showed a somewhat inexplicable meaning... She suddenly understood a little bit why she was unwilling to reveal her true identity in front of Su Yi.

Empress Nuwa is used to being aloof, lonely and cold, without friends, no relatives, and even no close people...

It's just that although the status is lonely, there is also a loneliness in my heart that is unspeakable.

Why is Bixia so disobedient and naughty, yet still tolerating her?

Isn't it because she doesn't have much respect for herself?

Just treat herself as her object of service...

Perhaps deep in my heart, I actually longed to be able to be like an ordinary person who cultivates Qi, the three mountains and five mountains can be seen to make friends, and they can joke and talk with friends as much as possible, instead of being treated respectfully.

From this point of view, maybe what Nuwa wants is a life like Yunxiao?

So when I heard that guy misunderstood that he was Yunxiao, I didn't refuse.

Because as a Nuwa, these are obviously things that you can't own. You have to know that even the legendary Taishang Laojun, when you see yourself, must be modest.

Over the years, the only friend was Queen Mother Xi.

But who wants that woman to be my friend... She only teases me all day long, and she shamelessly does that shameless thing with men in the open air.

Nuwa took a sip, throwing away all the images that had been in her mind, she didn't wave her hand, just a thought, soft white light appeared on her face, this white light seemed to have some kind of magic. Power, sacred and gentle, completely covered her face...

When I saw the demons in the Nüwa Palace before, didn't I just use this posture?

Believe that seeing this kind of self, the fox demon will definitely recognize me at a glance.

"Hmph, I'd better ask if you really take my orders to heart."

It is one thing to let you continue to do it, but whether you do it seriously and whether you take my words to heart is another thing...

Thinking about it, Nuwa's body floated up, closing her eyes and sensing it carefully. After a while, she couldn't help being taken aback, with a look of confusion and surprise on her face.

This Su Yi is really cold and cold. Among his women, some have demons, and there are all kinds of... they don't care about each other's origin.

But in the day, I clearly saw that many of those women were not human bodies, but why now, they obviously did not leave, but the whole palace, there was no evil at all, but revealed an inexplicable familiarity Sense of.

That feeling...

"Is it Chu Yao San?"

In the Nüwa Palace, many monsters have been taken in for driving purposes, but all the monsters in the Nüwa Palace will be given the demon powder by themselves to remove the monster energy from their bodies. Monsters without a demon-like spirit, no matter where they are sacred, even the most arrogant Taoists who interpret and teach, dare not have the slightest idea about those people.

Slaying demons?


Your ancestors were all made by my old mother. Those who dare to move me will kill you every minute. Believe it or not, your high-ranking teacher will say that you can kill him?

This can be regarded as the lofty position of the mother and daughter of all things on this plane.

But now, why in this palace, if there is a breath of seemingly nothing, it is so similar to the feeling of taking Chu Yao San? Even more pure...

Nuwa suddenly remembered, it seems that the fox demon named Su Daji, or Xiaobai, was actually no longer present in her body?

This is simply...

Could it be that Su Yi asked Queen Mother Xi for my demon-killing?

It's also reasonable. Queen Mother Xi is used to being a glutton, and she still doesn't like things that are not weird, so she has to try it even if it's something like Demonstration... I remember she used to be from herself. Go along a lot.

Could it be given to Su Yi?

Thinking of this, Nuwa suddenly laughed and sighed, "Well, Queen Mother, you are really poor. Your lover is asking you to get rid of the demon, but to protect his woman... I really don’t know this. Whether you know the matter..."

Talking to herself, she no longer cares about this, she said that I can't find your evil spirit, and the palace is not too big. With my strength, can't I still find you?

She flew up and flew towards the harem.

And now...

In one of the many harem palaces.

Xiao Bai was sitting cross-legged on the bed with a solemn expression, silently refining the abundant spiritual power in his body.

After coming to the palace, the progress during this period of time is truly a god, and the effect of my younger brother's blood on me is as great as I imagined.

And she has already figured out the little brother’s temperament...Anyway, as long as I act a little more charming when I **** blood, it's best to take a faint gasp, and then look a little bit more eager, this is simply too useful for the little brother...

Just twist the body a few times, the blood will be enough, and it seems that he also likes the feeling of being licked by the beautiful tongue?

Anyway, in this short period of more than a few years, Xiao Bai feels that his magic power is much deeper, and I am afraid that he will have to spend a hundred years of hard work... Incidentally, his ability to seduce men is also much stronger...

"Really, if I knew that my younger brother's blood was so useful, why did I have to practice hard? I've been asking for support... I'm a fox, seduce a man... You don't have to learn this."

A year's time, it seems that the inertia of this nine-tailed celestial fox has been fully cultivated. If you used to care about the Ruyi Langjun who had robbed your niece, now Xiao Bai's thoughts have completely changed.

Where did you grab it?

I just want him to have some blood. Your man doesn't have a piece of meat missing, and he won't be able to deliver fast on the bed, even if it takes a breath...

Speaking of which, you have not lost anything, but my mana increase is real.

It's just that Xiao Bai didn't think about it. This kind of thought came after a long time with Su Yi. Why didn't she have this kind of thought before, but she didn't delve into it.

After a long time...

Xiao Bai opened his eyes slowly, and the spiritual power in his body became more intense. The whole room was filled with a fragrant scent like this is the sky of the nine-tailed fox The fragrance of the body, thanks to the help of this fragrance, every time he **** the blood of the little brother, it can make him be confused and emotional...Unfortunately, every time he subconsciously has an idea to go further , But I always move out of Baguio's identity...

Hey, just keep you out of it.

Thinking about it, Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh.

And now...

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the ear, with a slight indifference, "Fox demon, you seem to be very happy?"

The smile suddenly stiffened, Xiao Bai's pupils shrank instantly...


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